March 10, 2025

Photo Credit:Grinning Joe Biden

official portrait white house pub domain

Since when are the rising costs of Medicare something to tout for votes, Joe? How stupid does he think seniors are?  

Medicare just sent out a letter to its recipients by email, ‘signed’ by Joe Biden.

We got one. It read:

Dear (first name-redacted),

With Open Enrollment for Medicare around the corner, I want to make sure you’re aware of historic changes to Medicare that are lowering health care costs and ensuring that every American has the peace of mind that comes with quality, affordable health care.

Because Medicare benefits are getting stronger, it is more important than ever to look at your drug coverage for 2025 during Medicare Open Enrollment and make sure you are enrolled in the Medicare Part D plan that is best for you. You can learn more about these benefits and review your options at starting in early October. Medicare Open Enrollment runs from October 15th through December 7th.

These historic reforms are a result of the Inflation Reduction Act that I signed into law and that Vice President Harris cast the tie-breaking vote to secure. This new law gives Medicare the power to negotiate lower prescription drug prices, like the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs does on behalf of our nation’s veterans and servicemembers.

I really wish these trivial idiots would stop with the ‘historic’ in description of whatever expensive regulatory incompetency they are currently pushing.

Medicare deductions, in point of fact, have been steadily rising.  

In the case of myself and my husband, for us both together, $464 is taken monthly out of our combined social security incomes, for basic, no-frills Medicare. That does not include the $250 deductible that we each have to pay, a combined additional cost of $500 annually. Neither one of us is spending anywhere near that in doctor and lab expenses, by month or by year.

There are plenty of related costs outside of Medicare basic that we deal with out of our household budget. I pay an additional $80 for Medicare Part D for my Rx prescriptions. We cannot afford another Part D for my husband.

For Medicare, in any or all of its ‘Parts,’ to claim that they are taking care of the health of Americans is pure bull.

The elite liberals in American who brag about Medicare as their insurer generally fail to mention/admit that they also carry supplemental Medicare B/Advantage insurance, through other ‘independent’ insurers, to the tune of anywhere from  $250-$500 monthly. We had that, too, until Biden’s inflation forced our cancellation our supplemental policies, in 2024.

Every year, the pressure increases — from Medicare’s hefty and obviously fear-driven, wildly intrusive public relations efforts — for Americans to buy in to ‘new,’ ‘additional’ services. The small print is in the awful, cumulative monthly expenses to obtain many ‘optional’ services.

They don’t want us healthy — they want us broke, paranoid about our ‘health,’ and rushing out to get the newest vaccine against … What? Against life, that’s what.

Even acne is now a ‘disease.’ If you’re having a bad day, there’s ‘treatment’ available for you — for a price. There are far more ads in the MSM for Medicare during its annual ‘open enrollment’ season (hence, the timing of Joe’s letter) than from any other source. We are paying for these ads, and for their ritzy  mailings, in taxes.

Biden is lying about lowering health care costs. We have had annual increases in our Medicare expenses year over year throughout his administration.

He goes on to say, in his 100% political ‘personal letter’:

Medicare has been able to cap the cost of insulin for seniors with diabetes at $35 a month for each covered insulin.

Donald Trump did that, not Biden.

And then this, from our pen pal Joe:

These reforms not only save seniors money, they also save money for American taxpayers. In fact, taxpayers are expected to save $160 billion over the next decade because Medicare is now able to negotiate drug prices alongside other reforms — and we’re just getting started.

What this really means is that, if the feds corner the market on drug prices, they will not go down, but up. It is a given fact that everything the feds get their hands on and rip off from the public market is more expensive, less convenient, and driving us all out of business and out of work — unless we work for Biden. This is a fact of daily life now in America. We don’t need anyone to tell us.

Oh, yes. And then Biden, in his letter to our in boxes, credits this marvelous ‘decrease’ to ‘his’ Inflation Reduction Act.

Problem: It didn’t and isn’t, according to an oversight report just released:

WASHINGTON—The Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Energy Policy, and Regulatory Affairs today held a hearing titled “Kitchen Table Economics: How Failed Biden-Harris Policies Continue to Hurt Consumers” to bring transparency to the Biden-Harris Administration’s economic policies of inflation-inducing government spending and regulations which have driven up costs and restricted choices for American households and taxpayers. Earlier today, the Oversight Committee released a staff report detailing how the Biden-Harris Administration has imposed a historic $1.7 trillion in new federal regulatory costs.


The Biden-Harris Administration’s policies of government spending and regulations have unleashed inflation and slowed the economy.

  • Democrats’ multi-trillion-dollar spending packages, such as the American Rescue Plan, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, and the so-called Inflation Reduction Act, have contributed to inflation.

Now for Joe’s epistolary closing:

Vice President Harris and I believe that health care should be a right, not a privilege. I encourage you to take advantage of these new, lower-cost benefits as part of stronger, better Medicare coverage that you deserve.

<img alt="Joe Biden's signature" captext="Victoria White Berger / government work” src=”” width=”800″>

Image: Victoria White Berger / government work

Interesting that he closes with VP Harris. Not politics? Are we that stupid, or what?

Joe thinks so.

Harris, well, we still don’t know what if anything, she thinks about. Certainly not the ‘rights versus privileges’ of the common folk. Forget ‘privileges,’ those are long gone if we ever had them.  The privileged feds rule ‘our’ world.

We would be happy just to get our ‘rights’ back. If we could make our own money, if we could pay/keep our own doctors. And lose the emails, Joe. We know you don’t write them.

Image: Official portrait // The White House // public domain

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