Danish police have arrested one person after several people were killed in a shooting at a Copenhagen mall on Sunday, according to authorities.
“One person has been arrested in connection with the shooting in Fields. We currently do not have the opportunity to tell more about the person’s identity,” Copenhagen Police said in a tweet, which also noted a large police presence.
En person er anholdt i forbindelse med skyderiet i Fields. Vi har fornuværende ikke mulighed for at fortælle mere om vedkommendes identitet. Vi er massivt tilstede i Fields og arbejder på at danne os et overblik. Vi opdaterer her, så snart vi kan #politidk https://t.co/84Df2mspVD
— Københavns Politi (@KobenhavnPoliti) July 3, 2022
The suspect is a 22-year-old Danish man, said police inspector Soren Thomassen, according to DW News.
UPDATE: The shooting at a Copenhagen shopping mall left “several dead” and “several injured”, says the head of a Danish police operations unit.
The suspect in custody is a 22-year-old Danish man, police inspector Soren Thomassen added.
For more: https://t.co/ZtG9eqMbHH pic.twitter.com/Wh1HolfbqC
— DW News (@dwnews) July 3, 2022
Danish police said several people are dead and several others are wounded. The number wounded or killed were not immediately given.

Police said officers were responding to reports of a shooting at about 6:30 p.m. local time. A follow-up tweet said several people had been hit, although their conditions were not shared.
Vi er fortsat tilstede, der er afgivet skud og flere personer er ramt. Vi arbejder på stedet. Personer i Fields skal blive og afvente politiet. Alle andre personer skal holde sig væk fra Fields #politidk https://t.co/84Df2mspVD
— Københavns Politi (@KobenhavnPoliti) July 3, 2022
Videos posted to social media showed people running and screaming at the Field’s shopping center, which NPR notes is one of the largest in Scandinavia.
“Terrible reports of shooting in Fields. We do not yet know for sure how many were injured or dead, but it is very serious,” Copenhagen Mayor Sophie H. Andersen said in a tweet.
This story is developing.