Authored by Joe Murphy via The Brownstone Institute,
Some years back, in calmer times before the storm, we officers at sea held the wardroom mess in accordance with that classic naval tradition. It was modernized and conducted over secure video, so those of us in the Med studied with those in the Gulf and those in the BAM,1 but it was all the same. Our study was Thucydides.
The Peloponnesian War is too large for a deployment’s worth of weekly studies to cover, so after each session, I filled my evening with further reading. As the Oak Hill2 passed Sicily, I was drawn to the history of the Sicilian Expedition. History is studied to draw lessons for present times. Athens’ lessons are abundant for ours.
In the midst of the 30-year Peloponnesian War, factions of Athens deemed an invasion of Sicily critical to overall victory. Inherent to their argument was the reality that Sicily would be impossibly lucrative if victorious. So it was then, so it is now: potential profit often clouds sound judgment.
The opposition lost and the attack proceeded. It took the entire fleet and all its citizen manpower and it was entirely defeated. During the multi-year effort, the factions that drove it fused into an oligarchy that perpetuated itself and its war until its incompetence and complete defeat undermined its despotism. It still took the Demos physically overthrowing the Oligarchy for democracy to be restored in Athens.3
Athens could rebuild the ships. But it could not rebuild the men. Thirty thousand citizen sailors were lost in the expedition – the heart of Athens’ civilizational power. The demographic catastrophe is considered a cause of Athens’ eventual defeat in the war and its civilizational decline.4
Two decades ago, factions argued that biowarfare threats were so significant that biodefense responsibility needed to be removed from the purview of the uniformed military and placed within NIAID under NIH and under HHS. There were structural and efficiency reasons to do this but the intangible reason was that the uniformed military officer corps would not stain its honor with biowarfare. It had held the line with the bioweapons convention since Nixon axed the US bioweapons program, so it had to be removed from the picture for the factions to proceed.
This action, called BioShield, fused the pharmaceutical industry with biodefense and fused the public health agencies with the intelligence community. The two entities in America not held accountable by law or practice, the vaccine industry and the intelligence community (IC), were joined into one. Though done to achieve a positive aim, it is obvious in hindsight that this fusion would create unaccountable oligarchy. Its most apparent manifestation is the director of NIAID’s salary, the highest in government and higher than the president’s, with corresponding tangible worldwide political power. This power structure was known previously to insiders5 but only became visible to the public during the Covid response. It also goes without saying that merging medicine with biodefense under the pretext of foreign biothreats is impossibly lucrative. So it was then, so it is now: potential profit often clouds sound judgment.
The biodefense oligarchy spread its tentacles across government and industry. There is pie to be had and it is lucrative. Adversaries make advances in biotechnology so funds must keep coming and riskier and riskier research must be done to supposedly stay ahead of those adversaries, especially if it proves true that the DOD and NIH traded advanced technology to those adversaries so the IC could gain access and spy on their laboratories.6Now with more advanced technology, the IC must do more spying on those adversaries and NIAID more research. The biodefense oligarchy is a reinforcing feedback loop. It perpetuates its reason to exist.
There does not appear to be a valid evaluation as to whether the biothreat rates such an apparatus in the context of the overarching threat picture the United States faces. It is unclear if the warriors, the combat armsmen, and the unrestricted line officers are involved in the assessment since they ceased to be involved years ago in an act of false piety (to which the origin of the Covid fiasco can be traced). And the director of NIAID will just turn off funding to the universities in the Congressman’s district when the Congressman raises opposition to the arrangement if the universities in his district have not already complained, for the oligarchy’s funds are substantial. The biodefense grantee taps DOD and NIAID for biodefense funds.
That’s two pots. Because of “the threats,” they can tap IC funds. Three pots. With the Global War On Terror creation of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the delegation of defense functions to DHS, including biodefense, there’s a fourth pot. There are actually even more pots, as the DEFUSE proposal shows, to the consternation of federal agents trying to piece the web together.7 There is pie to be had and it is lucrative.
As with the Athenians’ Sicilian Expedition, the biodefense oligarchy became stronger as it accrued failures. The predominant failure is the creation and release of SARS-CoV-2 and the consequent response. Biodefense acolytes called Covid a war and treated it as so, forcing the nation into a war footing. War demands resources and faltering war campaigns demand more resources to keep them afloat. Resourcing demands organization – consolidation – and consolidation equates to more power.
