via Financial Preparedness substack,
The re-election of Donald Trump was the largest political revolution of my lifetime. As I've listened to him and his nominees talk about their priorities and plans since the election, I have realized that his administration will bring about dramatic and fundamental changes that will have profound effects in many domains, both globally and through time. I now understand why the Left and Deep State were so obsessed with stopping him “using any means necessary” since 2016.
If he can get the Senate to confirm his nominees, I predict that the following will soon be over:
Perpetual War and the Military-Industrial-Complex: In 1961, outgoing president Eisenhower (no peacenik himself) warned about the MIC: “...we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions....This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience....Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications....In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.”
Trump will quickly bring the Russia-Ukraine war to an end and prompt Iran and its proxies to go dormant. China, Russia and North Korea will behave themselves and the U.S. won't enable NATO's recent reckless military adventurism. Many American troops will come home and the U.S. will only get involved if its vital national interests are at risk.
Illegal Immigration: ICE will deport many millions of illegal aliens (queue lots of sob stories by what's left of the Legacy Media), starting with known criminals. The Trump administration will immediately stop the secret flights of aliens into the U.S., defund the many NGOs that facilitated the Soft Invasion, enforce existing immigration laws, and probably complete the border wall. But I think undocumented people who have lived in the U.S. for many years and are contributing to society will be left alone.
The Deep State: Since 2016, hundreds of high level government officials have abused their power in many ways to prevent the American people from having the president they voted for (also known as democracy). Most of these people are guilty of crimes. At a minimum, they will be fired and stripped of any security clearances and will have to find an honest way to make a living. Some will write books about Orange Man Bad.
The Intelligence-Industrial-Complex: This is who have really run the country to an increasing degree since 1963. This is probably the greatest current threat to our (dying) republic. Since 9/11, with the collusion of Big Tech and the governments of allied countries, it has vacuumed up every possible bit of communication and information about American citizens (a flagrant violation of the Fourth Amendment) and stored it for perpetuity (for who knows what purposes in the future) at the Utah Data Center. It also sponsors coups against democratically elected foreign governments, conducts disinformation and false flag operations to sway public opinion, runs secret prisons in foreign countries where people are tortured, etc. Wresting power away from this beast will be one of Trump's greatest challenges.
The Administrative State: The vast majority of federal bureaucrats serve no useful purpose, yet enjoy compensation packages and job security that far exceed what's available in the private sector. Entire departments (such as Education), bureaus, offices and commissions will be eliminated. Thousands of regulations will be repealed, rendering millions of bureaucrats suddenly redundant. Those whose jobs aren't eliminated will have to come in to the office every day after a four-year “work at home” vacation.
The Democratic Party (in its current form): The party is in disarray, with no current leaders (after their failed coup, the Obamas are finished) or good potential future leaders and virtually no policy proposals that appeal to the average voter. Their platform consisted of two planks: Get Trump and Abortion on Demand. Ironically, their presidential candidate wasn't even elected in a Democratic process, and their presidential primaries have been rigged for years.
As they've lost touch with Americans in Flyover Country, the party has largely become one of university-educated bicoastal elites and the lowest of Low Information Voters. After years of demanding censorship, de-monetization, de-platforming, doxing and canceling of people they disagree with, it's no surprise they show a remarkable lack of self-awareness, introspection, empathy and curiosity about the “garbage.” They will wander in the political wilderness until this changes. Congressman Seth Moulton (D, MA) bravely pointed out some of his party's insanity after the election but was quickly condemned. Ironically, he represents Salem.
The Legacy Media: The sudden post-election implosion of the Legacy Media is the most stunning and far-reaching since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Since 2016, the media has become increasingly apoplectic about the “racist,” “fascist,” “existential threat to our democracy” Trump, making the case for the Thomas Matthew Crooks and Ryan Wesley Rouths of the world to save humanity from the “literal Hitler” before the world suffered the same fate. Yet their ratings tanked even as their warnings about a dictatorial Trump became more shrill and frantic. Why? Because after promoting hoaxes (such as Hunter Biden's laptop, Trump's collusion with Russia, the COVID “pandemic,” an armed insurrection on January 6, etc.) for years, they have no credibility left. Americans trust the media less than any other political or civic institution.
