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Americans ambivalent about the benefits of unrestricted immigration should look north.Recently, a fierce battle over the H-1B Visa Program erupted on X. In one corner, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, a big believer in the program, where tech companies pay less for non-American talent. Indians (dot, not feather) have been primary participants. In the other corner, the MAGA Base, who believe in America First, and to hell with immigration, legal or otherwise. For them, H-1B was just another cog in the Population Replacement wheel.
While MAGA folks appreciate Elon’s desire to cut spending (not to mention his buying and opening up of Twitter), on this issue, their position is non-negotiable — America First is the heart and soul of the movement. Evidently, Elon feels equally strong about his position. Does he ever. Trump’s Golden Boy fell afoul of the MAGA Base with the following tweet:
Take a big step back and F— YOURSELF in the face. I will go to war on this issue the likes of which you cannot comprehend.
My goodness!
In an impulsive moment of rage (and a number of follow-up tweets), Mr. Musk burned up considerable MAGA trust and social capital. He allegedly went on to play the Twitter censorship game, suspending and limiting accounts deemed undesirable. Remnants of the pre-Musk era? Ha! Was he really a Free Speech Absolutist, or did this mask off moment show him for the globalist he is? How will Trump navigate the impasse? If anyone can do it, Trump can. But certainly, interesting times lay ahead.
However, a tangential issue caught my eye: Canada, many people were saying, is a cautionary tale for legal and skilled immigration. The policies championed by its dreadful prime minister have ruined Canada.
Are they right? Let’s have a look.
In my travels in Canada, I come into contact with a great many Indians, some Canadianized, some not, some talented, some not. Regarding laws governing how they got here, how long they stay, I know very little, but I know we have armies of immigration lawyers (many not born in Canada) who will shepherd Indians, Africans, and Asians into our once lily-white country. It’s not new.
Thus, it’s no surprise that Canada’s demographics has visibly changed. It’s been changing since the late ’60s, just like America. I’ve watched it happen from a front-row seat. In grade 1, there was just one non-white in my class photo. By grade 7, half the class was non-white. These days, white kids at my old elementary school are rare or nonexistent. Indians and Chinese dominate.
As the changes occurred, the propaganda kicked in — multiculturalism was the buzzword, and it was preached aggressively through my formative years. I realize now that it was early Cultural Marxism, prepping for the full dose, where white kids are taught to hate themselves and their country.
Still, in my day, signs of sanity remained. We had just the two sexes, we recited the Lord’s Prayer every day, and random street violence was vanishingly rare. People had reason for optimism — even white people.
Fast-forward to 2025, and hoo, boy, things have changed. Walk around Vancouver or Toronto, and you’re in a foreign land — you feel it in your central nervous system. Any white person who says otherwise is a liar. Go shopping in a mall, and you’ll see what I mean. Every single person is Indian.
Okay, not quite. There are plenty of Chinese, a smattering of blacks and Persians, even a rare sighting of whites. Every nationality known to man, but Indians surely reign supreme. Though I’m used to it, of late the disparities have increased dramatically.
It’s shocking and unsettling when you consider that a few decades prior, we were ninety percent white. Not long before that, ninety-eight percent! Canada’s English and French heritage shaped this country — it made Canada a highly desirable destination for immigrants.
Is that still true? Certainly it is for Indians. Van City and many others have turned brown. Tim Hortons? Every single employee is Indian, ethnically and culturally. Same with gas stations and convenience stores. Even local grocers. Gone is friendly banter with the cashier. Gone is the helpful manager who knows the store inside out and goes out of his way to find an obscure item.
Another new feature — turbaned Indian men delivering takeout on massive e-bikes, often on pedestrian sidewalks. There must be hundreds of them. Indians fill all public spaces. Even Indians acknowledge that something doesn’t feel right. Canada doesn’t feel like Canada anymore. Something unnatural is happening, and people must speak up.
I hear the economic arguments — cheap labor, increased GDP, blah, blah, blah. They don’t hold water when you factor in the effect on wages and housing. Or look at the collapse of our free medical system. Or no jobs for young Canadians. But even if massive levels of Indian immigration were economically beneficial — they’re not — why would I care if I feel like an alien in my own town? When my quality of life has plummeted? This is population replacement. Full stop. Everyone knows it.
Back in the ’70s, ’80s, and ’90s, the white majority seemed guaranteed. This “fact” was even coded into our language — we called non-whites visible minorities. We still do, and it’s a laughable snippet of leftover language.
Okay, so Canada looks and feels like India now. Brown, crowded, unfriendly, poverty-stricken. Is this a permanent change? I assume it is. I also assume it will look more and more like India as time passes.
India has 1.4 billion citizens, and from what I’ve been told, it’s not always a nice place to live. Probably many Indians want out. Many are probably desperate to live in the West. Unfortunately, 1.4 billion is 35 times the population of Canada. They could send 100 million our way, triple our population, and they’d barely feel it.
Things are changing fast in the Western world. My prediction for Canada? Sadly, the vast majority may end up poor and unsafe — perhaps, similar to Brazil or South Africa, but with our own unique flavor of hell on earth. Destructive migration into Western lands is the biggest story of our age, and we’re not supposed to notice or talk about it.
Unless something changes, all Western countries — America included — will find their own version of hell. Is there time to turn things around? I have to say yes, because I refuse to swallow the black pill, to admit defeat.
Perhaps America can show us the way.
K.M. Breakey is the author of All Thy Sons and six other novels. He can be reached at [email protected].
<img alt captext="Pexels” src=”https://conservativenewsbriefing.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/h-1b-the-cautionary-tale-of-canada.jpg”>
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