All governments accrue more powers in wartime. Jacob Siegel, a 9/11-generation veteran like me, wrote a fantastic Tablet essay8 on the disinformation complex which addressed the fusion of the biodefense apparatus with the GWOT-Patriot Act apparatus during the Covid event (I have near verbatim unpublished essays that say the same, and my peers and I discuss this repeatedly, so it is equally fascinating that our generation sees this so clearly).
Essentially, Americans were subjected to a counterterror-insurgency strategy implemented against them by the administrative state in response to the virus. This architecture was for war overseas but was implemented against the American people. With too many interests involved, the expanding apparatus could not be stopped, even by the party in power (which is the nature of oligarchy). As occurred overseas, counterinsurgency failed and in failure imposed despotism and broke the social compact of the country. Alas, the biodefense oligarchy only accumulated more power.
War added a final element to the oligarchy. SARS-CoV-2 occurred amidst a predicted class conflict9 between the credentialed class and everyone else (laptop class, expert class, essential v. nonessential, etc.).10 The landscape of politics had arranged in recent years to where the dominant credentialed caste aligned with the Democrats. This class and party alignment postured this faction to align with the biodefense oligarchy when the Covid “war” started, which is what happened. So biodefense + public health + vaccine industry + intelligence community + social class + political party + “war” = American Oligarchy.11
In such a landscape, the Demos emerged in opposition, another parallel to Athens. The Demos is the opposition party plus the rebellion. In counterinsurgency, the goal is to protect the people from the insurgent. In the Covid war, the “war” against the insurgent virus involved the biodefense oligarchy imposing war on the American people to “keep safe” [from the insurgent]. Since the people are oppressed in counterinsurgency, many rebel. The rebellion expands as the authorities’ ineptitude against the actual threat becomes too obvious for mass propaganda to conceal. The ineptitude also weakens and fractures the oligarchy. During the coup against Biden in July, a Harris staffer quipped that Biden was the oligarchy that needed to go away. Oligarchy complained to oligarchy that it was an oligarchy.12 This turned out to be a signal of the oligarchy’s pending implosion. Absent war, the oligarchy’s factions could no longer hold.
Present politics mirror the Athenian conflict between the Oligarchy and Demos, with November’s electoral victory another parallel to the Demos’ ultimate victory. How ultimate this Demos’ victory will be will play out in time. For, like Athenian history, America’s story will pivot on our version of the failed Sicilian Expedition.
America’s Sicilian Expedition is the creation and response to SARS-CoV-2. It is the compounding of errors from the Biodefense Oligarchy that culminates in our equivalent to Athens’ loss of its 30,000.
First is the death toll from SARS-CoV-2 itself. SARS-CoV-2, a synthetic virus or a reverse genetics system or a synthetic self-spreading vaccine – a living thing created in man’s hubris in “defense” against potential natural or man-made pathogens – harmed and killed many people.13This number is clouded by the Lockdown and treatment debacle. This number will remain disputed until the actual origin and nature of SARS-CoV-2 is known – what it is down to the amino acid level – and the statisticians and systems dynamicists rework the calculations. These losses were painful, but they were predominantly the old. The creation of and losses to SARS-CoV-2 itself equate to the initiation of the Sicilian Expedition. These losses are not equivalent to the loss of the fleet and its 30,000 citizen-warriors.
The losses from the vaccines are. These losses came well after the start of the war, at a time when the purpose and value of the war and the perpetuation of it could be re-evaluated. Moreover, these losses are in the young. These losses are concealed by the oligarchy but visible: the athlete who drops on the field, the runner who clutches his heart and face-plants on the street corner, the hyper-fit lieutenant who lies dead on the side of the road, the major collapsed during the fitness test with his peers pinning his violently stroking body to stop him choking on his tongue, the captain who collapses dead in his home before his wife and children, the veteran who wakes suddenly in the night, clutches his wife, screams, and dies instantly of pulmonary embolism, the little girl playing erratically with the neighborhood kids, the mothers over dinner watch weeping that she is not the same girl since the heart medicine.
The oligarchy was forced by reality to acknowledge that the shots cause cardiac injuries. The data accumulates for autoimmune conditions, menstrual irregularities, miscarriages, cancer, and numerous other ailments – vertigo, tinnitus, hypertension, colitis, Bell’s palsy, full-body rash, Guillain-Barre, and of course the clots and the clots and the clots. Like most Americans, my wife and I have dozens of family and friends with these injuries. Some estimate the country is losing a Vietnam’s worth of men every year since the shots were introduced.14 Twenty-four percent reported knowing someone killed by the shots.15 What is the compound interest on this loss rate? I can name eighteen wounded or dead veterans. My battalion’s casualties from two Afghan War deployments were half that.
