Via Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com,
Former Wall Street money manager and financial analyst Ed Dowd of phinancetechnologies.com is back with more data on how the Biden Administration propped up a failing economy during the 2024 election year.
Dowd contends “crisis level spending” was being administered, along with some bigtime “fraud.”
Dowd says, “We had 10% deficit to GDP during the Great Financial Crisis (2008 – 2009) when we actually had a crisis. We had 8% deficit to GDP during this election year. You have to ask yourself, what was the crisis?"
"The crisis was to get the Biden Administration (and Kamala) re-elected. So, they went on binge spending. They borrowed from the future to try to ensure they won.
They did it two ways: They hired massive amounts of government personnel to float the economy, and they also did illegal immigration.
We are thinking it was 10 million to 15 million illegal immigrants that came in the last four years. The majority of the illegal immigrants came in the last two years. That stimulated the economy and raised the velocity of money as those people were given money.
All the NGO’s that facilitated the illegal immigration also got money, and that stimulated the economy. This deficit added $2 trillion, and that was unproductive assets. So, we borrowed from the future to create more government jobs and imported unprecedented amounts of illegal immigrants that don’t add to the economy.
That’s what we have, and President Trump’s policies are going to reverse all that sugar juice. There are going to be mass deportations and reduced government spending.
That short term juice is going away, and it was not sustainable anyway. The bond markets are revolting, and that could not have gone on much longer.”
But it was not just massive money printing and debt creation that hid how bad the real economy was, it was very crooked data. Dowd says,
“We also had bureaucratic incompetence or fraud or whatever you want to call it. They were padding the non-farm payroll numbers to the tune of 1.25 million jobs...
If you look at the chart, which we don’t have here, it’s insane.
It’s one of the biggest misses between reality and estimates we have ever seen.
It’s a seven-sigma event. It’s 1.25 million jobs. It’s already started downward revisions...
The 3rd quarter GDP of 3% will be revised down, and when we get . . . the data in February, there will be more GDP economic revisions down. . . . The capital markets made bad decisions on this data. The Fed made bad decisions on this data, and corporations made bad decisions on this data. The price tag is coming due in 2025. Not only that, but we have a slowing economy across the globe...
The amount of foreign assets in our stock market has never been higher, and this is all going to reverse. The price will be paid in 2025. . . .What’s coming is coming. It’s how low do we go, and when do the animal spirits kick in? So, there is pain coming, and it’s up to the Trump Administration to get all their policies enacted. Then we have a hope and a prayer coming out the other side that we will be way better off.
The bottom line is there is pain coming regardless. The question is how fast can we restart with Trump’s policies?”
Dowd likes gold as part of a portfolio, and he is suggesting people get some cash in hand.
Dowd says the war in Syria is going to intensify, and you will be hearing much more negative news from that area in 2025.
Dowd, who wrote the popular book “Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021, 2022 and 2023,” says the epidemic caused by the CV19 injections will be with us for the rest of our lives.
Dowd released new data that added 800,000 people to the 4 million disabled we already had since the CV19 mRNA vax began. Dowd says,
“The other thing that is going on is the increase in cancers. Science is following up . . . There is cancer causing agents in the mRNA vaccines, and we are seeing cancers on the rise. . . . There are new (medical insurance) claims among young workers, especially cancer claims. . . .
Insurance rates are going up across the board.
The answer to what is going on is to raise prices. They are not differentiating between the vaxed and unvaxed. So, everybody’s prices are going up. Health insurance is going to become unaffordable for most people.”
There is much more in the 48-minute interview.
Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with money manager and investment expert Ed Dowd, author of the updated book called “Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021, 2022 and 2023” for 12.28.24. The “sudden deaths” are still happening at epidemic levels!!
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To Donate to USAWatchdog.com click here
You can order Dowd’s updated book called “Cause Unknown” by clicking here.
If you want to go to Dowd’s website called PhinanceTechnologies.com, click here.
(Be on the lookout for his new groundbreaking economic report coming out in January.)
Dowd’s work on compiling data on deaths, disabilities and injuries caused by the CV19 bioweapon/vax is all free at his website called HumanityProjects.info. You can see the data by clicking here, and you can donate to the HumanityProjects.info by clicking here.
