February 23, 2025
The Democrats' War On America, Part One: What "Saving Our Democracy" Really Means

Authored by Richard Truesdell and Keith Lehmann via American Greatness,

Policy positions are historically key to making the case for one’s presidential campaign, and up until just recently, the Kamala Harris campaign avoided such conversation. Now the Harris-Walz campaign has released a snapshot of how they intend to govern, and we can’t help but notice a lot of lofty promises and empty socialist platitudes with very little detail as to how it will get done. And more importantly, why this “New Way Forward” is now needed after the Democrats’ last four years in the White House. Was that the “Wrong Way Forward?”

Average voters will notice this, so the campaign must now really control access to the candidates to keep them from having to answer tough questions. With less than sixty days remaining in the 2024 election cycle, we expect the Harris-Walz campaign to continue evading unscripted interviews while putting campaign ads in front of the media to try to make sense of that, which is clearly nonsense.

Is this a brilliant strategy, as has been stated by some media outlets? Or is this the latest in a series of strategic missteps put forth by the Democrat Party that would somehow gaslight the public into believing that the economic and societal disaster caused by the Biden-Harris administration simply did not happen?

We actually think the “basement strategy” is smart because the Democrat machine cannot change course at this point. The machine that installed Harris-Walz as the presidential ticket is too invested in its socialist agenda and is hopelessly estranged from the American public to even consider a course correction toward the center. The lying must continue to sell a vision for America that very few people want.

We saw this over four days of the Democrat National Convention.

It was an in-your-face personality disorder freak show put on by a debased group of guilt-ridden people who must lie about everything to obliterate the memory of the catastrophic Biden-Harris term in power. Democrats know that they are on the wrong side of this cycle’s three main issues: the economy, the migrant crisis on the southern border, and the feckless Biden-Harris foreign policy that has led to ongoing disasters in Ukraine and the Middle East.

Now throw in Americans’ realization that the Biden-Harris withdrawal from Afghanistan (which we were reminded of when Democrats like President Biden politicized Trump’s visit to Arlington National Cemetery last week at the invitation of the fallen 13 who died at Abbey Gate while having done far worse himself) was a deadly catastrophic disaster with long-term geopolitical consequences.

Joe Biden—against the advice of his own joint chiefs of staff, NATO allies, and the Afghan government—pulled out so he, rather than President Trump, could claim to have ended America’s longest war. The withdrawal from Afghanistan was always about Biden’s so-called “legacy.” Democrats, Biden, and Kamala Harris, the last person in the Situation Room with the president, now own this debacle. This is now Biden’s legacy of failure. It was even more shameful than the final exit of US forces from Saigon in April 1975.

Democrats, no matter how hard they try, can’t counter this. Neither abortion (which Trump has partially defused as a wedge issue in some of the crucial swing states) nor the New Green Deal (that a majority of Americans oppose) can counter this in any meaningful way except with suburban wine moms and the TDS sufferers who watch The View.

The machine must now aim its might to prop up Vice President Harris. This is the same person who covered up Biden’s infirmity for most of his four-year term, who accomplished nothing except enable inflation-busting spending bills with her tie-breaking votes in the deadlocked 50-50 Senate, and who will continue to be abetted by a traitorous legacy news media.

All in the name of “saving our democracy.” This is as fake of a war cry as we have ever heard.

The Democrats’ “democracy” is actually a vast spoils system, an immense political machine siphoning trillions of taxpayer dollars out of the treasury and funneling those dollars to preferred non-profit organizations and NGOs, forming an unaccountable secondary bureaucracy that is at war with everyone outside of the establishment and the Deep State operatives who right now are serving as a shadow government.

All of the platitudes of improving “quality of life,” making “groceries more affordable,” achieving “border security,” and “providing for our children’s future” are cynical reminders of just how much lying is required to keep up the fiction of Democrats wanting anything other than complete intervention and control over the population. It is totalitarian in nature and explains how the left needs to feed a constant stream of lies to the public in order to sustain any degree of credibility.