Few take the shots anymore because they know. Governments and even the media now acknowledge that there are excess deaths. But, unlike the Athenians, the number is not known because the authorities refuse to do the math. The number is visible though. For instance, the Navy cannot man its ships.16 America already cannot man its fleet. There are other factors that contribute, but every organization is short people and every organization knows it is short people, for everyone in the organizations complains about it. The manpower shortage is not just a recruitment issue. The nation does not know if it is already Athens, and it should.
The physical manpower injury is compounded by moral injury. The healthy veteran gets sudden cancer, is near dead a month later, but miraculously and thankfully survives. He is left in a daze with no cause. The wounded themselves cannot even discuss the possible cause of their injuries less the acolytes of the oligarchy shame them, which perpetuates the moral injury. Another gets clots. Repeatedly now, the same time every year, as if the mRNA made his cells permanently produce spike protein at a consistent rate in a consistent location to eventually mass and annually clot. Naturally, his wife is concerned that one of these years the just-in-time blood thinners will not work and the injury will take him.
They live with moral injury and with no redress. Can he charge his chain of command with murder ahead of his death? Naturally, away from the acolytes, the injured discuss their physical and their moral injuries, usually with the unvaxxed, most of whom were forced out, adding to the manpower shortage. There it is spoken: Their sons will not serve. The manpower loss is compounding and multi-generational.
The magnitude of this loss is great. In itself, it demands resolution. But the situation is actually far worse than the visible injury of our people. The risks and harms from the gene-encoded (mRNA) vaccine technology are direct from either the biotechnology itself or the use of the spike protein as the epitope. More significantly, indirect risks exist as well and at greater scale. Any single-epitope vaccine can cause the body to only generate immunity against that epitope and make a person vulnerable to the illness when the virus adapts that epitope (i.e. Antibody Dependent Enhancement). But the vaccinated also suffer from IgG4 antibody class switching.17 In this situation, the body adapts to the vaccine by treating the epitope as an allergen. This makes the person even more vulnerable, for the body ignores the virus when infected. That individual now risks becoming even sicker.
Recall that the US funded risky research with intent to gain insight into what the People’s Republic of China (PRC) was doing with coronaviruses.18 There was a focus on spike proteins for legitimate purposes because work was being done worldwide on enhancing spike proteins to study (“study?”) them, and also because the PRC has published research intent to weaponize coronaviruses because of the spike proteins.19 It is known amongst investigators that the IC leveraged the nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance for Type II Diplomacy access into the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) to learn what its scientists were doing with epitopes like spike proteins. There is nothing inherently wrong with this; it is the IC’s job to spy. But the IgG4 matter shows that large numbers of Americans are now indefinitely vulnerable to a spike protein that emerged out of Wuhan. The biodefense oligarchy made the population vulnerable to the very thing the biodefense apparatus was operating in Wuhan to ostensibly protect us from.
The existence of this vulnerability is now replicated in numerous research studies. The severity in scale and duration of this vulnerability is unknown, but it should be known.
Aside from the strategic failure this matter is, the indirect casualties of a flawed response – specifically, the lack of detailed risk analysis to the individual and to the population of a mass vaccination course of action (with additional risk from the unready mRNA technology and the spike protein epitope) – compound the direct injuries and losses and contribute to the overarching demographic damage suffered from America’s version of the Sicilian Expedition.
Sicily Redux.
This is the reason the origin of SARS2 must be known. Not for retribution or reconciliation, not to prevent a man-made pandemic from occurring again. These are valid, but are not the reason. It must be known to accurately assess the demographic damage from the response, to know the near and long-term effects, to know the myocardial state of the nation’s fighting-aged men, and to know the cruel annual compound interest in deaths the mRNA decision will bring, to know the citizenry’s vulnerability to the [PRC]20 spike protein, to know the duration of our civilization’s vulnerability.
