March 4, 2025

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AT via Magic Studio

Squeezing fanciful facts into a fixed narrative serves as Rachel Maddow's trademark style of broadcasting. 

Rachel Maddow is being asked to “put her money where her mouth is,” according to Bluesky platform users.

She famously went on a rant about losing her “non-white” colleague, Joy Reid, and others at MSNBC, even going so far as to cite (what else) racism. Reid — whose dwindling audience had shrunk to an astonishing 45,000 to 65,000 (not a misprint in digits) — had been non-white for more than nine years while at the network. Surely management had noticed.

Squeezing fanciful facts into a fixed narrative serves as Rachel Maddow’s trademark style of broadcasting. If she was so “outraged” by management’s decision, many conservatives on Bluesky media platform (numbering 30 million) recommended she demonstrate true solidarity and resign her $25 million annual salary. (She took a much-publicized $5 million pay cut last year.)

This sort of public pushback could prove problematic for Maddow: She’s accustomed to asking the rhetorical questions and acting as an opinion arbitrator.

Her own bosses are now enduring the Maddow spin, listening to a version of the story which bears virtually no resemblance to the real story. (There is a reason she earned the moniker as the “Queen of the Russia Hoax”.)

Maddow failed to mention many of the “non-white” personnel in prime-time slots were “hemorrhaging viewers,” as in the case of Joy Reid. And as a final humiliation, Katie Phang of the “The Katie Phang Show,” as a non-white host cited by Maddow, was even beaten out by the TV startup NewsNation Live Weekend.

Maddow’s sense of “outrage” at the “heartlessness” of MSNBC’s management also failed to mention many of the dozens of other laid-off personnel who would be offered positions in different areas of programming. Ms. Phang will remain with the network, but in a less high-profile capacity.

Running fast-and-loose with the truth is a much-heralded trait of Maddow, and her now departed former network colleague, Joy Reid. Reid, who was never at a loss for vile condemnations, was subject to an avalanche of critical comments on social media by viewers from both sides of the political aisle.

Many found her racist rants against “whitey” for alleged acts of “white supremacy,” more than tiresome, and her delusional tirades against Trump, rolled into a Hitler/Stalin/Mussolini comparison, and alleging the comparisons between Nazi Germany and America today “cannot be disputed.” Does she truly believe what she’s saying?  Or does she think she’s conveying a message worth conveying?

Her ratings would suggest otherwise.

None of this came between Maddow and her devotion to “ReidOut.” “I love everything about her,” Maddow gushed on air. “I have learned so much from her. I have so much more to learn from her.” This is aptly professed from the “Queen of Russia-Hoax” who kept her audience in her thrall with breathless accounts of the president colluding with the Russians.

<img alt captext="AT via Magic Studio” class=”post-image-right” src=”” width=”450″>Her gullible audience hung onto every absurd rumor from “reliable sources” and blatantly false “tips” from corrupted intelligence personnel for two years. Apparently the “secret Putin tapes” incriminating the president never materialized, along with Adam Schiff’s (D-CA) pontifications about “circumstantial evidence” night after night. (He promised to be on the verge of arresting the president’s son.)

That approach once brought in viewers.

Maddow’s rating bonanza faded away with the collusion fantasy, but not her arrogance as an opinion maker. She assumed her paid position as the arbitrator of public opinion all while the network issued pink slips. “I think it’s a big mistake,” she asserted in her moralizing tone. Some asserted she should shut up or put up.

“So resign if you’re so outraged,” wrote a Bluesky contributor. Another podcast watcher, getting more personal, wrote: “Rachel Maddow will have to resign from MSNBC (and leave $ on the table.” “She won’t be able to maintain credibility on that platform,” appeared another remark in the stream of comments.

Maddow, oddly enough, never mentioned the pay difference between her blockbuster salary and Reid’s paltry $3 million annual compensation. It was treated as a non-story. The famous broadcaster appeared to forget an important part of what might have led to the recent round of layoffs. She was, undoubtedly, an integral part of the network’s recent financial setback.

Her employer recently settled a $30 million lawsuit filed by a physician whose reputation had been defamed by Maddow and several of her colleagues. Mahendra Amin, M.D., was referred to as a “uterus collector” for allegedly performing unnecessary hysterectomies at a Georgia immigration detention center.

It turns out Dr. Amin performed two hysterectomies. But the story checked off the most important boxes for Maddow and colleagues, exposing the physician for allegedly committing acts of medical cruelty against poor immigrant women. This was especially important as (then) candidate Trump in 2024 promised to address the flood of illegal aliens in the country.

Maddow, and her colleagues, were perfectly satisfied with regurgitating the content of an alleged “whistleblower’s letter,” which proved to be patently false. Sloppiness isn’t the word for what happened with the scurrilous broadcasts being repeated over and over (jumping on board were newscasters Chris Hayes and Nicole Wallace). Dr. Amin watched as broadcasters destroyed his reputation and made the most outlandish allegations whipping them up from thin air (or false testimonial).

Just as Maddow asked viewers to count the number of “non-whites” laid off, she would be wise to count the number of digits in the settlement: The amount, most assuredly, has placed the flailing network in a weaker financial position.

Fake news is now coming with a heavier price tag. Broadcasters were not held accountable in the Russia-collusion news cycle, but they are now witnessing a different era of accountability. Some broadcasters leave in disgrace, and others simply remain clueless about the circumstances that led up to the decline of their networks.

Joy Reid undoubtedly numbers among the clueless. In her bitter signoff, she delivered her trademark rant displaying jumbled emotions and nonsensical views. “Fascism is already here,” she warned viewers. “The first rule is to fight back”.

Apparently, she failed to notice the fascism hysteria has run its course, much like her position at MSNBC.

Image: AT via Magic Studio

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