This rotted out tree began to fall even before the election. Editors and employees at The Washington Post and The Los Angeles Times freaked out when their editorial page was not allowed to endorse Kamala. Because otherwise, how would readers know that these papers supported her, right? The most stunning development was how after years of trashing Trump perhaps more than anyone else, the hosts of “Morning Joe” went to Mar-a-Lago to make up with him (he was gracious enough to meet with them). They did so for economic survival, to remain relevant, because their show is at risk of being canceled. Comcast is about to spin off MSNBC and CNBC. CNN is also on the ropes, and “The View” is planning to add another conservative commentator. Elen DeGeneres has fled the country, vowing never to return.
Censorship: The publication of the Twitter Files (for which some Democrats threatened the reporter with prison) helped expose how Big Tech and the Legacy Media have colluded with the federal government in recent years to censor facts “misinformation” from the American people. Ironically, at this time in human history when it should be easier and faster than ever before to discover the truth, we have to deal with this bullshit. Tyrants have no need to censor falsehoods, which can easily be disproved. It's the truth they fear. And the way to get to the truth is for everyone to be allowed to say what they want, even though some of it will be uninformed or false. The truth will always out itself eventually. This is the essence and beauty of the Scientific Method. No one person, government, website or group of “fact checkers” could possibly know what the Truth is. So let's have an open, ongoing debate where everyone is allowed to make their case, which will allow us to avoid error and prevent tyranny. The Free Speech party won the election, and the Season of Reveal is about to ramp up. Expect the release of files related to JFK's assassination, the CIA, UFOs, Jeffrey Epstein and Diddy's parties.
Lawfare: As far as I know, all of the lawfare cases against Trump are dead, though Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg and Judge Juan Merchan are threatening to delay his sentencing until 2029, leaving a Sword of Damocles hanging over his head. Using the justice system to target a political opponent simultaneously (and obviously) with a number of absurd charges in politically hostile jurisdictions is profoundly un-American. It's something that a desperate tyrant in a Third World country would do. This strategy backfired on Democrats, as it made many voters even more likely to vote for Trump. Lady Justice is blindfolded for a reason.
Identity Politics and DEI: (Marxist) Critical Race Theory is out and meritocracy and a colorblind society are back. Tens of millions of people (including blacks, Hispanics and women) voted for Trump not because of his race or gender but because they thought he was the best candidate. Ethnicity-based tribalism is toxic to society and inevitably leads to an outcome like what happened in Rwanda between the Hutus and the Tutsis. Now corporations and even the Pentagon are scrambling to shutter their DEI programs. Americans generally want the best; they will figure out who should do the job.
Big Pharma, Big Food and Medical Tyranny: As the secretary of Health & Human Services, RFK Jr. will (hopefully) dramatically change the direction of the FDA, CDC, NIH, etc. away from processed food and pharmaceutical products towards natural (and often low-cost) food and health remedies. A ban on advertising by Pharma will hasten the demise of the Legacy Media and end their symbiotic relationship. Watch for a number of long-overdue investigative reports about the Pharma industry. Due to the obvious ineffectiveness of and many injuries and deaths due to the unproven COVID vaccines, I would imagine Americans' faith in vaccines has never been lower. They now realize that the government doesn't have all of the answers and one must remain an independent, critical thinker.
ESG: I would expect that in the Trump administration, the SEC will require investment managers (including Blackrock, State Street and Vangaurd) to explain how forcing the management of publicly traded companies to pursue ESG policies fulfills their legal fiduciary duty to maximize the return of their customers. I look forward to hearing that explanation. There will be much more of a focus on profits, free cash flow and dividends, which will help boost returns and reduce risk.
The Great Reset: If a major country such as the U.S. refuses to participate in Klaus Schwab's tyrannical fantasies, it more or less pulls the rug out from the whole program, because the countries that do participate won't be able to compete, and their citizens will be able to see that life is better in a freer and more decentralized country. Trumpism is a global movement, because people are sick and wary of people like Schwab, Bill Gates, George Soros and the rest of the .01% ruling elite.
