March 3, 2025
Seattle Joins Long List Of Democrat Controlled Cities With Exploding Crime Rates

Seattle, WA, once known as a relatively quiet port town that became a haven for progressives seeking to avoid more dangerous metro areas like Los Angeles or San Fransisco, is joining the long and unfortunate list of Democrat controlled cities suffering from exploding crime stats.  

Much like Portland, OR, which has spiraled into severe decline in the past five years with a record high homicide rate and expanding homelessness, Seattle is witnessing an aggressive increase in drug related problems as well as violent crime and property theft.  In 2022, the city was host to 49,557 instances of violent crime and property related crime; setting a 15 year high.  Homicides also increased by 24% in 2022.  Seattle police chief Adrian Diaz admits that crime has grown out of control in the area, but remains "optimistic."


Diaz warns residents not to "take matters into their own hands" when faced with criminals, but this is the position leftist politicians have forced citizens into as they continue to degrade economic stability and local security.

Seattle's Democratic leadership is famous for its efforts to support the "defund the police" movement - An extreme social justice doctrine borne out of Black Lives Matter fanaticism.  In the process the city lost over 400 sworn SPD staff members in less than two years due to resignation or early retirement.  Many city council members who originally joined with activists in calls to divert 50% of police funds to housing, roads and environmental projects have quietly reversed course as crime skyrockets. 

High minded progressive ideals often do not hold up to social realities, causing even more damage in the process.  Theory is not the same as application.

It's easy enough to examine the 2023 list of the most dangerous cities in America, including the top ten:  Memphis, Detroit, Little Rock, Tacoma, Pueblo, St. Louis, Kansas City, Cleveland, Springfield and Rockford.  All of them are run by Democrat mayors and majority Democrat city council members.  In 2021-2022, of the 15 American cities with the highest homicide rates, Democrats controlled 11

We have all heard about war zone metro regions like Chicago or Baltimore, but these places are only a part of a much bigger trend of leftist cities devolving into places most people prefer not to live.  While Democrats often argue that many conservative states top the list of the most violent, what they don't mention is that the vast majority of those crimes are committed in Democrat managed cities that often try to defy state government policies (leftist cities that offer sanctuary protection for illegal immigrants are just one example). 

Almost without fail, the worst towns in America are being run by Democrats, and Seattle is the latest that has fallen into chaos in recent years.  

Tyler Durden Sun, 02/12/2023 - 16:00

Seattle, WA, once known as a relatively quiet port town that became a haven for progressives seeking to avoid more dangerous metro areas like Los Angeles or San Fransisco, is joining the long and unfortunate list of Democrat controlled cities suffering from exploding crime stats.  

Much like Portland, OR, which has spiraled into severe decline in the past five years with a record high homicide rate and expanding homelessness, Seattle is witnessing an aggressive increase in drug related problems as well as violent crime and property theft.  In 2022, the city was host to 49,557 instances of violent crime and property related crime; setting a 15 year high.  Homicides also increased by 24% in 2022.  Seattle police chief Adrian Diaz admits that crime has grown out of control in the area, but remains “optimistic.”

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Diaz warns residents not to “take matters into their own hands” when faced with criminals, but this is the position leftist politicians have forced citizens into as they continue to degrade economic stability and local security.

Seattle’s Democratic leadership is famous for its efforts to support the “defund the police” movement – An extreme social justice doctrine borne out of Black Lives Matter fanaticism.  In the process the city lost over 400 sworn SPD staff members in less than two years due to resignation or early retirement.  Many city council members who originally joined with activists in calls to divert 50% of police funds to housing, roads and environmental projects have quietly reversed course as crime skyrockets. 

High minded progressive ideals often do not hold up to social realities, causing even more damage in the process.  Theory is not the same as application.

It’s easy enough to examine the 2023 list of the most dangerous cities in America, including the top ten:  Memphis, Detroit, Little Rock, Tacoma, Pueblo, St. Louis, Kansas City, Cleveland, Springfield and Rockford.  All of them are run by Democrat mayors and majority Democrat city council members.  In 2021-2022, of the 15 American cities with the highest homicide rates, Democrats controlled 11

We have all heard about war zone metro regions like Chicago or Baltimore, but these places are only a part of a much bigger trend of leftist cities devolving into places most people prefer not to live.  While Democrats often argue that many conservative states top the list of the most violent, what they don’t mention is that the vast majority of those crimes are committed in Democrat managed cities that often try to defy state government policies (leftist cities that offer sanctuary protection for illegal immigrants are just one example). 

Almost without fail, the worst towns in America are being run by Democrats, and Seattle is the latest that has fallen into chaos in recent years.  