To those who argue that it would be too costly for America to acknowledge its role in creating SARS-CoV-2, or that America cannot afford for its enemies to know how bad the vaccine injuries in the military are – arguments I heard repeatedly in these years as a whistleblower – the potential magnitude of the screwup, Sicily Redux, our equivalent to Athens’ loss of 30,000, both the physical and moral injury, far surpasses the financial and reputational costs to admitting the truth. The failures will only exacerbate as the new administration declassifies intelligence, for the cardiac and IgG4 risks of using the spike protein as the mRNA epitope could have been extrapolated from the suppressed Department of Energy assessment had the cover-up not fouled informed risk analysis.21
Whether America’s version of the Sicilian Expedition will have the same result as the Athenians’ remains to be seen. The parallels inform how our maritime democracy navigates its way forward. The primary lesson is that which every quality sports team and mature military formation understands: lie to yourself about yourself and you will be weak; know yourself – know your weaknesses – and you will be stronger. Or unperiled in a hundred battles, as a Chinese military philosopher once said.
This young man asks that a mature republic do the same. Far too many amongst us feel the losses but lie to themselves about their nature. This is yet another moral burden stacked onto the others. The situation is not healthy for the individual, or the nation.
As the burden is felt, so is the newfound energy in the land. The Demos is in rebound. It dismantles illicit oligarchy. It returns accountability and vigor to the state. Let it not be spoiled by discounting the physical loss of an errant expedition. Let it not be further spoiled by ignoring the moral injury accrued from that failure. A great republic learns from the past.
- BAM – Bab el Mandeb Strait. Colloquialism used by Marines and sailors.
- The Oligarchy of 400 took power in 411 BC. It transformed into the “5000” oligarchy shortly afterwards before the Athenian Navy liberated Athens and re-established democracy. https://www.britannica.com/event/Peloponnesian-War
- Athens replaced the citizen sailors with slaves. Thucydides reports that Greece at large was stunned that Athens endured another decade following the catastrophe.
- I learned about the fear of Dr. Fauci’s influence in my first month as the 2020-2021 Commandant’s Fellow at DARPA. The power structure and internal biosecurity enterprise battles were also explained to me at this time.
- David Asher Interview – The Vince Coglianese Show. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YI43JEUfXOQ
- DEFUSE project proposal: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21066966-defuse-proposal/. For the unaware reader, I uncovered the possible blueprint for SARS-CoV-2, called Project DEFUSE, while a Marine Corps fellow at DARPA in 2021. This is public information reported numerous times and included in books and a movie.
- Siegel: “A Guide to Understanding the Hoax of the Century.” Tablet Magazine. March 28, 2023. https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/guide-understanding-ho…
- See George Friedman’s 2020 book The Storm Before the Calm: America’s Discord, the Coming Crisis of the 2020s, and the Triumph Beyond amongst others.
- See Michael Lind’s “The New National American Elite” as a reference, also referenced by Siegel in Section XI of his work. https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/new-national-american-…
- The Athenians recorded and historically referred to their oligarchy as the Oligarchy.
- https://www.axios.com/2024/06/29/biden-debate-replace-advisers. There is another article where a young Harris staffer quips that Biden’s team is an oligarchy.
- See DRASTIC for the 2018 EcoHealth Alliance Project DEFUSE proposal to DARPA: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21066966-defuse-proposal/. See Alex Washburne for the reverse genetics system hypothesis: https://alexwasburne.substack.com/p/reverse-genetic-systems.
- Canary in a COVID World, Canary House Publishing, edited by C. H. Klotz, P. 117-118
- “‘Died Suddenly’? More Than 1-in-4 Think Someone They Know Died From COVID-19 Vaccines – Demographics”, Rasmussen Reports, poll conducted 28-30 Dec 2022. https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/public_surveys…
- https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/navy-sailor-shortage-ship-readiness/3625593/; https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-24-106525; https://www.stripes.com/branches/navy/2024-09-10/navy-gao-fleet-readiness-report-15128703.html; https://news.usni.org/2024/08/22/navy-could-sideline-17-support-ships-due-to-manpower-issues
- See Quay and Berenson. https://x.com/quay_dr/status/1872681596400394461?mx=2; https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/very-urgent-do-covid-mrna-vaccines; Also https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s12979-024-00466-9#Fig2
- This is known from whistleblower reporting and congressional inquiry. It is also known amongst investigators that Peter Daszak and EcoHealth Alliance performed Type II Diplomacy. There is nothing ostensibly wrong with the IC doing its job to obtain hard-to-get information. It broaches immorality when it contributes to cover-up when lack of oversight leads to a leak and corresponding pandemic.
- The Unnatural Origin of SARS and New Species of Man-Made Viruses as Genetic Bioweapons, 2015.
- Keeping this bracketed in case it turns out the spike protein was designed and/or made in the US and tested in Wuhan.
- I possess the security clearance to view Covid origins intelligence and analysis.
