January 22, 2025

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Is this just the first domino?

After letters to my senators and an American Thinker article, Why is the FDA Contaminating America’s Blood Supply? it is the United Kingdom that finally comes clean:

Britain’s ‘day of shame’ as full scale of infected blood scandal revealed

‘The result of this inquiry should shake our nation to its core.  This should have been avoided.  It was known these treatments were contaminated; warnings were ignored repeatedly.

‘Time and again people in positions of power and trust had the chance to stop the transmission of those infections. Time and again they failed to do so.’

Patients “died or suffered miserably” as a result of being given contaminated blood products between 1970 and 1998 because medics and successive governments “did not put patient safety first.”  When the scandal was exposed, “the response of those in authority served to compound people’s suffering.”

You see, the UK has their very own “deep state.”

How did this happen?

Medicines for hemophiliacs, including one called Factor VIII, were imported from the US in the 1970s and 1980s [emphasis added] and prescribed by the NHS. However, the treatments were made from blood plasma donations which often came from groups at high risk for HIV and hepatitis C such as gay men, sex workers and prisoners and were often contaminated.

All this time, we thought that before there was the deep state FDA, there was the “dedicated to patient safety” and “do no harm” FDA.  With respect to the national blood supply, the old FDA reduced the risk of HIV transmission (and the chance of acquiring AIDS) into the nation’s blood supply by preventing it from occurring.  Period, full stop.  Gay men were not allowed to give blood, but in case they lied, there were other safeguards in place—blood was tested, and destroyed as a biohazard if the hepatitis virus or HIV were detected.

At least, the FDA was supposed to do this.  What do you want to bet that blood products that were rejected in the U.S. (that had hepatitis C or HIV) from 1970–1980 weren’t destroyed as biohazards but were “still worth something” or the laws in the UK allowed and were moved to the U.K.?

The UK also has a deep state:

The final report of a five-year inquiry into the scandal, which has so far claimed more than 3,000 lives, concluded that the health service and governments took part in a ‘chilling’ cover-up, as they ‘closed ranks’ to hide the truth, even destroying documents to keep patients in the dark.

Now they want to say they are sorry.  At least a £10 billion sorry.

Lord Clarke, the former UK health secretary, faces calls to be stripped of his peerage after he was condemned by Sir Brian for maintaining in the 1980s that there was no conclusive proof of HIV being spread through blood products—a position the inquiry chairman said was ‘indefensible.’  The report said the former health secretary had misled the public.

Which is exactly what the FDA did, and is doing—it’s misleading the public, asserting that “there is no conclusive proof of HIV will be spread through blood products” which is why it decided to reinstate the ability of gay men (MSM) to give blood.

My senators and the DOD could have shut this down when it was merely a proposal; what they did instead was kick the can down the road and send me a link: “the FDA is currently accepting public comment on the proposal.”  You will not be surprised, but every LGBTQ-affiliated group on the planet offered their public comments.  Fait accompli.  Now the deep state FDA has succeeded in overturning the decades-long moratorium of gay men giving blood, contaminating the supply.

This is also a national security issue at the highest level, and the Department of Defense should have been raising hell.  But because they have also been fully compromised with “woke” B.S., they will not say a thing to their co-conspirators, the deep state FDA.  Like the buffoonery and illegitimacy of the COVID mandates, coercing troops to take experimental Wuhan wet market sewer water or whatever is in those little vials of death, military doctors have long known that allowing HIV-tainted blood into the national blood supply would guarantee infection of the men and women in uniform who are serving across the globe, protecting Americans.

Maybe that’s what they want.

In his 2,527-page report, Sir Brian also warned that a substantial number of people remained unaware that they were given transfusions or other products of infected blood, and were therefore undiagnosed.  They include around 900 people infected with hepatitis C and around 200 people who were infected with HIV, the virus that causes Aids, as children.

(This was between 1970-1998.)

The FDA should add anyone with a COVID jabs has contaminated blood.  When the idiots at the FDA issued Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to the untested, unproven, and experimental COVID “vaccines” they completely eliminated any safety testing of what would be the effect of COVID “vaccines” in a person’s blood.  We now know the side effects are off the charts because the FDA didn’t do their homework on COVID.  A woke, DEI FDA did not put patient safety first.  Blood banks should stop accepting COVID-contaminated blood.

Information from my previous article is still germane.  A growing number of parents are rightfully refusing to have their children subjected to COVID vaccine-contaminated blood.  When HIV-contaminated blood is introduced into America’s bloodstream, what parent will accept that either?

In New Zealand, children who needed blood for surgery or blood transfusions were removed from their parents’ custody by government authorities on the premise “it is simply impractical to have a designated donor.”  The concerns of these parents are non-criminal actions but the American left will find their way to inflict this level of nuttiness and craziness on American children—be it HIV or COVID vaccine-contaminated blood—all under the “greater good of society” argument.

Let’s be clear, when parents did not voluntarily accept COVID-vaccine contaminated blood introduced into their children during surgery, New Zealand treated these parents as if they were members of a cult.  Americans will be next if something isn’t done immediately to prevent these lunatics from enacting woke terroristic policies—introducing HIV or COVID vaccine-contaminated blood into the national blood supply—in the name of the government.

However, there are state legislatures working to bring transparency and consent to blood-receiving therapies; of course, Democrats are protesting these initiatives.

Effective immediately, American blood banks need to stop accepting blood from those with HIV as well as those who have been uselessly “vaccinated” with the untested, mRNA experimental and unapproved gene therapy marketed as “effective” against the COVID where there is no third-party or peer-reviewed data to back up the government’s claims.

A growing number of the public knows the blood supply is now being targeted and contaminated with HIV-tainted blood as well as the experimental COVID vaccine concoctions.  It is time for Congress to put a stop to this madness.

<img alt="Free image, Pixabay license" captext="Pixabay” src=”https://conservativenewsbriefing.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/rishi-sunak-admits-to-infected-blood-scandal.jpg”>

Image: Free image, Pixabay license.

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