March 9, 2025

Photo Credit:Donkey teeth


For anyone who may have doubted it before the State of the Union address, the Democrats went into overdrive to hammer home the message that they're all going nuts.

The Democrat party has descended into madness.  For anyone who may have doubted that before the State of the Union address, the Democrats went into overdrive to hammer the message home.

When you strip away all the platitudes around one of America’s two main political parties, what you’re left with is anti-woman, anti-American, anti-peace, and anti-reality.

Earlier this week, in a truly stunning moment, every Democrat senator voted against protecting women in sports, choosing the world’s worst hill to die on.  This lopsided issue unites all sane people.  Men should not be allowed to compete in women’s sports.  It’s hard to understate how foolish Democrats’ opposition to this fact is, along with the damage it has done to their brand.

This is the same party that has spent so much time and energy building its brand as the party of women, relying on the media to spin its evil no-limits abortion zealotry — as they put on weird costumes and declared themselves handmaidens — as somehow reflecting a pro-woman position.  To a large degree, with the help of heavy lifting from their media allies, it worked.  Their radicalism in championing men in women’s sports has punctured that facade.

It’s not an insignificant issue when mentally ill men are swooping in to claim trophies and set records.  The Ostrich Party refuses even to acknowledge the existence of victims, even as their numbers grow.

Nobody wants his daughters competing against mentally ill men — not only because it isn’t fair, but also because they could suffer a horrible fate, such as what happened to Peyton McNabb, who received a life-altering traumatic brain injury at the hands of one of these charming chaps.  When even die-hard leftist Martina Navratilova is calling out her fellow travelers, they’re in deep trouble.

This is also a political party that rushes to defend and enable illegal aliens who prey on women, which is perhaps why they sat on their hands and scowled during the heartbreaking tributes to Laken Riley and Jocelyn Nungaray.  Expect to see increasingly more women move away from the Democrats in the same way that a gradual movement of working-class Americans escaping the madness built to a torrent.

Having thrown their lot in with the globalists, the party is almost militantly anti-American at this point.  This manifests in many ways, and all were in full view during the State of the Union and its aftermath.  They defend illegal alien criminals over their American victims at every opportunity.  It’s almost as if they expect these criminals to vote for them.  Oh, you can’t legally show an ID to vote in Democrat California?  You don’t say.

They also always take the side of other nations against the United States, whether that be Ukraine, Canada, China, or Lesotho.

Less obvious but even more damaging in its anti-American result, they oppose any attempt to reduce unnecessary spending or to address America’s disastrous debt situation, cheering on even the most absurd spending or the federal judge that ordered the administration to throw $2 billion into the corrupt foreign aid shredder.

There are only three possible reasons why Democrats care so little about government waste.  They are so galactically stupid that they don’t realize we are heading to bankruptcy, or they do understand, and it is exactly what they want, or they know we are on the path to collapse but prefer, like the final Babylonian king in the Bible, to party in power until the disembodied hand shows up to announce their (and our) downfall.  Regardless, their position weakens America, which for them appears to be a feature and not a bug.

There was once a shared belief in American politics that the out party was the loyal opposition.  That stemmed from the recognition that we should all care about America and Americans despite different policy preferences.

When one of the political parties can’t even stand to honor Americans and reflexively takes all positions against America, this concept no longer exists.  Their loyalty is to their own power and to globalist impulses that are decidedly anti-American.

Remember how the media collectively clutched their pearls for days when a single Republican congressman, shocked by what he heard, instinctively yelled, “You lie!” when Barack Obama told a whopper during a State of the Union address?  The “Gulf of Mexico” AP called it an extraordinary breach of protocol, and the congressman apologized.  That seems like a quaint time.  After this year’s State of the Union, no remaining protocol exists, thanks to paper-shredder Pelosi and her dour band of disloyals.  Keeping with the Democrat theme of the week, set when all Democrat senators voted against women, the Democrats kept to their insane unity.  Not one of them broke with the crowd.

Anyone watching Trump’s magnificent and emotional speech must have noticed that the only time a Democrat applauded all night was not for those who had their lives shattered when a loved one was murdered or when a heroic young cancer survivor was being recognized.  Instead, it was when Senator Warren gleefully applauded the prospect of writing massive checks to fuel five more years of death and destruction in Ukraine.  The Democrats are now fully anti-peace, the party of the forever war.

When the Cheney brigade of vampires defected to the Democrats, there was a huge shift between the parties.  The Republicans improved considerably, since they no longer had to defend the warmongers, but the Democrats lost one of the few areas where they held an advantage with many Americans.  Driving these leeches from the party was one of President Trump’s greatest feats.

There is a word to describe the anti-American, anti-woman, anti-peace demonic mess that was on display this week.  That word is “evil.”

Before last night, I expected Democrats to do well in the midterms based on historical trends alone.  After last night, I would no longer take that bet.  This is a party begging to buck historical trends.  Who in his right mind would want to vote for what he just saw?  How could the party have allowed itself to be maneuvered into such a horrible position, where it is staking out anti-American positions on everything?

Some Democrats must realize what they’ve become, but not a single one of them showed a semblance of compassion or sanity.  At the risk of giving advice to a self-immolating opponent, if they don’t adjust their strategy soon, they’re going to get slaughtered.  And they will have more than earned it.

This is a party that deserves to be razed to the ground.  Let’s hope Americans do just that while throwing salt on top of them.

Fletch also writes fiction.  You can check out his latest novel on Amazon.

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Image via Pixabay.

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