Authored by Joe Murphy via The Brownstone Institute,
Some years back, in calmer times before the storm, we officers at sea held the wardroom mess in accordance with that classic naval tradition. It was modernized and conducted over secure video, so those of us in the Med studied with those in the Gulf and those in the BAM,1 but it was all the same. Our study was Thucydides.
The Peloponnesian War is too large for a deployment’s worth of weekly studies to cover, so after each session, I filled my evening with further reading. As the Oak Hill2 passed Sicily, I was drawn to the history of the Sicilian Expedition. History is studied to draw lessons for present times. Athens’ lessons are abundant for ours.
In the midst of the 30-year Peloponnesian War, factions of Athens deemed an invasion of Sicily critical to overall victory. Inherent to their argument was the reality that Sicily would be impossibly lucrative if victorious. So it was then, so it is now: potential profit often clouds sound judgment.
The opposition lost and the attack proceeded. It took the entire fleet and all its citizen manpower and it was entirely defeated. During the multi-year effort, the factions that drove it fused into an oligarchy that perpetuated itself and its war until its incompetence and complete defeat undermined its despotism. It still took the Demos physically overthrowing the Oligarchy for democracy to be restored in Athens.3
Athens could rebuild the ships. But it could not rebuild the men. Thirty thousand citizen sailors were lost in the expedition – the heart of Athens’ civilizational power. The demographic catastrophe is considered a cause of Athens’ eventual defeat in the war and its civilizational decline.4
Two decades ago, factions argued that biowarfare threats were so significant that biodefense responsibility needed to be removed from the purview of the uniformed military and placed within NIAID under NIH and under HHS. There were structural and efficiency reasons to do this but the intangible reason was that the uniformed military officer corps would not stain its honor with biowarfare. It had held the line with the bioweapons convention since Nixon axed the US bioweapons program, so it had to be removed from the picture for the factions to proceed.
This action, called BioShield, fused the pharmaceutical industry with biodefense and fused the public health agencies with the intelligence community. The two entities in America not held accountable by law or practice, the vaccine industry and the intelligence community (IC), were joined into one. Though done to achieve a positive aim, it is obvious in hindsight that this fusion would create unaccountable oligarchy. Its most apparent manifestation is the director of NIAID’s salary, the highest in government and higher than the president’s, with corresponding tangible worldwide political power. This power structure was known previously to insiders5 but only became visible to the public during the Covid response. It also goes without saying that merging medicine with biodefense under the pretext of foreign biothreats is impossibly lucrative. So it was then, so it is now: potential profit often clouds sound judgment.
The biodefense oligarchy spread its tentacles across government and industry. There is pie to be had and it is lucrative. Adversaries make advances in biotechnology so funds must keep coming and riskier and riskier research must be done to supposedly stay ahead of those adversaries, especially if it proves true that the DOD and NIH traded advanced technology to those adversaries so the IC could gain access and spy on their laboratories.6Now with more advanced technology, the IC must do more spying on those adversaries and NIAID more research. The biodefense oligarchy is a reinforcing feedback loop. It perpetuates its reason to exist.
There does not appear to be a valid evaluation as to whether the biothreat rates such an apparatus in the context of the overarching threat picture the United States faces. It is unclear if the warriors, the combat armsmen, and the unrestricted line officers are involved in the assessment since they ceased to be involved years ago in an act of false piety (to which the origin of the Covid fiasco can be traced). And the director of NIAID will just turn off funding to the universities in the Congressman’s district when the Congressman raises opposition to the arrangement if the universities in his district have not already complained, for the oligarchy’s funds are substantial. The biodefense grantee taps DOD and NIAID for biodefense funds.
That’s two pots. Because of “the threats,” they can tap IC funds. Three pots. With the Global War On Terror creation of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the delegation of defense functions to DHS, including biodefense, there’s a fourth pot. There are actually even more pots, as the DEFUSE proposal shows, to the consternation of federal agents trying to piece the web together.7 There is pie to be had and it is lucrative.
As with the Athenians’ Sicilian Expedition, the biodefense oligarchy became stronger as it accrued failures. The predominant failure is the creation and release of SARS-CoV-2 and the consequent response. Biodefense acolytes called Covid a war and treated it as so, forcing the nation into a war footing. War demands resources and faltering war campaigns demand more resources to keep them afloat. Resourcing demands organization – consolidation – and consolidation equates to more power.
