March 10, 2025

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Harris's leadership as Vice President, especially her role as America's Southern Border Czar, proves she is a LINO, a Leader In Name Only. 

Leadership guru Peter Drucker is credited with saying, “Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes.” With a non-compos mentis President stumbling around the White House for the past 3¾ years, barely making sense to anyone, including his own staff, many of the mainstream media and others leaning leftward believe Kamala Harris is the appropriate choice for his replacement.

Leadership is the prime requisite for an effective U.S. president. Harris’s leadership as Vice President, especially her role as America’s Southern Border Czar, proves she is a LINO, a Leader In Name Only. Her performance as Vice President has been less than dismal and her constant cackling is a telltale sign of her personal discomfort being in stressful and demanding leadership situations.

Being President of the United States necessitates strong, unwavering leadership. Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were strong leaders even if their policies took America too leftward. Carter was arguably a weak president because his leadership, like Harris’s was process instead of outcome-oriented. Process leadership emphasizes the manner in which policies are made instead of their outcomes.

Harris’ ascendancy comes not from her accomplishments as California’s attorney general or her short tenure as a U.S. senator from California. It is due to her boss, Joe Biden, becoming increasingly incapable, and her being a woman of color waiting in the wings, ticking all the right progressive boxes.

The Cackler

There is seldom a time when talking in public that Kamala Harris doesn’t cackle. Psychologists and psychiatrists acknowledge that for some people, nervous laughter like hers is rooted in what is termed “incongruous emotion. Such nervous laughter, or Pseudobulbar affect (PBA), happens when you have episodes of strong emotions that are inappropriate.

PBA happens for a number of reasons. Research suggests that your body uses this sort of mechanism to control your emotions. Other research found that nervous laughter may be a defense mechanism against emotions that make some people feel uncomfortable. Sixty years ago, the infamous psychologist Stanley Milgram conducted one of the earliest studies about nervous laughter and found that people often laugh nervously as a personal coping mechanism when placed in uncomfortable situations. Can you imagine the credibility Harris and America would have from her cackling in negotiations with Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping?

For many Democrats and a few RINOS, Harris is the “anyone but Trump candidate.” There is also a majority of Democrats along with sundry Republicans and Independents who are frustrated by the fact that no woman of color has ever served as a President of the United States. Harris fits that feminist/racialist need, addressing the “Anybody but Trump” need and the “Finally A Woman” need.

Sadly, there are citizens of North Carolina who have been left wondering why illegal immigrants are being so well taken care of while there were few if any FEMA trucks helping the many, many more citizen victims of Hurricane Helene.

When Hurricane Milton hit Florida, Harris was all over the news accusing Governor Ron De Santis of snubbing her faux offer of help. He responded that he had already spoken at length to her boss, President Joe Biden, who had made sure that all the federal help that was needed was sent to Florida and that Harris was exerting faux leadership by trying to insert herself into the Hurricane Milton cleanup effort already well underway.

Cackles in an Earlier Time

Before becoming Joe Biden’s vice president, Harris served as California’s attorney general from 2011 to 2016, then was elected to the U.S. Senate representing <img alt captext="AI” class=”post-image-right” src=”” width=”450″>California from 2017 to 2021. Based on her time spent in the Senate, YouGov analyzed her voting record on bills as the most left-leaning, save that of Kirsten Gillibrand, Elizabeth Warren, and Mazie Horono, working from a feminist “viewpoint epistemology” perspective. This way of thinking holds that only members of favored (exploited) groups can truly understand those groups’ oppression even if their income and position in society defy such oppression.

Tellingly, Harris’s national favorability rating, according to Statistica Research on October 2nd, 2024, remains underwater with 8% more Americans being very unfavorable than very favorable of her. This has required a full-court press with newspaper stories and supporting ads with former presidents Clinton and Obama coming out with glowing accolades of Harris.

Leadership Results, Not attribution

Kamala Harris’s leadership must be judged in comparison to real leadership. John W. Gardner, author of On Leadership, told Stanford University’s 1991 commencement ceremony, “Let me conclude by saying as plainly as I can that this nation is facing a test of character, all the more profound for being diffuse, all the more difficult for not being precipitated by enemy attack. The test is whether in all the confusion and clash of interest, all the distracting conflicts and cross purposes, all the temptations to self-indulgence and self-exoneration, we have the strength of purpose, the guts, the conviction, the spiritual staying power to build a future worthy of our past.”

Kamala Harris projects a future clearly at odds with our past. Her efforts leading to the opening of America’s southern border is sadly illustrative. Harris was tasked with uncovering the root causes driving people to leave their home countries for America. This responsibility included working with the governments of Mexico and the Central American countries of the Northern Triangle — Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. She discovered that people from other continents that wished us harm were also imbedded in this human traffic. As David Horowitz admonished, “Destroying the border is the greatest crime committed against America in its 237-year history. It is not a run of the mill policy difference.” Kamala Harris’ brand of leadership did this.

In a sprawling 2023 story in the Atlantic, “The Kamala Harris Problem” Elaine Plott Calabro danced around the presenting question of whether Kamala Harris is ready to assume the U.S. Presidency.  After traveling with her halfway around the world and across the U.S., Calabro’s conclusion is patently prejudiced, saying “Kamala is among those who represent the future of her party, and she represents its mainstream, not its fringe.” The problem is that Kamala’s blinding self-righteous leadership enervate America’s greatness through her socialist policies.

In comparison, Donald Trump has proven his leadership directly during his four-year term as President with unparallelled economic growth, peace and keeping bad people out by building a strong border wall. Before that he also built an unparallelled international real estate empire. Kamala Harris, in contrast, has shown patent weakness as vice president, especially as Border Czar, encouraging America’s enemies to infiltrate and assault us in our homeland while receiving free health care and jobs benefits.

As Mark Kirkorian recently stated, “The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, which still technically sets the terms of federal law, is based on the assumption that no foreigner has a right to move here, and ‘We the People’ decide if there are specific grounds to admit a limited number of people.” Kamala Harris’s lack of leadership has turned a blind eye to this federal law by permitting unvetted illegals to reside in America, cackling all the way.

Image: AT

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