But maybe Democrats don’t care about credibility. After all, the Democrat Party is the party of big government. It is a formidable enemy as it holds the levers of federal power while continuously consolidating state and local power through buying the elections of left-leaning prosecutors (Kamala Harris was one of them) that release chaos onto the public and punish those that are not on board with their agenda. They enable the racketeering operations in place to funnel vast amounts of taxpayer wealth to chosen special interest groups and activist organizations to act as proxies for government agencies to carry out their intentions under a cloak of invisibility.

“Saving our democracy” is a Democrat euphemism for “keeping our unaccountable wealth transfer juggernaut going.”

The vast amount of wealth that has been transferred from the middle class and the wealthy to the 1% elites over the last four years is simply staggering. It has nothing to do with the representation of American citizens’ interests. Any mention of benefit to American citizens is a straight-up lie.

This is what Donald Trump and the Conservative movement oppose.

It is why Democrats are actively trying to bankrupt Trump and send him to prison.

It is why Trump was targeted for assassination—the first attempt on a president’s life since 1980.

And it is why the campaign of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., was sabotaged by the Democrat Party.

Kennedy has not been shy about his disdain of public health agencies and their financial relationships with Big Pharma, which are a plain conflict of interest, or his criticisms of insurance-driven asset stripping of the medical industry.

The public wealth transfer between government and private organizations (including legacy media, which frequently runs four-page ads and two-minute Big Pharma commercials in exchange for the favorable cover-up of the human wreckage caused by their products) is hidden but not invisible.

Democrats have held the presidency for 12 of the last 16 years. The party’s legacy during that period is lawfare, crime, destruction of institutions, a ruined economy, a devalued dollar, sexual lunacy, devastation of communities, and an increased possibility of a world war.

“Saving our democracy” does not mean what you think it means—it is an empty platitude that is repeated over and over to distract you from their real intention, which is to continue to seize taxpayer wealth without accountability. And pretty soon they won’t even try to hide that.

That is why the consequences of the 2024 election are enormous. As we have stated earlier, not only do Republicans need to win in November, they need to win big. It must include a popular vote victory, not just an Electoral College squeaker. Trump needs to win. Republicans must expand their tiny majority in the House and take back control of the Senate. TDS-suffering Democrats like Jamie Raskin must not be given any opportunity to contest the results of the upcoming election. Their defeat needs to be decisive and resounding.

Tyler Durden Fri, 09/20/2024 - 22:35

Authored by Richard Truesdell and Keith Lehmann via American Greatness,

Policy positions are historically key to making the case for one’s presidential campaign, and up until just recently, the Kamala Harris campaign avoided such conversation. Now the Harris-Walz campaign has released a snapshot of how they intend to govern, and we can’t help but notice a lot of lofty promises and empty socialist platitudes with very little detail as to how it will get done. And more importantly, why this “New Way Forward” is now needed after the Democrats’ last four years in the White House. Was that the “Wrong Way Forward?”

Average voters will notice this, so the campaign must now really control access to the candidates to keep them from having to answer tough questions. With less than sixty days remaining in the 2024 election cycle, we expect the Harris-Walz campaign to continue evading unscripted interviews while putting campaign ads in front of the media to try to make sense of that, which is clearly nonsense.

Is this a brilliant strategy, as has been stated by some media outlets? Or is this the latest in a series of strategic missteps put forth by the Democrat Party that would somehow gaslight the public into believing that the economic and societal disaster caused by the Biden-Harris administration simply did not happen?

We actually think the “basement strategy” is smart because the Democrat machine cannot change course at this point. The machine that installed Harris-Walz as the presidential ticket is too invested in its socialist agenda and is hopelessly estranged from the American public to even consider a course correction toward the center. The lying must continue to sell a vision for America that very few people want.

We saw this over four days of the Democrat National Convention.

It was an in-your-face personality disorder freak show put on by a debased group of guilt-ridden people who must lie about everything to obliterate the memory of the catastrophic Biden-Harris term in power. Democrats know that they are on the wrong side of this cycle’s three main issues: the economy, the migrant crisis on the southern border, and the feckless Biden-Harris foreign policy that has led to ongoing disasters in Ukraine and the Middle East.

Now throw in Americans’ realization that the Biden-Harris withdrawal from Afghanistan (which we were reminded of when Democrats like President Biden politicized Trump’s visit to Arlington National Cemetery last week at the invitation of the fallen 13 who died at Abbey Gate while having done far worse himself) was a deadly catastrophic disaster with long-term geopolitical consequences.