All governments accrue more powers in wartime. Jacob Siegel, a 9/11-generation veteran like me, wrote a fantastic Tablet essay8 on the disinformation complex which addressed the fusion of the biodefense apparatus with the GWOT-Patriot Act apparatus during the Covid event (I have near verbatim unpublished essays that say the same, and my peers and I discuss this repeatedly, so it is equally fascinating that our generation sees this so clearly).
Essentially, Americans were subjected to a counterterror-insurgency strategy implemented against them by the administrative state in response to the virus. This architecture was for war overseas but was implemented against the American people. With too many interests involved, the expanding apparatus could not be stopped, even by the party in power (which is the nature of oligarchy). As occurred overseas, counterinsurgency failed and in failure imposed despotism and broke the social compact of the country. Alas, the biodefense oligarchy only accumulated more power.
War added a final element to the oligarchy. SARS-CoV-2 occurred amidst a predicted class conflict9 between the credentialed class and everyone else (laptop class, expert class, essential v. nonessential, etc.).10 The landscape of politics had arranged in recent years to where the dominant credentialed caste aligned with the Democrats. This class and party alignment postured this faction to align with the biodefense oligarchy when the Covid “war” started, which is what happened. So biodefense + public health + vaccine industry + intelligence community + social class + political party + “war” = American Oligarchy.11
In such a landscape, the Demos emerged in opposition, another parallel to Athens. The Demos is the opposition party plus the rebellion. In counterinsurgency, the goal is to protect the people from the insurgent. In the Covid war, the “war” against the insurgent virus involved the biodefense oligarchy imposing war on the American people to “keep safe” [from the insurgent]. Since the people are oppressed in counterinsurgency, many rebel. The rebellion expands as the authorities’ ineptitude against the actual threat becomes too obvious for mass propaganda to conceal. The ineptitude also weakens and fractures the oligarchy. During the coup against Biden in July, a Harris staffer quipped that Biden was the oligarchy that needed to go away. Oligarchy complained to oligarchy that it was an oligarchy.12 This turned out to be a signal of the oligarchy’s pending implosion. Absent war, the oligarchy’s factions could no longer hold.
Present politics mirror the Athenian conflict between the Oligarchy and Demos, with November’s electoral victory another parallel to the Demos’ ultimate victory. How ultimate this Demos’ victory will be will play out in time. For, like Athenian history, America’s story will pivot on our version of the failed Sicilian Expedition.
America’s Sicilian Expedition is the creation and response to SARS-CoV-2. It is the compounding of errors from the Biodefense Oligarchy that culminates in our equivalent to Athens’ loss of its 30,000.
First is the death toll from SARS-CoV-2 itself. SARS-CoV-2, a synthetic virus or a reverse genetics system or a synthetic self-spreading vaccine – a living thing created in man’s hubris in “defense” against potential natural or man-made pathogens – harmed and killed many people.13This number is clouded by the Lockdown and treatment debacle. This number will remain disputed until the actual origin and nature of SARS-CoV-2 is known – what it is down to the amino acid level – and the statisticians and systems dynamicists rework the calculations. These losses were painful, but they were predominantly the old. The creation of and losses to SARS-CoV-2 itself equate to the initiation of the Sicilian Expedition. These losses are not equivalent to the loss of the fleet and its 30,000 citizen-warriors.
The losses from the vaccines are. These losses came well after the start of the war, at a time when the purpose and value of the war and the perpetuation of it could be re-evaluated. Moreover, these losses are in the young. These losses are concealed by the oligarchy but visible: the athlete who drops on the field, the runner who clutches his heart and face-plants on the street corner, the hyper-fit lieutenant who lies dead on the side of the road, the major collapsed during the fitness test with his peers pinning his violently stroking body to stop him choking on his tongue, the captain who collapses dead in his home before his wife and children, the veteran who wakes suddenly in the night, clutches his wife, screams, and dies instantly of pulmonary embolism, the little girl playing erratically with the neighborhood kids, the mothers over dinner watch weeping that she is not the same girl since the heart medicine.
The oligarchy was forced by reality to acknowledge that the shots cause cardiac injuries. The data accumulates for autoimmune conditions, menstrual irregularities, miscarriages, cancer, and numerous other ailments – vertigo, tinnitus, hypertension, colitis, Bell’s palsy, full-body rash, Guillain-Barre, and of course the clots and the clots and the clots. Like most Americans, my wife and I have dozens of family and friends with these injuries. Some estimate the country is losing a Vietnam’s worth of men every year since the shots were introduced.14 Twenty-four percent reported knowing someone killed by the shots.15 What is the compound interest on this loss rate? I can name eighteen wounded or dead veterans. My battalion’s casualties from two Afghan War deployments were half that.
