I didn't know the Constitution was like an amusement park. But apparently, it is! Aside each clause and amendment, there's a little clown cutout with his hand outstretched: "You must be this old to use this right!" a sign in the clown's other hand reads. Now, granted, there are reasonable...
I didn’t know the Constitution was like an amusement park. But apparently, it is! Aside each clause and amendment, there’s a little clown cutout with his hand outstretched: “You must be this old to use this right!” a sign in the clown’s other hand reads. Now, granted, there are reasonable…
I didn’t know the Constitution was like an amusement park. But apparently, it is! Aside each clause and amendment, there’s a little clown cutout with his hand outstretched: “You must be this old to use this right!” a sign in the clown’s other hand reads. Now, granted, there are reasonable…