Closet Trump Supporters: One reason Trump's victory in 2016 was such a surprise to nearly all pollsters is because many voters were embarrassed or fearful to admit that they supported Trump. Not any more. Trump has never been more popular. MAGA hats now top Amazon's best seller list. I've seen athletes in several sports celebrate by doing a Trump dance. Part of Trump's genius (I'm sure his decades of experience in hospitality and entertainment helped with this) is that he made politics fun and funny. Americans want to laugh and be of good cheer after years of having to sit through mandatory DEI training and being told that they're inherently and irreversibly racist because of the color of their skin. The Silent Majority have spoken, and instead of being identified by their race, gender, etc. now just want to get back to being Americans.
via Financial Preparedness substack,
The re-election of Donald Trump was the largest political revolution of my lifetime. As I’ve listened to him and his nominees talk about their priorities and plans since the election, I have realized that his administration will bring about dramatic and fundamental changes that will have profound effects in many domains, both globally and through time. I now understand why the Left and Deep State were so obsessed with stopping him “using any means necessary” since 2016.
If he can get the Senate to confirm his nominees, I predict that the following will soon be over:
Perpetual War and the Military-Industrial-Complex: In 1961, outgoing president Eisenhower (no peacenik himself) warned about the MIC: “…we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions….This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience….Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications….In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.”
Trump will quickly bring the Russia-Ukraine war to an end and prompt Iran and its proxies to go dormant. China, Russia and North Korea will behave themselves and the U.S. won’t enable NATO’s recent reckless military adventurism. Many American troops will come home and the U.S. will only get involved if its vital national interests are at risk.
Illegal Immigration: ICE will deport many millions of illegal aliens (queue lots of sob stories by what’s left of the Legacy Media), starting with known criminals. The Trump administration will immediately stop the secret flights of aliens into the U.S., defund the many NGOs that facilitated the Soft Invasion, enforce existing immigration laws, and probably complete the border wall. But I think undocumented people who have lived in the U.S. for many years and are contributing to society will be left alone.
The Deep State: Since 2016, hundreds of high level government officials have abused their power in many ways to prevent the American people from having the president they voted for (also known as democracy). Most of these people are guilty of crimes. At a minimum, they will be fired and stripped of any security clearances and will have to find an honest way to make a living. Some will write books about Orange Man Bad.
The Intelligence-Industrial-Complex: This is who have really run the country to an increasing degree since 1963. This is probably the greatest current threat to our (dying) republic. Since 9/11, with the collusion of Big Tech and the governments of allied countries, it has vacuumed up every possible bit of communication and information about American citizens (a flagrant violation of the Fourth Amendment) and stored it for perpetuity (for who knows what purposes in the future) at the Utah Data Center. It also sponsors coups against democratically elected foreign governments, conducts disinformation and false flag operations to sway public opinion, runs secret prisons in foreign countries where people are tortured, etc. Wresting power away from this beast will be one of Trump’s greatest challenges.
The Administrative State: The vast majority of federal bureaucrats serve no useful purpose, yet enjoy compensation packages and job security that far exceed what’s available in the private sector. Entire departments (such as Education), bureaus, offices and commissions will be eliminated. Thousands of regulations will be repealed, rendering millions of bureaucrats suddenly redundant. Those whose jobs aren’t eliminated will have to come in to the office every day after a four-year “work at home” vacation.
The Democratic Party (in its current form): The party is in disarray, with no current leaders (after their failed coup, the Obamas are finished) or good potential future leaders and virtually no policy proposals that appeal to the average voter. Their platform consisted of two planks: Get Trump and Abortion on Demand. Ironically, their presidential candidate wasn’t even elected in a Democratic process, and their presidential primaries have been rigged for years.
As they’ve lost touch with Americans in Flyover Country, the party has largely become one of university-educated bicoastal elites and the lowest of Low Information Voters. After years of demanding censorship, de-monetization, de-platforming, doxing and canceling of people they disagree with, it’s no surprise they show a remarkable lack of self-awareness, introspection, empathy and curiosity about the “garbage.” They will wander in the political wilderness until this changes. Congressman Seth Moulton (D, MA) bravely pointed out some of his party’s insanity after the election but was quickly condemned. Ironically, he represents Salem.