Few take the shots anymore because they know. Governments and even the media now acknowledge that there are excess deaths. But, unlike the Athenians, the number is not known because the authorities refuse to do the math. The number is visible though. For instance, the Navy cannot man its ships.16 America already cannot man its fleet. There are other factors that contribute, but every organization is short people and every organization knows it is short people, for everyone in the organizations complains about it. The manpower shortage is not just a recruitment issue. The nation does not know if it is already Athens, and it should.
The physical manpower injury is compounded by moral injury. The healthy veteran gets sudden cancer, is near dead a month later, but miraculously and thankfully survives. He is left in a daze with no cause. The wounded themselves cannot even discuss the possible cause of their injuries less the acolytes of the oligarchy shame them, which perpetuates the moral injury. Another gets clots. Repeatedly now, the same time every year, as if the mRNA made his cells permanently produce spike protein at a consistent rate in a consistent location to eventually mass and annually clot. Naturally, his wife is concerned that one of these years the just-in-time blood thinners will not work and the injury will take him.
They live with moral injury and with no redress. Can he charge his chain of command with murder ahead of his death? Naturally, away from the acolytes, the injured discuss their physical and their moral injuries, usually with the unvaxxed, most of whom were forced out, adding to the manpower shortage. There it is spoken: Their sons will not serve. The manpower loss is compounding and multi-generational.
The magnitude of this loss is great. In itself, it demands resolution. But the situation is actually far worse than the visible injury of our people. The risks and harms from the gene-encoded (mRNA) vaccine technology are direct from either the biotechnology itself or the use of the spike protein as the epitope. More significantly, indirect risks exist as well and at greater scale. Any single-epitope vaccine can cause the body to only generate immunity against that epitope and make a person vulnerable to the illness when the virus adapts that epitope (i.e. Antibody Dependent Enhancement). But the vaccinated also suffer from IgG4 antibody class switching.17 In this situation, the body adapts to the vaccine by treating the epitope as an allergen. This makes the person even more vulnerable, for the body ignores the virus when infected. That individual now risks becoming even sicker.
Recall that the US funded risky research with intent to gain insight into what the People’s Republic of China (PRC) was doing with coronaviruses.18 There was a focus on spike proteins for legitimate purposes because work was being done worldwide on enhancing spike proteins to study (“study?”) them, and also because the PRC has published research intent to weaponize coronaviruses because of the spike proteins.19 It is known amongst investigators that the IC leveraged the nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance for Type II Diplomacy access into the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) to learn what its scientists were doing with epitopes like spike proteins. There is nothing inherently wrong with this; it is the IC’s job to spy. But the IgG4 matter shows that large numbers of Americans are now indefinitely vulnerable to a spike protein that emerged out of Wuhan. The biodefense oligarchy made the population vulnerable to the very thing the biodefense apparatus was operating in Wuhan to ostensibly protect us from.
The existence of this vulnerability is now replicated in numerous research studies. The severity in scale and duration of this vulnerability is unknown, but it should be known.
Aside from the strategic failure this matter is, the indirect casualties of a flawed response – specifically, the lack of detailed risk analysis to the individual and to the population of a mass vaccination course of action (with additional risk from the unready mRNA technology and the spike protein epitope) – compound the direct injuries and losses and contribute to the overarching demographic damage suffered from America’s version of the Sicilian Expedition.
Sicily Redux.
This is the reason the origin of SARS2 must be known. Not for retribution or reconciliation, not to prevent a man-made pandemic from occurring again. These are valid, but are not the reason. It must be known to accurately assess the demographic damage from the response, to know the near and long-term effects, to know the myocardial state of the nation’s fighting-aged men, and to know the cruel annual compound interest in deaths the mRNA decision will bring, to know the citizenry’s vulnerability to the [PRC]20 spike protein, to know the duration of our civilization’s vulnerability.
