You know what kind of country could really use a spontaneous infusion of $10 quintillion? (If you're curious, spelled out numerically, that's $10,000,000,000,000,000,000.) The kind of country that's over $32 trillion in debt, just as the United States of America currently is. (If you're morbidly curious, spelled out numerically, the...
You know what kind of country could really use a spontaneous infusion of $10 quintillion? (If you’re curious, spelled out numerically, that’s $10,000,000,000,000,000,000.) The kind of country that’s over $32 trillion in debt, just as the United States of America currently is. (If you’re morbidly curious, spelled out numerically, the…
You know what kind of country could really use a spontaneous infusion of $10 quintillion? (If you’re curious, spelled out numerically, that’s $10,000,000,000,000,000,000.) The kind of country that’s over $32 trillion in debt, just as the United States of America currently is. (If you’re morbidly curious, spelled out numerically, the…
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