Clarice F
Over the past two weeks Elon Musk and his cadre of young computer geniuses have cracked the code.Over the past two weeks Elon Musk and his cadre of young computer geniuses have cracked the code. Like Toto pulling the curtain on the Wizard of Oz, they’ve pulled back the cover on government secrecy. They’ve shown how oceans of tax revenue have flowed through Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), charitable-sounding foundations, the UN, and others to fund terrorists, disrupters like BLM, and reporters to promote Democrats and censor the opposition, most often to enrich Democrat politicians and their friends, families, and allies. The news you thought was news wasn’t independently and honestly generated. The charities you thought were genuine, weren’t. It’s one big gaslighting grift and you paid for it.
The mountain of discoveries is more than I can keep up with. Our own Andrea Widburg listed some of what was found in the first tranche of USAID records. This included (just to start) funding anti-Trumper Bill Kristol, along with “religious charities” run by highly remunerated people who can be counted on to advocate strongly for increased immigration and protection of illegal immigrants they brought here. And placed on the welfare rolls for you to support.
Townhall has more. Here’s a brief sample — there’s much much more:
$1 million went toward supporting French-speaking LGBTQ+ groups in West and Central Africa, $3.3 million was blown on normalizing “being LGBTQ in the Caribbean,” and $425,600 helped Indonesian coffee companies become “more climate and gender friendly.”
Mast said $1.5 million had gone toward promoting job opportunities for LGBTQ-identifying individuals in Serbia, $16,500 for fostering a “united and equal queer-feminist discourse in Albanian society,” $47,000-plus on a “transgender opera” in Colombia, $32,000 for an LGBTQ-centered comic book in Peru, $70,880 on a musical promoting DEI in Ireland, $20,600 for a drag show in Ecuador, over $7,000 for a BIPOC speaker series in Canada, more than $39,650 to host seminars at the Edinburgh International Book Festival on “gender identity and racial equality,” $80,000 on an LGBTQ community center in Slovakia, $10,000 on pressuring Lithuanian corporations to push DEI messaging, and $8,000 to promote DEI among LGBTQ+ groups in Cyprus.
USAID’s Office of Chief Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility notified Congress just before Christmas that they’ve earmarked money (about $1 million) for several programs that will support “marginalized” groups in Indonesia, Guatemala, and Kenya. The funding notice said USAID would “engage with Indigenous-led institutions to implement an Indigenous language technology program” in Guatemala.
In March 2023, USAID set aside up to $1 million to help disabled people in Tajikistan become “climate leaders.” The grant notice solicited proposals for a “Disability-Inclusive Climate Action” project in the Central Asian country that would ensure that disabled Tajikistanis are included “in the development of climate change response and mitigation policies.”
In May 2023, USAID unveiled a $1.5 million effort aimed at “empowering women to adapt to climate change in northern Kenya.” Women in the area, USAID wrote, live in “traditionally patriarchal communities” and need training to join Kenya’s fight against climate change. The program would “improve their participation in decision making” and “enhance adaptive capabilities to climate change.”
It’s not just waste on idiotic projects. Most of these disbursements are funneled through and into the pockets of NGOs located in the Washington D.C. area run by friends and family of Democrat politicians who get the lion’s share of the money.
T<img alt captext="Clarice F” class=”post-image-right” src=”https://conservativenewsbriefing.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/the-musk-eteers-reveal-youve-been-living-in-a-simulated-reality.jpg” width=”350″>he only way to keep track of the billions government agencies have blown through and DOGE is saving is to go on X (formerly Twitter) and follow the DOGE and Data Republican (small ‘r’) posts. (The latter devised a more workable search engine and regularly reports what was harder to find and unpublicized in the government databanks.)
The Musk-eteers are beginning a dive into other agencies. Musk Says His DOGE Team Uncovered $100 billion in Medicare and Medicaid waste after gaining access to the system. They’ve begun swimming through mountains of Social Security fraud.
They are about to audit the Department of Education and the Department of Defense, which has failed every audit for the last seven years and which cannot account for lost billions.
You may wonder why USAID was selected first, and that is a story in itself.
