The normalization of obesity is grounded in power and corruption rather than anything good or noble, despite what the anti-diet and health-at-any-size crowds try to sell the excessively overweight. The health implications alone of lugging around a body mass index exceeding 30 fly in the face of all contradictory arguments,...
The normalization of obesity is grounded in power and corruption rather than anything good or noble, despite what the anti-diet and health-at-any-size crowds try to sell the excessively overweight. The health implications alone of lugging around a body mass index exceeding 30 fly in the face of all contradictory arguments,…
The normalization of obesity is grounded in power and corruption rather than anything good or noble, despite what the anti-diet and health-at-any-size crowds try to sell the excessively overweight. The health implications alone of lugging around a body mass index exceeding 30 fly in the face of all contradictory arguments,…