To those who argue that it would be too costly for America to acknowledge its role in creating SARS-CoV-2, or that America cannot afford for its enemies to know how bad the vaccine injuries in the military are – arguments I heard repeatedly in these years as a whistleblower – the potential magnitude of the screwup, Sicily Redux, our equivalent to Athens’ loss of 30,000, both the physical and moral injury, far surpasses the financial and reputational costs to admitting the truth. The failures will only exacerbate as the new administration declassifies intelligence, for the cardiac and IgG4 risks of using the spike protein as the mRNA epitope could have been extrapolated from the suppressed Department of Energy assessment had the cover-up not fouled informed risk analysis.21
Whether America’s version of the Sicilian Expedition will have the same result as the Athenians’ remains to be seen. The parallels inform how our maritime democracy navigates its way forward. The primary lesson is that which every quality sports team and mature military formation understands: lie to yourself about yourself and you will be weak; know yourself – know your weaknesses – and you will be stronger. Or unperiled in a hundred battles, as a Chinese military philosopher once said.
This young man asks that a mature republic do the same. Far too many amongst us feel the losses but lie to themselves about their nature. This is yet another moral burden stacked onto the others. The situation is not healthy for the individual, or the nation.
As the burden is felt, so is the newfound energy in the land. The Demos is in rebound. It dismantles illicit oligarchy. It returns accountability and vigor to the state. Let it not be spoiled by discounting the physical loss of an errant expedition. Let it not be further spoiled by ignoring the moral injury accrued from that failure. A great republic learns from the past.
- BAM – Bab el Mandeb Strait. Colloquialism used by Marines and sailors.
- The Oligarchy of 400 took power in 411 BC. It transformed into the “5000” oligarchy shortly afterwards before the Athenian Navy liberated Athens and re-established democracy. https://www.britannica.com/event/Peloponnesian-War
- Athens replaced the citizen sailors with slaves. Thucydides reports that Greece at large was stunned that Athens endured another decade following the catastrophe.
- I learned about the fear of Dr. Fauci’s influence in my first month as the 2020-2021 Commandant’s Fellow at DARPA. The power structure and internal biosecurity enterprise battles were also explained to me at this time.
- David Asher Interview – The Vince Coglianese Show. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YI43JEUfXOQ
- DEFUSE project proposal: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21066966-defuse-proposal/. For the unaware reader, I uncovered the possible blueprint for SARS-CoV-2, called Project DEFUSE, while a Marine Corps fellow at DARPA in 2021. This is public information reported numerous times and included in books and a movie.
- Siegel: “A Guide to Understanding the Hoax of the Century.” Tablet Magazine. March 28, 2023. https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/guide-understanding-ho…
- See George Friedman’s 2020 book The Storm Before the Calm: America’s Discord, the Coming Crisis of the 2020s, and the Triumph Beyond amongst others.
- See Michael Lind’s “The New National American Elite” as a reference, also referenced by Siegel in Section XI of his work. https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/new-national-american-…
- The Athenians recorded and historically referred to their oligarchy as the Oligarchy.
- https://www.axios.com/2024/06/29/biden-debate-replace-advisers. There is another article where a young Harris staffer quips that Biden’s team is an oligarchy.
- See DRASTIC for the 2018 EcoHealth Alliance Project DEFUSE proposal to DARPA: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21066966-defuse-proposal/. See Alex Washburne for the reverse genetics system hypothesis: https://alexwasburne.substack.com/p/reverse-genetic-systems.
- Canary in a COVID World, Canary House Publishing, edited by C. H. Klotz, P. 117-118
- “‘Died Suddenly’? More Than 1-in-4 Think Someone They Know Died From COVID-19 Vaccines – Demographics”, Rasmussen Reports, poll conducted 28-30 Dec 2022. https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/public_surveys…
- https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/navy-sailor-shortage-ship-readiness/3625593/; https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-24-106525; https://www.stripes.com/branches/navy/2024-09-10/navy-gao-fleet-readiness-report-15128703.html; https://news.usni.org/2024/08/22/navy-could-sideline-17-support-ships-due-to-manpower-issues
- See Quay and Berenson. https://x.com/quay_dr/status/1872681596400394461?mx=2; https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/very-urgent-do-covid-mrna-vaccines; Also https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s12979-024-00466-9#Fig2
- This is known from whistleblower reporting and congressional inquiry. It is also known amongst investigators that Peter Daszak and EcoHealth Alliance performed Type II Diplomacy. There is nothing ostensibly wrong with the IC doing its job to obtain hard-to-get information. It broaches immorality when it contributes to cover-up when lack of oversight leads to a leak and corresponding pandemic.
- The Unnatural Origin of SARS and New Species of Man-Made Viruses as Genetic Bioweapons, 2015.
- Keeping this bracketed in case it turns out the spike protein was designed and/or made in the US and tested in Wuhan.
- I possess the security clearance to view Covid origins intelligence and analysis.