Trump decided to pause Foreign Aid for 90 days — reasonable enough. A couple days later the White House said this USAID leadership was trying to circumvent this Executive Order. That alerted the DOGE team and Elon confirmed this on X. He said all DOGE did was check to see which Federal Agency was violating Trump’s orders the most and that turned out to be USAID, so that became our focus.”
Naturally, the recipients and beneficiaries of this pork are fighting tooth and nail to stop the audits, doubtless by groups and lawyers that themselves are recipients. Just yesterday Letitia James persuaded a judge in New York to temporarily enjoin the audit of the Treasury Department.
We’ll see how long this and other overreaching by extremist district court judges is allowed to continue. It has already been established how severely compromised these personal records in the Treasury files have been. The Chinese accessed Treasury workstations and unclassified documents as late as December of last year when it was headed by Wally Adeyamo, a Nigerian émigré who once headed the Obama Foundation. In that year (2024), according to the Congressional Budget Office, Treasury illegally disbursed $516 billion dollars for which there had been no congressional authorization.
The team’s takeover of the Treasury records involved some high drama:
Following the takeover of the Office of Personnel Management, the truly great challenge was to get to the source of the largess, the spigot spilling so much money that it was creating $1 trillion in debt every 100 days. [snip] The team — which converted itself quickly into an official government office to evade that obvious criticism — headed to the U.S. Treasury and announced an audit of the entire government. In order to conduct that, they would need the logins to the system. The auditors had already figured out that the whole government was operating on autopay, with billions flowing to enemy regimes and rackets of all sorts. Shutting that down had to be priority number one.
What they found was an acting head of the U.S. Treasury named David A. Lebryk, who turns out to be the highest-ranking person in the civil service. Lebryk had been promoted to that position on January 20, but his former boss was the deputy head of Treasury, a Nigerian émigré named Wally Adeyemo, who had at one time been head of the Obama Foundation. His resignation put Lebryk in the driver’s seat of the world’s biggest outgoing payroll system.
That’s right, you cannot make this stuff up!
Lebryk absolutely refused to turn over the passwords. After what was said to be a shouting match, he resigned on the spot. Then Elon’s crew took control of the passwords to the system that was sending out $6 trillion on autopay.
This action generated panicked headlines in the New York Times and Wall Street Journal that the Trump administration has gotten hold of the control center of government spending, strongly suggesting that nothing like this has ever happened. For reasons that are unclear, regime media seemed shocked and alarmed that the Trump administration had broken into the sanctum sanctorum.
When regular people think about this, they start asking serious questions. Why is it not a normal thing for the new administration to be in control of the spending systems? Why is this such a shocking thing to have happened? Isn’t auditing the books just what any new president would do?
Indeed, I am unconcerned about any bumps extremist judges may install in the road because I am in full agreement with the author of this article in the Federalist, and I’m certain that saner heads in a court of last resort will not fail to acknowledge this:
If the executive cannot control his own personnel, agencies, and funding lawfully given to him by a duly elected Congress, elections mean nothing. If the executive is not actually an executor, then the entire bureaucracy is an autocratic, self-licking ice cream cone. It runs the country, not any elected official. And Congress is complicit, because it allows the distribution of opium funds to Afghanistan and queer “safe spaces” in Kenya without ever having to take a public vote on any of this garbage, so long as these taxpayer-provided slush funds slather their retirements and relatives with “nonprofit” and “contractor” lard.
Whatever you want to call unelected bureaucrats and “nonprofit” grifters distributing funds obtained from American citizens against our consent as expressed in elections and line-item votes, it is not a republic, nor a democracy. If Trump can’t fire his own employees and redistribute public funds the executive branch has been given by law, he’s not really the president, and elections are fake.
(While Trump could not shutter the agency, of the 1400 personnel he has removed all but about 294 mission-critical-function employees from the payroll. He could not without congressional authorization completely dissolve it. It’s been folded into the Department of State where it will be under the supervision of Secretary of State Marco Rubio.)
It’s hard for me to decide which visual of the last week was most appealing: A grandfatherly President signing an executive order banning males from women’s sports as he was watched by dozens of adorable little girls or maintenance workers removing the signage of the USAID.