March 16, 2025
Oh No! Satanic Goat Skull Display In Iowa's State Capitol Destroyed

Authored by Steve Watson via,

The Pentagram adorned Baphomet Satanic Christmas display that had been installed in Iowa’s State Capitol building has been destroyed by a Christian military veteran.

Here’s the backstory:

The Republican Sentinel reports that the veteran, named Michael Cassidy, ‘beheaded’ the caped goat thing and threw the skull in a bin:

Cassidy was quoted as stating that he took the action to “awaken Christians to the anti-Christian acts promoted by our government.”

“The world may tell Christians to submissively accept the legitimization of Satan, but none of the founders would have considered government sanction of Satanic altars inside Capitol buildings as protected by the First Amendment,” he added.

The Satanic Temple of Iowa issued a statement acknowledging that the display was “destroyed beyond repair,” but adding “We are proud to continue our holiday display for the next few days that we have been allotted. We ask that for safety, visitors travel together and use the 7 Tenets as a reminder for empathy, in the knowledge that justice is being pursued the correct way, through legal means.”

They signed off the statement with “Hail Satan!”

Video was posted of the destroyed display:

What a shocker, people are not keen on Satanic shit being proudly on show in public government buildings.

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Tyler Durden Fri, 12/15/2023 - 11:45

Authored by Steve Watson via,

The Pentagram adorned Baphomet Satanic Christmas display that had been installed in Iowa’s State Capitol building has been destroyed by a Christian military veteran.

Here’s the backstory:

The Republican Sentinel reports that the veteran, named Michael Cassidy, ‘beheaded’ the caped goat thing and threw the skull in a bin:

Cassidy was quoted as stating that he took the action to “awaken Christians to the anti-Christian acts promoted by our government.”

“The world may tell Christians to submissively accept the legitimization of Satan, but none of the founders would have considered government sanction of Satanic altars inside Capitol buildings as protected by the First Amendment,” he added.

The Satanic Temple of Iowa issued a statement acknowledging that the display was “destroyed beyond repair,” but adding “We are proud to continue our holiday display for the next few days that we have been allotted. We ask that for safety, visitors travel together and use the 7 Tenets as a reminder for empathy, in the knowledge that justice is being pursued the correct way, through legal means.”

They signed off the statement with “Hail Satan!”

Video was posted of the destroyed display:

What a shocker, people are not keen on Satanic shit being proudly on show in public government buildings.

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