February 22, 2025
Oakland Neighbors "Take Matters Into Their Own Hands" To Fight Reckless Driving Sideshows

Neighbors in Oakland have had enough with reckless driving and, since their years of complaints are going unnoticed, they're banding together and doing something about it.

Frustrated by years of reckless driving, Oakland homeowners took action by placing dirt- and rock-filled tires on busy streets.

On Tuesday, city crews faced hecklers while removing the tires from East 21st Street, according to Fox KTVU.

Odelson Souza said his 2 year old son was almost hit by a speeding car on the sidewalk, telling Fox: "Look, please help us. Who else we gonna call? Superman?"

Three months ago, neighbors created makeshift roundabouts with reflective tape on 18th Avenue. On Tuesday, they illegally parked two cars to prevent city crews from dismantling one.

Neighbor Lauren Blanchard said: "Well, we are protesting this. It feels crushing. We want the city to pay attention to our neighborhood."

One neighbor said: "They almost killed someone. There’s a school up there. Kids have been hit on this street. There are people whose cars have been crashed into and totaled."

He continued: "Enough of the performative, you know, making everyone feel better, renaming streets after dead rap artists. Do your [expletive] job."

"So disappointed with the city’s inability or unwillingness to respond to clear and present danger," another neighbor, Wendy Jung, said.

Sean Maher, Oakland's Citywide Communications and Engagement Director responded: "We all want safer streets, but increasing the risk to the public by installing hazards is not the solution. The city will be promptly removing these unauthorized, dangerous installations."

The report says neighbors have committed to installing more barriers until the city acts.

Tyler Durden Sat, 08/17/2024 - 21:35

Neighbors in Oakland have had enough with reckless driving and, since their years of complaints are going unnoticed, they’re banding together and doing something about it.

Frustrated by years of reckless driving, Oakland homeowners took action by placing dirt- and rock-filled tires on busy streets.

On Tuesday, city crews faced hecklers while removing the tires from East 21st Street, according to Fox KTVU.

Odelson Souza said his 2 year old son was almost hit by a speeding car on the sidewalk, telling Fox: “Look, please help us. Who else we gonna call? Superman?”

Three months ago, neighbors created makeshift roundabouts with reflective tape on 18th Avenue. On Tuesday, they illegally parked two cars to prevent city crews from dismantling one.

Neighbor Lauren Blanchard said: “Well, we are protesting this. It feels crushing. We want the city to pay attention to our neighborhood.”

One neighbor said: “They almost killed someone. There’s a school up there. Kids have been hit on this street. There are people whose cars have been crashed into and totaled.”

He continued: “Enough of the performative, you know, making everyone feel better, renaming streets after dead rap artists. Do your [expletive] job.”

“So disappointed with the city’s inability or unwillingness to respond to clear and present danger,” another neighbor, Wendy Jung, said.

Sean Maher, Oakland’s Citywide Communications and Engagement Director responded: “We all want safer streets, but increasing the risk to the public by installing hazards is not the solution. The city will be promptly removing these unauthorized, dangerous installations.”

The report says neighbors have committed to installing more barriers until the city acts.
