March 9, 2025
Journalism Tops List Of 'Most Regretted' College Majors

A whopping 87% of Journalism majors say they regret their decision, and would pick a different major if they could, according to CNBC, citing a ZipRecruiter survey of more than 1,500 college graduates who were looking for a job.

Taylor Lorenz cries over invasion of privacy

The aspiring corporate media propagandists were followed by Sociology and Liberal Arts majors at 72% each, and communications majors at 64%.

"When we graduate, reality hits," said ZipRecruiter head economist, Sinem Buber, adding "When you are barely managing to pay your bills, your paycheck might become more important."

On average, 44% of all job seekers with college degrees regret their field of study

The poll comes months after a Reuters survey found that trust in the mainstream media is evaporating.

It comes down to money

According to "The College Payoff," a report from the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, bachelor's degree holders typically earn 84% more than those with just a high school diploma, however of course, career path matters.

When broken down by areas of study, however, the difference is striking. Students who pursue a major specifically in science, technology, engineering and math — collectively known as STEM disciplines — are projected to earn the most overall.

In addition to STEM, health and business majors are among the highest-paying, leading to average annual wages that are higher at the entry level and significantly greater over the course of a career compared with liberal arts and humanities majors, the Georgetown Center found. -CNBC

What are the least regretted majors?

Computer and information sciences, criminology, engineering, nursing, and health.

According to Buber, "Pay is still most important," but "Job security is now becoming more important. That happens whenever we have the fear of a recession."

Tyler Durden Sun, 11/13/2022 - 23:30

A whopping 87% of Journalism majors say they regret their decision, and would pick a different major if they could, according to CNBC, citing a ZipRecruiter survey of more than 1,500 college graduates who were looking for a job.

Taylor Lorenz cries over invasion of privacy

The aspiring corporate media propagandists were followed by Sociology and Liberal Arts majors at 72% each, and communications majors at 64%.

“When we graduate, reality hits,” said ZipRecruiter head economist, Sinem Buber, adding “When you are barely managing to pay your bills, your paycheck might become more important.”

On average, 44% of all job seekers with college degrees regret their field of study

The poll comes months after a Reuters survey found that trust in the mainstream media is evaporating.

It comes down to money

According to “The College Payoff,” a report from the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, bachelor’s degree holders typically earn 84% more than those with just a high school diploma, however of course, career path matters.

When broken down by areas of study, however, the difference is striking. Students who pursue a major specifically in science, technology, engineering and math — collectively known as STEM disciplines — are projected to earn the most overall.

In addition to STEM, health and business majors are among the highest-paying, leading to average annual wages that are higher at the entry level and significantly greater over the course of a career compared with liberal arts and humanities majors, the Georgetown Center found. -CNBC

What are the least regretted majors?

Computer and information sciences, criminology, engineering, nursing, and health.

According to Buber, “Pay is still most important,” but “Job security is now becoming more important. That happens whenever we have the fear of a recession.”