Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito‘s 2022 annual financial disclosure has been released after a delay due to the jurist requesting an extension on his filing.
Justices Clarence Thomas and Alito were given an extension by the administrative office on June 7 to file their financial disclosure forms, while the seven other justices were able to submit their forms by the deadline.
But unlike their colleagues, the pair of justices have faced repeated scrutiny by the Left, particularly from the outlet ProPublica. On April 6, ProPublica ran a report suggesting Thomas “should have disclosed his trips” taken decades ago with Crow, citing the advice of “ethics law experts.” The outlet ran a separate report on June 20 suggesting Alito engaged in ethical impropriety in July 2008 when he went on a fishing trip in Alaska, prompting the justice to take matters into his own hands and issue a swift rebuke through a Wall Street Journal op-ed titled “ProPublica Misleads Its Readers.”
Read Alito’s 2022 disclosure form in full:
This is a developing story and will be updated.