Joe Biden—against the advice of his own joint chiefs of staff, NATO allies, and the Afghan government—pulled out so he, rather than President Trump, could claim to have ended America’s longest war. The withdrawal from Afghanistan was always about Biden’s so-called “legacy.” Democrats, Biden, and Kamala Harris, the last person in the Situation Room with the president, now own this debacle. This is now Biden’s legacy of failure. It was even more shameful than the final exit of US forces from Saigon in April 1975.

Democrats, no matter how hard they try, can’t counter this. Neither abortion (which Trump has partially defused as a wedge issue in some of the crucial swing states) nor the New Green Deal (that a majority of Americans oppose) can counter this in any meaningful way except with suburban wine moms and the TDS sufferers who watch The View.

The machine must now aim its might to prop up Vice President Harris. This is the same person who covered up Biden’s infirmity for most of his four-year term, who accomplished nothing except enable inflation-busting spending bills with her tie-breaking votes in the deadlocked 50-50 Senate, and who will continue to be abetted by a traitorous legacy news media.

All in the name of “saving our democracy.” This is as fake of a war cry as we have ever heard.

The Democrats’ “democracy” is actually a vast spoils system, an immense political machine siphoning trillions of taxpayer dollars out of the treasury and funneling those dollars to preferred non-profit organizations and NGOs, forming an unaccountable secondary bureaucracy that is at war with everyone outside of the establishment and the Deep State operatives who right now are serving as a shadow government.

All of the platitudes of improving “quality of life,” making “groceries more affordable,” achieving “border security,” and “providing for our children’s future” are cynical reminders of just how much lying is required to keep up the fiction of Democrats wanting anything other than complete intervention and control over the population. It is totalitarian in nature and explains how the left needs to feed a constant stream of lies to the public in order to sustain any degree of credibility.

But maybe Democrats don’t care about credibility. After all, the Democrat Party is the party of big government. It is a formidable enemy as it holds the levers of federal power while continuously consolidating state and local power through buying the elections of left-leaning prosecutors (Kamala Harris was one of them) that release chaos onto the public and punish those that are not on board with their agenda. They enable the racketeering operations in place to funnel vast amounts of taxpayer wealth to chosen special interest groups and activist organizations to act as proxies for government agencies to carry out their intentions under a cloak of invisibility.

“Saving our democracy” is a Democrat euphemism for “keeping our unaccountable wealth transfer juggernaut going.”

The vast amount of wealth that has been transferred from the middle class and the wealthy to the 1% elites over the last four years is simply staggering. It has nothing to do with the representation of American citizens’ interests. Any mention of benefit to American citizens is a straight-up lie.

This is what Donald Trump and the Conservative movement oppose.

It is why Democrats are actively trying to bankrupt Trump and send him to prison.

It is why Trump was targeted for assassination—the first attempt on a president’s life since 1980.

And it is why the campaign of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., was sabotaged by the Democrat Party.

Kennedy has not been shy about his disdain of public health agencies and their financial relationships with Big Pharma, which are a plain conflict of interest, or his criticisms of insurance-driven asset stripping of the medical industry.

The public wealth transfer between government and private organizations (including legacy media, which frequently runs four-page ads and two-minute Big Pharma commercials in exchange for the favorable cover-up of the human wreckage caused by their products) is hidden but not invisible.

Democrats have held the presidency for 12 of the last 16 years. The party’s legacy during that period is lawfare, crime, destruction of institutions, a ruined economy, a devalued dollar, sexual lunacy, devastation of communities, and an increased possibility of a world war.

“Saving our democracy” does not mean what you think it means—it is an empty platitude that is repeated over and over to distract you from their real intention, which is to continue to seize taxpayer wealth without accountability. And pretty soon they won’t even try to hide that.

That is why the consequences of the 2024 election are enormous. As we have stated earlier, not only do Republicans need to win in November, they need to win big. It must include a popular vote victory, not just an Electoral College squeaker. Trump needs to win. Republicans must expand their tiny majority in the House and take back control of the Senate. TDS-suffering Democrats like Jamie Raskin must not be given any opportunity to contest the results of the upcoming election. Their defeat needs to be decisive and resounding.
