Pollsters now have credible evidence suggesting that America's recent political and spiritual awakening has approached its probable zenith. Moreover, Democrats have made that awakening possible by exposing themselves as the party of unhinged and enthusiastic authoritarianism. On Wednesday, the notoriously left-leaning pollster Quinnipiac University released the results of a poll...
Pollsters now have credible evidence suggesting that America’s recent political and spiritual awakening has approached its probable zenith. Moreover, Democrats have made that awakening possible by exposing themselves as the party of unhinged and enthusiastic authoritarianism. On Wednesday, the notoriously left-leaning pollster Quinnipiac University released the results of a poll…
Pollsters now have credible evidence suggesting that America’s recent political and spiritual awakening has approached its probable zenith. Moreover, Democrats have made that awakening possible by exposing themselves as the party of unhinged and enthusiastic authoritarianism. On Wednesday, the notoriously left-leaning pollster Quinnipiac University released the results of a poll…