February 23, 2025

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The Democratic Republic of the Congo has all the great election and voting features the Democrat party in the USA wants to bring to your doorstep.

It is incredibly ironic that the Biden/Harris administration and its State Department were tasked with overseeing the election integrity of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) recently.  The same Biden/Harris administration that was strong-arming Mark Zuckerberg to publish only Biden-affirming material on Facebook, which allowed election laws to be illegally changed in the wake of COVID, and which oversaw the shutting down of vote counts in the middle of the night in swing states is now being asked to validate and defend free elections in the DRC.

This is the same Democrat party that thinks voter ID is racist.  Of course, the Democrats and the ruling powers of the DRC have a lot in common.  For one thing, they think a “free and fair election” means their guy wins.

And they love a dystopia!

That’s why Biden oversaw their elections.  You remember Joe Biden, don’t you?  He’s the guy who got 81M votes but won only 17% of U.S. counties (the lowest county wins in history).  Trump won 2,547 counties, and Biden walked away with 81M votes from a mere 509.

In January 2024, Felix Tshisekedi was sworn in as the new president of the DRC.  Nineteen candidates ran for the executive office.  According to the election commission, Tshisekedi got 70% of the vote, but the results were questioned almost at once.  Voter turnout was low at 40%, many polling stations were closed on Election Day, and two thirds of all polling places that did open on Election Day did not operate normal hours.  The Biden administration affirmed that Tshisekedi was the clear winner in a pristine election.  They dismissed all accusations of fraud as baseless allegations.

This is Tshisekedi’s second term.  He won his first term under circumstances so sketchy that even the Catholic Church challenged the election results.  (When was the last time that the Church saw election violations so grievous that it had to invoke divine authority to set things right?)  Tshisekedi was alleged to have worked a deal with outgoing president Joseph Kabila, that he would be the next president, circumventing the popular Martin Fayulu.  Fayulu has challenged the election and demanded a new one.

Biden has all but accused Fayulu of being Hitler.  The journal Foreign Policy chastised Biden in this regard, calling the recent election “another stolen election in the DRC” and criticizing Biden for driving yet another stake through the heart of another democracy.

So why did the Biden/Harris administration applaud the ascension of Tshisekedi after promising to assure election integrity in the Congo?

  • Biden and the DRC define election integrity the same way — their guy wins.
  • They promise everything and deliver nothing, but when you call them on it, they blame somebody else.  In the case of Biden/Harris, they blame Trump.  Tshisekedi blames Rwanda.

The DRC has a leaky border, just like the Biden/Harris southern border.  Theirs is on the east, and it lets in enough Rwandans that failures in public policy can be blamed on those rebel Rwandans.

Biden has always liked the DRC because it uses a lot of U.S.-taxpayer-purchased vaccines.  Nobody loves vaccines like Big Pharma and the Democrats (but I repeat myself).  The DRC seems willing to accept them.  During COVID, the U.S. bought and shipped 63M doses of the Moderna jab to the DRC, and the Biden/Harris regime is now preparing to send monkeypox vaccines.

It’s the Democrat dystopian dream!  Taxpayers buy vaccines from Big Pharma, the usual people skim off their usual percentages, and the shots are given to Africans who have little say over their own bodily autonomy.  Informed consent, like democracy, is not part of the dystopian vision.

If you want to see what Kamala envisions for our future, we just have to look right now at what Biden/Harris gave the DRC.

Most Americans don’t know anything about the DRC.  It is somewhat forgivable, because the DRC changes its name more often than a drag queen.  It’s been the Congo Free State, the Belgian Congo, the Republic of the Congo-Leopoldville, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Zaire, and then it went back to the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

In terms of land mass, the DRC is the eleventh largest nation on Earth.  It’s bigger than Greenland.  With a population of 108M, it has about a third the population of the United States.  Although many dialects are spoken, its official language is French, and it is the largest French-speaking nation on earth, four times larger than France.

It also has vast and valuable natural resources, particularly cobalt, which is used in making rechargeable batteries.  Right now, China owns most of those mines in the DRC, and they are being worked by the poorest of the poor and their children, using what is euphemistically called “artisanal mining.”  That means they are scraping the cobalt up out of the earth with their fingers and sticks and pieces of rebar or occasionally a shovel (if they are lucky).  The market for cobalt is large and growing, since it is necessary for smartphones, computers, and electric vehicles.  When it comes to the blue mineral, Congo has over half of the global reserves — it’s just that China controls most of it.  And as long as China has money and there are DRC politicians to be bribed, China will keep on controlling it.

It’s just how Democrats would like to run the United States: sell it off, piece by piece, to China, and let China pay starvation wages to workers while bribing those in power.  They’re doing it right now in the United States with American farmland.  If we had all that cobalt, Biden would have sold it to China, too.

Almost no Americans have heard of the Great War of Africa (1996 to 1999, sometimes broken up into the First and Second Congo Wars, but they sort of run together).  It resulted in 5.4M deaths and involved the DRC, Rwanda, and Uganda.  No other war in history has cost so many lives except World War II.  Why does no one report on this?  It’s amazing that our army of paunchy and disreputable journalists have been able to sweep well over 5M deaths under the rug.  It just goes to show that both the DRC and the Democrats like a fourth estate that knows which news to report and which news to ignore.

Way back in 1960, a man named Patrice Lumumba became the president of the DRC with the pledge to take back the nation’s mineral resources for the benefit of the people.  He survived just six months before he was assassinated.

In 2009 (the Obama era), then-president of the DRC Joseph Kabila signed a deal with China.  China would give developmental aid to the DRC, and in exchange, China would get some mining rights.  China was supposed to build roads, hospitals, and schools.  It did not take long before China had the deeds to the cobalt and copper mines of the DRC.  Not sure what happened to the infrastructure — they’re working on a Buttigieg-like schedule.

Again, it’s the Democrat playbook.

Although the U.S. Department of State under Biden congratulated Tshisekedi on his election win, it did acknowledge “significant delays and barriers” on Election Day and asks that the DRC review its election processes.  But Biden is glad that Tshisekedi beat out his chief rival, Moise Katumbi.  Katumbi is a businessman (sound familiar?) who wants to promote the interests of his country and not the interests of China.  Katumbi might be the DRC version of MAGA.

Despite Biden’s warm election-day wishes, these were not minor election glitches.  Two thirds of the polling places opened late; one third of the voting machines were not working.  The election was illegally extended.

So if you want to see the full picture of where Democrats want to take us, just look at the DRC. It’s a dystopian tragedy, what’s going on there, and Biden/Harris (and the Democrats) are applauding and hoping to bring it to a town near you.

Ricochet Café has more on Substack.

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