March 15, 2025

Photo Credit:

AT via Magic Studio

How is any of this in any way legal?

In a sympathetic article titled “AOC Campaign Aide Self-Deports to Colombia,” interviewed Diego De La Vega, a thirty-one-year-old illegal alien (with an illegal alien wife). He complains that he spent twenty-three years “in the shadows” but, notably, felt emboldened enough to accept an invitation to see President Trump deliver the 2018 SOTU (State of the Union) as a guest of (now former) Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY). The article even features a nice picture of him in the gallery.

The article tells us he’d been here in America since the age of seven when his parents let him overstay his visa. That was, as a minor, obviously not his choice. However, every day since he was eighteen he made a choice to remain illegally, until Obama’s DACA, which conferred quasi-“legal” status upon him. His wife, however, did not avail herself of the DACA program (for reasons unstated in the article). Though he and his wife have now left the country, there are lingering questions about the propriety, if not the legality, of his job for a sitting congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).

It was his work for the non-profit Make the Road NY which got the congresswoman’s attention. Make the Road NY is devoted to aiding and abetting illegal immigration, and De la Vega was very, very good at his job. He says matter-of-factly and with a sense of absolute entitlement, that he “became politically active (and) he helped secure a $2.1 billion fund (yes, billion with a “b”) that provided $15,000 relief checks to undocumented workers excluded from federal pandemic aid.”

That’s some serious scratch.

Pandemic relief checks to Americans were quite literally a fraction of that. Yes, it appears to have come from New York State’s budget, but we all know how this works: states fund illegals then go straight to the federal government for reimbursement, so any reasonable person from the other forty-nine states could easily conclude it wasn’t New York’s largesse; it was ours… our money.

<img alt captext="AT via Magic Studio” class=”post-image-right” src=”” width=”450″>(And amazingly, the second they ran out of it, they went right back to the State to ask for three billion more! Given that Make the Road NY spends fully half of its roughly thirty million dollar a year budget on salary for it’s own staff, brazen is the order of the day for these “do-gooders.”)

The article goes on to say that “his work did not go unnoticed. Within a year, he was hired by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s reelection campaign…”

Oh, I’m sure she “noticed.” Two billion dollars has a way of attracting attention.

But back to the question at hand: what, pray tell, is an illegal doing working for a sitting congressperson?

“‘Diego is amazing,’ said AOC on Wednesday in a brief hallway interview, adding: ‘We love him.’ However, De La Vega’s aspirations to work on Capitol Hill were stymied by House rules barring DACA recipients from serving as aides in Congress.”

Note that the article states De La Vega was hired for AOC’s reelection campaign. She was a sitting congressperson at the time of his hiring. So… DACA-recipients are prohibited from working for congresspeople on Capitol Hill, but not from working for a sitting congressperson as long as it’s outside the Capitol Complex? Okay… 

“Deputy communications director” was De La Vega’s official job title for AOC’s reelection campaign for which he reportedly made $80,000/yr — which means he had to have given his legal ID to her payroll administrator to get his salary. From what this writer has been able to ascertain, DACA-conferred identification (driver’s licenses, passports) are indistinguishable from those given to native-born Americans so it appears to be somewhat of an honor system. No one would know he wasn’t native born unless he told them. We don’t know the backstory as to why he never went to work for her on the Hill. One presumes it’s because it was just too flagrantly illegal, not that that stops most of these cretins but at least here, it appears to be the case.

Still, the potential for illegality just rolls like a river here. Quite apart from the troubling matter of him (likely) still having his DACA-conferred Social Security card (Obama was handing out Social Security cards like candy) and his (presumably) DACA-conferred American passport sitting in a sock drawer somewhere in Bogota (imagine the black market value of that down there), then there’s the matter of De la Vega harboring an illegal. He harbored one here (his wife) and AOC harbored him!

How is any of this in any way legal?

DACA was 100% done by fiat, and though its veneer is to confer “legal” status upon recipients, there is still no actual law behind it. A very good argument could — and should — be made that multiple laws were broken here.

Our elected leaders should be held to a higher standard, not lower. We don’t have teams of aides, assistants, lawyers, staff, etc. to advise us on our every move. These people do, and if they aid or abet illegal immigration then they should be made an example of. If they can lawfare thirty-four felonies on Trump out of nothingsurely we can make a righteous use of black letter law to hold those who ask for our trust to a trustworthy standard.

Image: AT via Magic Studio

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