Via Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com,
Former Wall Street money manager and financial analyst Ed Dowd of phinancetechnologies.com is back with more data on how the Biden Administration propped up a failing economy during the 2024 election year.
Dowd contends “crisis level spending” was being administered, along with some bigtime “fraud.”
Dowd says, “We had 10% deficit to GDP during the Great Financial Crisis (2008 – 2009) when we actually had a crisis. We had 8% deficit to GDP during this election year. You have to ask yourself, what was the crisis?”
“The crisis was to get the Biden Administration (and Kamala) re-elected. So, they went on binge spending. They borrowed from the future to try to ensure they won.
They did it two ways: They hired massive amounts of government personnel to float the economy, and they also did illegal immigration.
We are thinking it was 10 million to 15 million illegal immigrants that came in the last four years. The majority of the illegal immigrants came in the last two years. That stimulated the economy and raised the velocity of money as those people were given money.
All the NGO’s that facilitated the illegal immigration also got money, and that stimulated the economy. This deficit added $2 trillion, and that was unproductive assets. So, we borrowed from the future to create more government jobs and imported unprecedented amounts of illegal immigrants that don’t add to the economy.
That’s what we have, and President Trump’s policies are going to reverse all that sugar juice. There are going to be mass deportations and reduced government spending.
That short term juice is going away, and it was not sustainable anyway. The bond markets are revolting, and that could not have gone on much longer.”
But it was not just massive money printing and debt creation that hid how bad the real economy was, it was very crooked data. Dowd says,
“We also had bureaucratic incompetence or fraud or whatever you want to call it. They were padding the non-farm payroll numbers to the tune of 1.25 million jobs…
If you look at the chart, which we don’t have here, it’s insane.
It’s one of the biggest misses between reality and estimates we have ever seen.
It’s a seven-sigma event. It’s 1.25 million jobs. It’s already started downward revisions…
The 3rd quarter GDP of 3% will be revised down, and when we get . . . the data in February, there will be more GDP economic revisions down. . . . The capital markets made bad decisions on this data. The Fed made bad decisions on this data, and corporations made bad decisions on this data. The price tag is coming due in 2025. Not only that, but we have a slowing economy across the globe…
The amount of foreign assets in our stock market has never been higher, and this is all going to reverse. The price will be paid in 2025. . . .What’s coming is coming. It’s how low do we go, and when do the animal spirits kick in? So, there is pain coming, and it’s up to the Trump Administration to get all their policies enacted. Then we have a hope and a prayer coming out the other side that we will be way better off.
The bottom line is there is pain coming regardless. The question is how fast can we restart with Trump’s policies?”
Dowd likes gold as part of a portfolio, and he is suggesting people get some cash in hand.
Dowd says the war in Syria is going to intensify, and you will be hearing much more negative news from that area in 2025.
Dowd, who wrote the popular book “Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021, 2022 and 2023,” says the epidemic caused by the CV19 injections will be with us for the rest of our lives.
Dowd released new data that added 800,000 people to the 4 million disabled we already had since the CV19 mRNA vax began. Dowd says,
“The other thing that is going on is the increase in cancers. Science is following up . . . There is cancer causing agents in the mRNA vaccines, and we are seeing cancers on the rise. . . . There are new (medical insurance) claims among young workers, especially cancer claims. . . .
Insurance rates are going up across the board.
The answer to what is going on is to raise prices. They are not differentiating between the vaxed and unvaxed. So, everybody’s prices are going up. Health insurance is going to become unaffordable for most people.”
There is much more in the 48-minute interview.
Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with money manager and investment expert Ed Dowd, author of the updated book called “Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021, 2022 and 2023” for 12.28.24. The “sudden deaths” are still happening at epidemic levels!!
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To Donate to USAWatchdog.com click here
You can order Dowd’s updated book called “Cause Unknown” by clicking here.
If you want to go to Dowd’s website called PhinanceTechnologies.com, click here.
(Be on the lookout for his new groundbreaking economic report coming out in January.)
Dowd’s work on compiling data on deaths, disabilities and injuries caused by the CV19 bioweapon/vax is all free at his website called HumanityProjects.info. You can see the data by clicking here, and you can donate to the HumanityProjects.info by clicking here.