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January 20, 2024
Even since World War II, the Western nations have not been allowed to win wars.
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Their enemies have been allowed to win, but not the West.
In every conflict, war, or struggle, political forces have been marshaled to prevent a clear Western victory.
The closest the West came to a concrete victory, by force of arms, was the toppling of the Saddam Hussein regime in 2003. However, the West did not truly win, as the country soon became all but a satellite of Iran, and China gained economic ground. Under these constraints, sooner or later, the West always loses.
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Such is the case now with Gaza.
Israel has not been allowed to win … ever.
In 1949, the best Israel had gotten were armistice lines.
In 1956, Israel was forced to retreat, surrendering everything it won.
In 1967, more armistice lines.
In 1973, again, an armistice, and later on, a cold pseudo-peace was set up.
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There were some concessions. Egypt and Jordan made peace, or rather the leadership of Egypt and Jordan made peace. The Arab street never did. Jordanians are demanding an end to relations with Israel now.
The government of Egypt despises Hamas – with its Muslim Brotherhood origins – but the Egyptian street does not.
This powerful wave of sympathy has developed into a desire for active support. In Egypt’s stifled political atmosphere, many have turned to the tool of boycott, targeting western companies known to support Israel. — The Guardian
The former pattern in Gaza was for Israel to allow the locals to erupt every few years, beat them back down, until the next flare up.
But this time, the Gazans advanced into an offensive mode. The problem with such policies is that, sooner or later, the Gazans might win, destroy Israel, and then everyone will say that it was inevitable, a forgone conclusion.
Essentially, this is a slow motion suicide imposed on Israel.
We don’t see this in earlier struggles.
A) The U.S. sought independence from Britain, not the destruction of Britain.
B) The Irish sought independence from Britain (ultimately wanting to include the province of Ulster), not the destruction of Britain. The Irish never claimed London as their eternal capital; indeed they did everything possible to make sure that London was not their capital.
C) The Belgians sought independence from The Netherlands, not the destruction of The Netherlands.
D) Argentina sought independence from Spain, not the conquest of Spain.
But Hamas seeks the absolute destruction of Israel and the Palestinians, in general, claim Jerusalem as their capital.
‘Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.’ – Preamble to Hamas Charter
There is nothing to negotiate here.
When America got its independence, a border was negotiated with British Canada. The Palestinians in Gaza do not want a better border, they want Israel’s obliteration.
Israel is also faced with a major demographic problem. The Palestinians in Judea and Samaria (what the world calls the West Bank), if added to the Palestinians in Gaza, and the Palestinians in the rest of Israel might outnumber the Jews. Despite an increasing Jewish birthrate, the Arabs marry younger and so the population increases much faster. Moreover, a large part of the Jewish birthrate is among Hasidic elements who do not serve in the IDF (though some of that is changing).
On top of that – like it or not – the Gaza Strip had become a sort of overcrowded containment zone, based on Palestinian attacks. Israel controlled the coast, the airspace, and a lot of the traffic in and out. The situation was not stable.
Something was bound to break, and it did.
One group or the other has to win to the exclusion of the other. Either the Holy Land will go Jewish or Muslim. There has to be a decision.
The nonsense that such diametrically opposed people can live together in peace is ridiculous. The Arabs seek the destruction of all of Israel, while, two weeks before October 7, Israel Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu went before the United Nations with a map of Israel that excluded any hint of a potential Palestinian state.
One might argue that Netanyahu was right, and maybe he was; but it means the destruction of any Palestinian claims.
The original Likud charter, albeit worded more diplomatically than the Hamas charter, called for the end to any Arab claims:
The right of the Jewish people to the land of Israel is eternal and indisputable and is linked with the right to security and peace; therefore, Judea and Samaria will not be handed to any foreign administration; between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty. — Jewish Virtual Library
Diplomatic wording aside, it claims: From the River to the Sea, Israel will be free.
No peace is possible. Their goals are mutually exclusive.
I would prefer that Israel win.
This does not mean that I agree with everything the Jewish state does, or all of its policies. I find it oddly hypocritical that Israel wants an ethnically secure state while some Israelis/Jews encourage multiculturalism in the West -– a multiculturalism that is presently destroying Europe, and would destroy Israel, were it tolerated there. While the Israeli state may not push multiculturalism, per se, the worldwide Jewish community is symbiotic is symbiotic with Israel, and groups like the ADL do push it. Apparently, Israel is allowed to have a Jewish state, but Sweden (see video) is not allowed to maintain a Swedish state.
As ugly as it sounds, if there is no way to re-educate Palestinians out of their implacable, culturally ingrained hatred of Israel; to place a MacArthur in there to change minds as was done with a defeated Japan, then there is no way out of this but removal of the Gazans, because if the Gazans are not removed, sooner or later the Jews will be.
The West should support Israel, whatever the International Court of Justice decides.
It’s an ugly, horrible course of action, but in the case of Israel, the alternative (the destruction of Israel) is worse.
In return for U.S. and Western support, some actions must be taken:
A) Inform Israel and the world’s Jewish community that a clear support for Israel’s Jewish character depends on an end to the common Israeli/Jewish support for multiculturalism in the West. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. The ADL should be especially apprised of this. No more pushing one policy in America, and another for Israel. If the ADL continues to push for a multicultural America, the demographic will change to be anti-Israel.
B) The Jewish community in the West is historically very leftist. That has to change, if not for the general good, then for their own welfare.
Jews earn like Episcopalians, and vote like Puerto Ricans. – Milton Himmelfarb
C) The West should disengage from the Arab world until it agrees to absorb the Palestinians -– the West should not have to. If the result is an increase in Chinese influence in the region, so what? Islam will bite China in the behind, just like it has bitten the West.
Ugly, tough decisions will have to be made. The West should support Israel with the understanding that the world Israeli/Jewish community will stop supporting the left, which is destroying the West. In blunt terms, if Israel wants support for a Jewish state, then the world Jewish community must stop accomodating the anti-Western agendas which so many of their community support. If Israel has the right to remain Jewish – and it does – the West has a right to remain Western.
Europe is for Europeans – Dalai Lama
We either sink or swim together.
Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License
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