March 6, 2025

Photo Credit:

Vince Coyner

It won't be easy because the Swamp isn't going to give up easily, but all of these ideas are constitutional and eminently doable.

I’m writing this on the 29th of October. As I wrote last week, I think Donald Trump is going to win. I think he’ll take office in January, but the two months between will be chock full of Democrat tricks trying to delegitimize his victory and coordinated riots seeking to push America into chaos before he’s inaugurated, along with the swamp seeking to do everything it can to insulate itself from the potential consequences of a Trump presidency.

January 20, 2025, will not be a checkered flag moment. On the contrary, it will be the starting line for a four-year race to save the nation. As such, we need to look at what exactly needs to be done going forward. Here are ten things President Trump needs to do. There’s much more, but I’d suggest this is a place to start.

#1 – Seal the border and deport all 30 million illegal immigrants. As happened last time, Democrats, RINOs, and activist judges will try and stop him. He cannot let them succeed. Begin by declaring the nation is under assault and deploying the Army to the border until the wall is complete, something that Americans will probably support.

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Image created by Vince Coyner.

The first step in deporting the millions of illegals is stopping all their benefits. Given that they will need food and shelter when the benefits are curtailed, establish exit processing centers where they can come and find shelter and food as part of being processed out of the country. Next, stop all federal funds from going to “sanctuary” states and cities that do not cooperate. Finally, enforce federal legislation against hiring illegals, and send employers to jail. Of course, none of this will be enough, but it’s a beginning.

#2 – Resurrect the 10th Amendment. For those who don’t remember, the Amendment reads:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Most of the things the federal government does are simply unconstitutional. Assign a crack team of constitutional scholars/lawyers to go over the federal government with a fine tooth comb. Starting with the federal government’s list of its own agencies, examine every single department and agency and highlight those for which there is clear constitutional authority. For every other one, craft a plan for its dissolution.

For easy things like NPR, PBS, NEA, etc., which are inconsequential, make the dissolution immediate. For others, like HHR and other wealth redistribution programs, where sometimes generations of families have been raised to suckle at the government teat, create a three-year plan that reduces their budget by 33% a year for three years, ending with the agency’s complete dissolution at the beginning of year four. For those agencies/departments that remain, implement zero-based budgeting so that they are forced every single year to make the case for the money they are seeking from the federal government.

#3 – Restructure the Justice Department, the FBI, the CIA, and the Pentagon. Fire the leadership of all four, up to and including the top 100 senior managers/officers of each, with severance packages. Investigate every one of them, and if they’re colorably suspected of treason/incompetence over the last eight years, charge them. For the rest, give them the opportunity to demonstrate they deserve to be part of the organization if they’d like their jobs back. Their success on that score should be based on two things: competency and a demonstrated allegiance to the Constitution.

#4 – Ban every DEI program and race- or sex-based program in the United States government. Make it crystal clear to Americans that every single job, scholarship, or contract associated with the federal government is based on one single thing: merit. At the same time, make it known that corporations making policy based on DEI and the climate change cult are violating their fiduciary responsibility and that officers and directors collectively and individually are liable for those violations.

#5 – Abolish the IRS and the income tax and implement a flat tax or, better yet, the FairTax. Perhaps more than anything other than the 10th Amendment, this will drive a stake through the heart of the swamp beast. There is a reason that the seven richest counties in America (out of a total of 3,143) are suburbs of Washington, DC—government and lobbying. And few things drive more lobbying than tax breaks.

#6 – Negotiate a peace between Russia and Ukraine. Neither wanted this war and a month after Russia invaded, there was a peace deal on the table that both sides supported until Joe Biden torpedoed it. This useless and wasteful war is accomplishing nothing while costing hundreds of thousands of lives and causing trillions of dollars of damage to the participants and the rest of the world.

#7 – Remove the United States from the Paris Climate Accord. This globalist, anti-capitalist fiction is nothing more than an attempt to give elites control over the lives of citizens around the world. It destroys prosperity everywhere its tentacles reach. At the same time, eliminate every “climate change” or “green energy” driven policy in the federal government and make a plan for unleashing America’s true energy potential from fracking and nuclear power.

#8 – Use Congressional power vested in it by Article I, Section 4, Clause 1 of the Constitution (the Elections Clause) to guarantee federal election integrity by requiring Voter ID and paper ballots in every state, while outlawing mail-in ballots for anyone other than the military.

#9 – Craft a plan that sunsets every law and regulation in the federal register within a decade. Put a framework in place for Congress to reevaluate every law on the books over the following ten years, and each one should face a renewal vote. Those that pass with 60% of both houses can remain on the books indefinitely, while all others sunset after a decade unless passed again.

#10 – Pass a law that explicitly states that it is illegal for government agencies to coerce or motivate private enterprises to accomplish desired tasks that are illegal for the government to do on its own. This applies to bank coercion of disapproved industries, data gathering on US citizens, or censorship of free speech, among others.

Of course, as Trump learned in his first term, the swamp is a tenacious beast that will not go gently into that good night. There will be gnashing of liberal teeth, there will be activist judges with God complexes trying to throw judicial roadblocks everywhere, and there will be RINO calls to work across the aisle.

Trump should ignore all of that and march swiftly towards returning the government to its originally intended, natural, limited state. Doing so will unleash an economic and entrepreneurial juggernaut never before seen and will be sufficient to create a giant budget surplus. That surplus will be sufficient to eliminate the national debt in less than a generation, and with it will go most of the problems America faces today.

Of course, there’s much more, but if Trump does half the things on this list, he will easily have earned himself a place on Mt. Rushmore.

Follow Vince on Twitter at ImperfectUSA

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