Lindy Li
Could the Deep State have groomed Li at an early age to jump ship when the ship needed jumping?I really want to trust Lindy Li, the high profile 34-tear-old Democratic influencer and fundraiser who switched to Team Trump while votes were still being counted in California.
But I have reservations. And I have one very specific reason why.
In the last two months, Li has been all over the internet. Her breakout interview on the Shawn Ryan show a month ago has garnered more than 3.5 million views and over 30,000 comments. A subsequent interview with Patrick Bet-David netted 2.5 million. As Bet-David noted, “A lot of people want to know, is she straight up, is she real?”
Maybe, maybe not. Li is smart, sweet, charming, and so seemingly vulnerable I feel the urge to adopt her. In the month or so since she has gone rogue, she has revealed more inside dope on the Biden presidency and the Harris campaign than the major media did in the past four years.
As a case in point, Li answered one question that I had asked in these pages a few months ago, one that the major media showed no interest in knowing, namely who persuaded Joe Biden to endorse Kamala Harris.
That endorsement came 27 minutes after Biden announced his withdrawal from the race. As Li casually revealed to Patrick Bet-David, the answer should have been obvious: Rep. Jim Clyburn, the South Carolina kingmaker whose endorsement enabled Biden to win the Democratic nomination in 2020.
Now, here’s what troubles me. In her interviews, Li freely shares the story of her political evolution. She came to the United States from China by way of England when she was five. she interned with Democratic Rep. Joe Sestak when she was 13. She served as class president all four years she was at Princeton. She was moved to run for Congress by the Sandy Hook school shooting on her 22nd birthday. She ran unsuccessfully for Congress at 24.
There is one element of this story that caught my attention, her claim to have interned for Sestak at 13. I covered this race real time. Sestak began his tenure in Congress in 2007 when Li was 16. She made a point of stressing her age. The discrepancy was not casual. Does Li, I wonder, want to distance herself from the way Sestak won that race? He ran against ten-term Republican incumbent Curt Weldon. No one had burrowed more deeply into the intelligence failures and cover-ups of the Clinton administration than Weldon.
<img alt captext="Lindy Li” class=”post-image-right” src=”https://conservativenewsbriefing.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/is-dem-defector-lindy-li-a-deep-state-double-agent.jpg” width=”450″>In June 2005 Weldon revealed that Clinton attorneys had intervened to stop the “Able Danger” group in the Defense Intelligence Agency from initiating preventive actions against two of the 9/11 terrorists. He had also written the book Countdown to Terror, an exposé of the government’s performance prior to September 11, which won him few friends in the CIA or in the FBI.
When I met with Weldon in late July 2006 to discuss TWA Flight 800, he expressed interest in going deeper still, but he conceded too that the Deep State was working hard to bring him down.
Deep staters had handpicked Sestak, a retired admiral and member of the National Security Council in the Clinton administration, to run against Weldon. The goal was assuredly to prevent him from digging any deeper into the Clinton record.
That record included clues to former National Security Advisor Sandy Berger’s motive for stealing and destroying documents from the National Archives. Weldon was hot on this story as well he should have been.
Indeed, every reporter in Washington should have been wondering how damaging a secret this must have been if a former National Security Advisor were willing to risk his career — and his very freedom — to conceal it.
In 2006, as principal of the lobbying and consulting firm Stonebridge International, the dubious Berger hosted a serious fundraiser for the admiral in Washington. The Sestak donor list read like a who’s who of international skullduggery.
There was, of course, the disgraced Berger. Then there was the disgraced former CIA director, John Deutch, who had signed a criminal plea agreement in connection with his mishandling of national secrets a day before being pardoned by the outgoing President Clinton. One interesting contribution came in from the disgraced Mary O. McCarthy, recently fired from the CIA after failing a polygraph on leaked classified information in regards to CIA prisons overseas.
In addition to the disgraced, there were the dubious and disreputable. Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright gave her fair share, as did Hillary Clinton, Clinton terrorism czar Richard Clarke, former NSA Director Anthony Lake, and former White House Chief of Staff John Podesta, whose leaked emails launched “Pizzagate” and helped sink Hillary in 2016.
In late September 2006, former president Clinton mentioned only one Republican other than George Bush by name in a FOX News rant. “A three-star admiral,” Clinton said unprompted, “who was on my National Security Council staff, who also fought terror, by the way, is running for the seat of Curt Weldon in Pennsylvania.”
In early October 2006 former president Clinton spoke at a rally for Sestak in his suburban Philadelphia district. “I will not make a single stop in this campaign season that means more to me than this one — not one,” former President Bill Clinton told the crowd.
Clinton meant it. “A Sestak victory,” accurately observed the local Delco Times, “would muzzle a Republican congressman who blames Clinton for doing irreparable harm to America’s national security during the 1990s.”
The Deep State played hardball. A week after the Clinton visit, the McClatchy Newspapers’ Washington Bureau broke a story based on two anonymous sources who insisted that Weldon had “traded his political influence for lucrative lobbying and consulting contracts for his daughter.”
On Monday morning October 16, the FBI raided the homes of Weldon’s daughter and a friend, allegedly for fear that documents would be destroyed if they did not do so sooner. By noon of that same day, a group of 20 or so Democrat protesters were protesting outside Weldon’s district office in Upper Darby, carrying matching signs that read, “Caught Red-Handed.”
After raiding the office of Weldon’s daughter, the FBI never spoke to her again. They had accomplished what they needed to, namely sullying the reputation of her father. Some 23 points behind in June, Sestak rolled over Weldon on November 7 and sent the popular 10-term incumbent packing.
Had Li cited any other member of Congress, I would not have raised an eyebrow, but to admit working for Sestak and lying about her age at the time makes me suspicious. The Deep State created Joe Sestak. Could they have groomed Li at an early age to jump ship when the ship needed jumping?
If a double agent, Li is a damned good one.
Jack Cashill’s book, TWA Flight 800: The Crash, The Cover-Up, The Conspiracy, is available in all formats.
Image: Lindy Li