February 27, 2025

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This election displayed our national revulsion to untruth; we don't like to be lied to. We 

This last week has had all of us analyzing the results of the election. Most of us are doing so with glee and gratitude, but the Left is left scrounging up excuse after excuse, explanation after explanation, trying to avoid the truth. The Left didn’t lose because their “messaging” was ineffective. They didn’t lose because of the Kamala cackle, or her phantom policies, or her linguistic malfeasance. The Left lost because the very base of her stance, of the Left’s philosophy, is evil.

At the core of the progressive worldview is the idea that there is no absolute truth. I’ll grant that there’s no one walking the earth today that has a perfect grasp on what that truth might be, but to deny its existence is to open the door and offer the devil a seat at the table. Of course, there is the obvious problem that the statement, “there is no absolute truth” is self-refuting, but if a person deludes himself enough, he won’t care. Meanwhile, the postmodern position allows a looseness of thought that has nearly done us in as a nation. There is no difference between absolute truth and God, and it was Dostoyevsky who pointed out that “without God all things are permissible.”

What the Left doesn’t understand is that, despite their declarations to the contrary, despite their locking God out of our public discourse, God IS. And His standards haven’t changed, and most of us know that.

America is unique in many ways — our self-governance, our economic system, our generosity, our innovative, pioneering spirit — but most important is the fact that we have always been a moral country. Not perfectly so; we have paid dearly for the breaches of God’s divine moral code (see Exodus 20), but “We hold these truths to be self-evident” has always been America’s backbone — self-evident truth. God.

This election displayed our national revulsion to untruth; we don’t like to be lied to. We were told that the economy is just fine, but the truth was staring us all in the face every time we bought gas or groceries or paid the rent. We can tell that the “education” we’re spending a fortune on has produced students who can’t read or compute and know nothing about the configuration of our government. It’s obvious to any breathing person that our crime rate is soaring, that our nation is being invaded, and yet the left smiled in our faces and told us everything is hunky-dory. No change in “messaging” is going to pretty-up the pig enough to make us vote for it. 

One of the Ten Commandments (a perfect blueprint for a successful society) warns us not to “bear false witness” against our fellow man, but the Harris campaign repeatedly, heatedly accused Donald Trump, and all of us who supported him, of being Nazis — largely because he held a rally in a building where real Nazis had never gathered. What?! They indicted him for things weren’t even crimes until they said they were, and then called him a felon. They warned women that Trump’s policies would kill them. When he was shot, they even accused him of rigging the assassination attempt.  Politics are always ugly, but this level of hyperbolic lying is off the charts. Did the left think we’d all just believe the nonsense? We were gobsmacked that people could so calmly lie to our faces and then expect us to vote for them.

S<img alt captext="PickPik” class=”post-image-right” src=”https://conservativenewsbriefing.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/the-blind-eye.jpg” width=”450″>omewhere deep inside the human soul a truth-meter holds sway, an evil detector goes off. It’s true that one of our human failings is that we can be pretty good at ignoring it when we want to, and obviously millions of our fellow Americans were able to do so this election, but things eventually got so off-kilter that enough of us paid enough attention to bring a halt to the awfulness. Enough is enough.

For instance, we know in our bones that performing unnecessary, permanently deforming surgery on a child is evil — with or without parental permission. The surgeons who perform such surgery, the counselors who promote it, and the parents who allow it are just demonic, and yet here we were faced with a Democrat platform that not only promoted such evil but supported the state’s right to countermand parents who had the gall to object to the mutilation of their children.  Maybe a case could be made if such surgery could make a girl into a boy, but we know it can’t — that too is a lie.

Speaking of children, doesn’t our concern for children top all other concerns? God buried that deep into the human soul to ensure that humanity would continue. But look at the progressive agenda:

  1. Abortion — let’s just kill the little buggers before they even get here. And let’s call it “choice” and “reproductive rights” and “women’s health” so no one will really object. Let’s not talk about how that’s done and who’s making a profit from it.
  2. Open borders — let’s be compassionate about these poor folk and welcome them into our hometowns. Never mind the 300,000 migrant children that have disappeared once they got here. We don’t know who they are, where they are, who is doing what with or to them and the Left doesn’t care. It would be awful if a hundred had gone missing, but 300,000? That hurts my heart.
  3. Pedophilia — let’s call it “minor-attracted persons” and sweep it under the rug. Let’s run an administration that will continue to hide the names of powerful people who have seduced and raped children of both sexes. Let’s use the schools and libraries to groom children for sexual contact and perversion. Let’s call it being inclusive. It’s all another lie, but “without God all things are permissible.”

We are also aware of the untruth buried in Kamala’s financial plans. Another of the Commandments tells us not to steal, but what do you call a 25% tax on “unrealized gains?” Did the DNC think we can’t do math? If you own a million-dollar house and its value goes up to $1,200,000 then, whether you sell it or not, you owe $50,000. That’s theft. Hasn’t rampant inflation robbed us enough? Aren’t taxes already too high? And we know that old canard about making the rich pay “their fair share” is just hogwash. We know that:

  1. The “rich” already pay 95% of the tax burden.
  2. The corporations merely pass the tax bill on to the consumer.
  3. Printing more money merely taxes all of us.

Kamala evidently thought she could slip all that past us and ramp up the theft already being perpetrated. Evil.

No, she didn’t lose this election because of “messaging,” but because of the ideas buried in the message. She and her ilk lost this election because they walked so far away from the Truth that we could no longer see, in her person or in her platform, any vestige of what we love about America — that we hold truth to be self-evident and we’ll no longer turn a blind eye to the Lie.

Deana Chadwell is an adjunct professor and department head at Pacific Bible College https://pacificbible.edu in southern Oregon. She teaches writing, logic, and literature. She can be contacted at [email protected]

Image: PickPik

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