It is Republicans -- including Elise Stefanik and Donald Trump -- who have consistently supported Israel and American Jews.Last week, I attended a Trump47 Women’s Leadership Coalition event with Elise Stefanik in D.C. I was one of just several Jews in attendance, and what struck me profoundly was the fact that ‘they didn’t have to but did’ — Chairwoman Stefanik took the stage and was speaking on the economy, the border crisis, the importance of this upcoming election, and concerns more germane to her own district. However, it was when she spoke strongly against antisemitism on college campuses that it drew the high attention of everyone in attendance. Elise did not boast about the congressional hearings which she initiated, but rather emphasized that there is much work to be done — that barely a fraction of schools that allow Jew hatred have been penalized.
She didn’t have to do anything for Jews. Chairwoman Stefanik is not a Jew, nor does she represent a Jewish-populated district, not even close. When previously pressed on the reason for her highlighting campus antisemitism, her simple answer resonated with non-terrorist supporting Americans — ‘because it is the right thing to do.’
Contrast that with ‘friend to the Jews’ Rep. Ritchie Torres, who votes for addressing antisemitism, but who voted ‘No’ when Israel needed America most. The Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024 was put forth in the beginning of November of 2023, and because the aid was not tied to Ukraine — two very different wars — Torres, along with other Dems, voted against Israel. All 51 Democrat senators voted against a $14.3 billion stand-alone aid package for Israel when Israel needed it most.
Or Mayor Eric Adams in NYC, who like a robot keeps saying that ‘he loves Israel.’ Well, if that were the case, he would clamp down on the violent terrorist protests that have rocked NYC since the Jewish genocide. Can’t forget Senator Cory Booker who loves to pander to his Jews, but then votes against Israel and has been near silent since Oct. 7th.
President Trump is also not a Jew. Sure, his son-in-law is a Jew, and his eldest daughter adopted the Judean faith, but he has many children and grandchildren who are not Jews. At times during President Trump’s first term, it seemed as if he was a President of both America and Israel with his litany of pro-Israel policies, including defunding the terrorist groups (UNRWA, PA, Hamas — Jihad Joe bankrolled all during his first year in office).
“Since 1950, U.S. taxpayers have sent over $6.3 billion through the United Nations to subsidize Palestinian refugees living in Gaza, the West Bank, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon. In 2016, the last year of the Obama Administration, the U.S. sent $359 million in Palestinian aid, only $39 million less than 2014’s all-time high of $398.7 million.
President Donald Trump cut the Palestinian aid to zero in 2018 – which had never been tried in the 71-year history of funding the region.
In April 2021, President Joe Biden agreed with the PLO, not Trump, and restarted aid to the Palestinians. Weeks later, rockets were again landing on Israelis and the region was at war.”
President Trump also placed onerous sanctions on Iran, which left them near bankrupt, had the IRGC general Qasem Soleimani killed, recognized that the Golan <img alt captext="Pixabay” class=”post-image-right” src=”https://conservativenewsbriefing.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/taking-on-the-anti-semites.jpg” width=”450″>Heights are legitimately part of Israel (thousands of Jewish artifacts have been found throughout the Golan since Israel reclaimed that land in the defensive Six Day War in 1967), and included Jews in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, thus granting Jews the right to pursue legal action against federal institutions which permit antisemitism, not on faith-grounds, but on ethnicity. Ethnicities have homelands, not faiths. Jews are an indigenous race to Israel, always have been since splitting from other Semitic tribes in Judea and Samaria.
The Abraham Accords, of course, was the zenith of President Trump’s Middle East foreign policy. Though he was not involved in the decade of back-channel relations between Israel and the Arab nations, President Trump and his team got the Accords to the finish line.
He also encouraged PM Benjamin Netanyahu to apply sovereignty to Area C of Judea and Samaria. Netanyahu failed to do so.
The greatest test came with the moving of the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, and for that we truly must thank Ambassador David Friedman. On a recent podcast of Mislaibled, the host asked the former ambassador if he helped with the moving of the embassy, to which he replied that there was no one doing more for that to happen, and that he would mention it every day to the President. When the cabinet convened to meet about moving the embassy, all other cabinet heads were against it. Scared to do the right thing just like every other Administration since 1995 when Congress voted to pass the Jerusalem Embassy Act. President Trump, too, signed the waiver in June of 2017, but in December of 2017, the decision was made to honor the obligation of the 1995 bill. The Act did give the option of review every six months. Originally Clinton agreed that the moving of the embassy was needed, but he worked hard to attempt to stop Republican senator Robert Dole’s bill.
And we all know how Clinton ended up harming Israel through the Oslo Accords, having Israel cede 2/3rds of its ancestral heartland to a terrorist organization, a ‘peace accords’ that has been responsible for the murder of thousands of Israelis (1200 Israeli citizens were murdered just during the Second Intifada (2000-2005).
Ambassador Friedman explained to President Trump that it was the right thing to do and that he should not fear rogue terrorist actors — whether it be the Arab occupiers (falsely called ‘Palestinians’), Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, etc. That by moving the embassy America would show the world that our nation stands by its allies.
President Trump listened and despite what the rest of his cabinet advised, chose to move the American embassy to Israel’s actual capital.
He did not have to. Jews comprise barely a blip in the U.S. population. He did because just as with Chairwoman Stefanik, it was the right course of action.
Meanwhile all Kamala Harris can offer is redundant platitudes that Israel has the ‘right to defend itself’ — of course it does. Every nation has that right.
She then moved on from stating the obvious to droning on about the antisemitic ‘two-state solution’ — yes, let’s give genocidal Arab occupiers who, inside Israel (in Judea and Samaria) engage in Pay for Slay payments (which now, thanks to Biden has the funds back in its coffers) to terrorists — over 7% of the PA’s budget, around $300 million per year goes towards paying families of terrorists who have murdered Jews. compared to barely $250 million which goes towards welfare programs. Additionally, the PA has been paying Hamas as well, with the two terrorist groups officially joining forces recently. Even on October 7th, there were numerous PA terrorists among the murderers.
Upwards of 550 Arab occupiers are employed in the Pay for Slay bureaucracy system. The longer the prison stay, the more the payout. Extra funding is provided to Israeli Arabs and those Arabs in Jerusalem who hold Israeli IDs.
And on the other side, we have Gaza (also part of Israel) where similarly the entire occupying population is still, not shockingly, supporting Hamas.
Hamas and the PLO/PA are all the same deadly disease.
Laureen Lipsky is the CEO & Founder of Taking Back the Narrative (www.tbtnisrael.com), a Zionism education company.
Image: Pixabay