March 10, 2025
Haley Plays Race Card, Claims Segregated Beauty Pageant Discrimination In 1980s

Nikki Haley isn't just a pro-war neocon who wants to track everyone on the internet.

She's actually a victim, you see. A victim of racism...

Appearing on NBC Sunday, Haley spun quite the yarn over just how hard it was to be a 'brown' Indian girl growing up in the deep South.

"We were the only Indian family in our small southern town. I was teased every day for being brown. So anyone that wants to question it can go back and look at what I’ve said on how hard it was to grow up in the deep South as a brown girl," she said.

Read that again. Haley was teased every single day of her life for the crime of being brown.

In fact, poor Nimrata says she was rejected from a beauty contest because she wasn't black or white.

"If you wanna know what it was like growing up, I was disqualified from a beauty pageant because I wasn’t white or black, because they didn’t know where to put me. So look, I know the hardships, the pain that come with racism."


Yet, as Candace Owens points out - Haley would have been competing in the 1980s...

"Were there segregated beauty pageants then? If not, why would they not know where to put her?" She asks, adding "If so, how was the mixed-race Vanessa Williams crowned Miss America in 1984?"

Maybe she just wasn't that hot in the 80s?

Tyler Durden Mon, 01/22/2024 - 16:40

Nikki Haley isn’t just a pro-war neocon who wants to track everyone on the internet.

She’s actually a victim, you see. A victim of racism…

Appearing on NBC Sunday, Haley spun quite the yarn over just how hard it was to be a ‘brown’ Indian girl growing up in the deep South.

“We were the only Indian family in our small southern town. I was teased every day for being brown. So anyone that wants to question it can go back and look at what I’ve said on how hard it was to grow up in the deep South as a brown girl,” she said.

Read that again. Haley was teased every single day of her life for the crime of being brown.

In fact, poor Nimrata says she was rejected from a beauty contest because she wasn’t black or white.

“If you wanna know what it was like growing up, I was disqualified from a beauty pageant because I wasn’t white or black, because they didn’t know where to put me. So look, I know the hardships, the pain that come with racism.”


Yet, as Candace Owens points out – Haley would have been competing in the 1980s

“Were there segregated beauty pageants then? If not, why would they not know where to put her?” She asks, adding “If so, how was the mixed-race Vanessa Williams crowned Miss America in 1984?”

Maybe she just wasn’t that hot in the 80s?
