

December 14, 2022

America’s most prominent medical journal advocates accepting transgenderism, but Neil A. Kurtzman, MD, Emeritus Professor of Internal Medicine at Texas Tech, in “Science Deniers at the New England Journal of Medicine,” blows a hole in their bloviations—a solid center mass hole exposing their arrogant, politically motivated nonsense. It helps that Dr. Kurtzman has had a remarkable career in clinical medicine, education, basic research, and administration for more than 40 years. The article and Dr. Kurtzman’s rebuttal help reveal how the woke mob that controls The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) — which was once the epicenter of good medical research and practice — is hijacking American medicine.

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Last month, NEJM published an article entitled “Protecting Transgender Health and Challenging Science Denialism in Policy. Writing at American Greatness, Kurtzman doesn’t pull his punches, asserting that the article “is the latest example of using denialism to denigrate any opinion contrary to that of the latest set of experts to claim sovereignty over a controversial subject.”

Denialism now takes its place in the rhetorical armory of the left as another weapon to stifle debate and intimidate those opposing a narrative that the socialist/sex deviancy army pushes to promote the fetishist/transvestite/sexual fluidity movement. It is no coincidence that Boston Children’s Hospital was recently exposed as another medical center engaged in mutilating confused children and adolescents.

The articles’ authors—McNamara, M.D. (physician), Lepore, B.A. (grad or med student), and Alstott, J.D. (attorney)—are all from Yale, another bastion of leftist advocacy. They argue that whether to treat so-called “transgender” and “transgender expansive” (TGE) patients is a battle between enlightened advocates and ignorant science deniers, without room for debate. Therefore, they opine, any laws preventing doctors from mutilating and giving hormone treatments to confused dysmorphics are malicious examples of science denial that should be reversed without any further discussion.

Image: January 1814 New England Medical Journal cover; gay man in makeup by freepik.

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The paper itself, written by one physician, one medical student and a lawyer has no science; it’s just political advocacy. Dr. Krutzman exposes this with basic questions, such as “What is the disease we are treating?” He notes that dysmorphism is a mental health problem, not a disease, but the NEJM authors don’t consider that important. The authors also say nothing about the tremendous increase in dysmorphic patients, particularly youth, compared to the problem 20 years ago, when it was a rare diagnosis occurring mostly among transvestites.

Dr. Kurtzman criticizes that the authors argue as if the social history of homosexuality is the same as the transgender issue. Thus, they note that, over 20 years ago, under attack from what was then the LGB community, psychiatry retreated from labeling homosexuality as a psychopathology. That sounds more like politics than medical science, but psychiatrists are mostly political and social “experts” who are only distantly familiar with the scientific method.

I disagree with Dr. Kurtzman about whether psychotherapy should be included as one of the three inappropriate therapies for sexual deviancy or dysmorphism (transgender ideation). Psych therapy is appropriate for anyone unhappy with or harmed by their sexual or sexual organ delusions, antisocial, inappropriate expectations, or dangerous fetishes.

Likewise, psychotherapy for dysmorphism is and always has been appropriate for sexual desires, fetishes, cravings, and behavior that are unacceptable to society at large. The problem is that the sexual deviancy advocates want the societal norms destroyed in favor of nihilist and “anything goes” approaches that are politically motivated and a part of destroying societal moral norms.

If the NEJM authors think that gender dysmorphism should be treated with the psych, medical and surgical modalities, it is they who are pathologizing TGE. Moreover, they are advocating mutilations for a mental health disorder, a basic violation for medical practitioners—“First do no harm.” It is not that TGE is not a pathological phenomenon; it’s that it is a mental health and sociological problem that propagandists with political agendas promote to destroy western moral norms. Advocating pharmacological and surgical mutilation is anti-science and fails to address the pathology.

So, who are the science deniers, now?