March 9, 2025
House Republicans and Senators are asking the director of the NIH for answers following a transgender youth study during which two people died by suicide.
House Republicans and Senators are asking the director of the NIH for answers following a transgender youth study during which two people died by suicide.

More than a dozen House and Senate Republicans have penned a letter to the director of the National Institutes of Health demanding answers over a study it funded titled “Psychosocial Functioning in Transgender Youth after 2 Years of Hormones,” during which “two young people tragically died by suicide.” 

The message to Dr. Lawrence Tabak, co-signed by Senators Marco Rubio and Rand Paul and Reps. Josh Breechen, Lauren Boebert and Andy Biggs, among others, highlights “grave concerns” from the lawmakers over the study in which researchers examined 315 subjects “between the ages of 12 and 20 who identify as transgender and were given cross-sex hormones,” 240 of which were minors. 

“During this study, two young people died by suicide and eleven reported suicidal ideation,” the letter says. “Rather than shutting the study down after such serious adverse events, the researchers published their paper, concluding that the study was a success because cross-sex hormones had altered subjects’ physical appearance and improved psychosocial functioning.” 

A summary published by the New England Journal of Medicine said, “Participants were enrolled in a four-site prospective, observational study of physical and psychosocial outcomes. “


“Participants completed the Transgender Congruence Scale, the Beck Depression Inventory–II, the Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale (Second Edition), and the Positive Affect and Life Satisfaction measures from the NIH (National Institutes of Health) Toolbox Emotion Battery at baseline and at 6, 12, 18, and 24 months after gender-affirming hormones initiation,” it said. 

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“During the study period, appearance congruence, positive affect, and life satisfaction increased, and depression and anxiety symptoms decreased,” the summary concluded. “Increases in appearance congruence were associated with concurrent increases in positive affect and life satisfaction and decreases in depression and anxiety symptoms. The most common adverse event was suicidal ideation (in 11 participants [3.5%]); death by suicide occurred in 2 participants.” 


But the Republicans argue that “the four clinics and some of the researchers who conducted this experiment are outspoken advocates for conducting gender transition interventions on children.” 

“In a video it later removed from its YouTube channel, Boston Children’s Hospital, one of the clinics involved, went as far as to claim that children can know their gender identity ‘from the womb,’” the letter said. 

“Despite glaring shortfalls, this government-funded research is already being used to further the fallacy that chemically transitioning children is safe and effective,” the Republicans also argued, adding, “It is alarming that vulnerable young people died by suicide while participating in a taxpayer-funded study that will almost certainly inflict devastating physical harm on those who participated.” 

The letter asks Tabak, by June 9, to provide responses to questions such as, “Were the individuals who tragically died by suicide while participating in this study minors?” and “Were participants and their parents given the opportunity to reconsider their consent and withdraw from this research in light of the suicides?” 

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