Wiscasset is a small picturesque coastal village in the mid-coast region of Maine. About an hour north of Portland on Route 1, Wiscasset exudes all the visual charm expected from a seaside New England town. Beautiful historic homes line both sides of the main street along with antique shops and art galleries.
“Up the road apiece ” as the locals would say, lies another quaint coastal village called Damariscotta. It too is a pretty coastal town that lures tourists from all over with fine restaurants and gift shops.
It is a wealthy area of the state and for the most part is very blue politically. You see more Harris signs than Trump signs, even though the number of Trump signs has grown quite a bit. Most of the Democrats that live in the center of these towns probably feel quite safe from the Trump deplorables that might live in the outskirts of their enclaves.
Today we turned that idea on its head and decided to perform a friendly invasion of sorts.
Affectionally called “The Trump Train,” residents who are tired of the taxes, tired of the liberal polices, and tired of the nonsense coming from Washington D.C. formed a caravan of trucks and cars, bedecked with Trump signs and flags to support Donald Trump for president. The goal was to drive slowly and safely through both towns honking horns and waving at passers-by. Some folks took poster boards and taped them to their windows with messages that read “Trump 2024” or “God Bless the USA” Such deplorable behavior indeed. We gathered at the Wiscasset Speedway, a small racetrack just outside of town.
At the head of the Trump Train was a beautiful green garbage truck decorated with Trump signs. Before getting in our cars and trucks to start the Train, we stood together at the back end of the garbage truck and said the Pledge of Allegiance. When it was time to sing the National Anthem, we heard the voices of the J6 Prison Choir coming over the loudspeaker reminding us that the Trump Train is for them as well. It was a tearful moment I will not forget.
<img alt captext="Dennis King” src=”https://conservativenewsbriefing.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/the-trump-train-in-maine-drives-the-local-libs-insane.jpg” width=”550″>
With the Great Green Trump Garbage Truck leading the way, we began our slow drive towards downtown Wiscasset. Flashers on, horns honking and hands waving, it must have been quite a spectacle to see us coming down the road. More than a few folks were gathered by the roadside cheering us on and waving their own patriotic flags. Families on porches, old and young, all part of the forgotten folks that live and work on the outskirts of these pretty little towns. The only thing that might be considered negative, but I though was hilarious was a woman standing at the end of her driveway enthusiastically flipping us the bird. I don’t think she was suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome; I think she was trying her best to enjoy it… bless her heart.
The organizers of this event did their homework, because as we approached Downtown Wiscasset, police cars had already blocked off traffic to allow us to turn onto Route 1.
As we were driving through the center of town, traffic lights had already been set to flashing yellow so we could pass uninterrupted.
A few locals who were out walking looked up at us with astonishment and disbelief. One older couple slowly shook their heads at us. I don’t think seeing the Trump Train was on their bucket list today.
My wife opened her window, and we gave them big smiles and two thumbs up. I’m convinced they ran home and locked their doors. The Deplorables are Coming!
The Deplorables are coming! What fun!
As we crossed Wiscasset bridge, with Garbage Truck One leading the way, we began the eight-mile journey to our next destination, Damariscotta.
As a side note, many cars that were approaching us from the north, flashed their lights and honked their horns in support of what we were doing. That felt awesome.
I really don’t think Damariscotta knew what was coming. The locals were out walking the main street, shopping and dining. Even at this time of year you might still find some tourists milling about taking in the sights.
Here came the Trump Train. A friendly caravan of mobile deplorables descended on this little place with flashers on and horns honking, providing all kinds of friendly conservative mayhem. Some folks smiled and waved. Others were not too happy.
One young bystander decided to end this whole charade by standing in front of the truck directly in front of us. She began pushing and pushing against the truck thinking she could push us all the way back to Wiscasset. Her efforts didn’t work, and she had to jump out of the way. You just can’t stop a Trump Train. Some might call her a Karen but from what I saw, the name Moonbat seemed to fit.
As we slowly made our way through town, leaving the poor Damariscotta residents in shock and awe, I couldn’t help but wonder if this escapade might have put some fear in the progressive little darlings. The election is only two days away and there is an air of uncertainty on the left. The winds of change are blowing and it’s not blowing their way.
In conclusion, we made our way back to the Wiscasset Speedway and reveled in the fun, took some pictures and prayed for a positive outcome this coming Tuesday.
The Trump Train was a blast, one of the best things I have been a part of, and I will not forget it. I hope you all have the chance to ride on a Trump Train in your hometowns one of these days. God Bless!
Image: Dennis King