We have seen it many times: the mindless, reflexive recitation of a woke catechism that has no basis in reality. Still, the performance feels different now. In fact, it almost seems as if the oblivious performer has somehow traveled to our time from the recent past. Tuesday on social media...
We have seen it many times: the mindless, reflexive recitation of a woke catechism that has no basis in reality. Still, the performance feels different now. In fact, it almost seems as if the oblivious performer has somehow traveled to our time from the recent past. Tuesday on social media…
We have seen it many times: the mindless, reflexive recitation of a woke catechism that has no basis in reality. Still, the performance feels different now. In fact, it almost seems as if the oblivious performer has somehow traveled to our time from the recent past. Tuesday on social media…