The Legacy Media: The sudden post-election implosion of the Legacy Media is the most stunning and far-reaching since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Since 2016, the media has become increasingly apoplectic about the “racist,” “fascist,” “existential threat to our democracy” Trump, making the case for the Thomas Matthew Crooks and Ryan Wesley Rouths of the world to save humanity from the “literal Hitler” before the world suffered the same fate. Yet their ratings tanked even as their warnings about a dictatorial Trump became more shrill and frantic. Why? Because after promoting hoaxes (such as Hunter Biden’s laptop, Trump’s collusion with Russia, the COVID “pandemic,” an armed insurrection on January 6, etc.) for years, they have no credibility left. Americans trust the media less than any other political or civic institution.
This rotted out tree began to fall even before the election. Editors and employees at The Washington Post and The Los Angeles Times freaked out when their editorial page was not allowed to endorse Kamala. Because otherwise, how would readers know that these papers supported her, right? The most stunning development was how after years of trashing Trump perhaps more than anyone else, the hosts of “Morning Joe” went to Mar-a-Lago to make up with him (he was gracious enough to meet with them). They did so for economic survival, to remain relevant, because their show is at risk of being canceled. Comcast is about to spin off MSNBC and CNBC. CNN is also on the ropes, and “The View” is planning to add another conservative commentator. Elen DeGeneres has fled the country, vowing never to return.
Censorship: The publication of the Twitter Files (for which some Democrats threatened the reporter with prison) helped expose how Big Tech and the Legacy Media have colluded with the federal government in recent years to censor facts “misinformation” from the American people. Ironically, at this time in human history when it should be easier and faster than ever before to discover the truth, we have to deal with this bullshit. Tyrants have no need to censor falsehoods, which can easily be disproved. It’s the truth they fear. And the way to get to the truth is for everyone to be allowed to say what they want, even though some of it will be uninformed or false. The truth will always out itself eventually. This is the essence and beauty of the Scientific Method. No one person, government, website or group of “fact checkers” could possibly know what the Truth is. So let’s have an open, ongoing debate where everyone is allowed to make their case, which will allow us to avoid error and prevent tyranny. The Free Speech party won the election, and the Season of Reveal is about to ramp up. Expect the release of files related to JFK’s assassination, the CIA, UFOs, Jeffrey Epstein and Diddy’s parties.
Lawfare: As far as I know, all of the lawfare cases against Trump are dead, though Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg and Judge Juan Merchan are threatening to delay his sentencing until 2029, leaving a Sword of Damocles hanging over his head. Using the justice system to target a political opponent simultaneously (and obviously) with a number of absurd charges in politically hostile jurisdictions is profoundly un-American. It’s something that a desperate tyrant in a Third World country would do. This strategy backfired on Democrats, as it made many voters even more likely to vote for Trump. Lady Justice is blindfolded for a reason.
Identity Politics and DEI: (Marxist) Critical Race Theory is out and meritocracy and a colorblind society are back. Tens of millions of people (including blacks, Hispanics and women) voted for Trump not because of his race or gender but because they thought he was the best candidate. Ethnicity-based tribalism is toxic to society and inevitably leads to an outcome like what happened in Rwanda between the Hutus and the Tutsis. Now corporations and even the Pentagon are scrambling to shutter their DEI programs. Americans generally want the best; they will figure out who should do the job.
Big Pharma, Big Food and Medical Tyranny: As the secretary of Health & Human Services, RFK Jr. will (hopefully) dramatically change the direction of the FDA, CDC, NIH, etc. away from processed food and pharmaceutical products towards natural (and often low-cost) food and health remedies. A ban on advertising by Pharma will hasten the demise of the Legacy Media and end their symbiotic relationship. Watch for a number of long-overdue investigative reports about the Pharma industry. Due to the obvious ineffectiveness of and many injuries and deaths due to the unproven COVID vaccines, I would imagine Americans’ faith in vaccines has never been lower. They now realize that the government doesn’t have all of the answers and one must remain an independent, critical thinker.
ESG: I would expect that in the Trump administration, the SEC will require investment managers (including Blackrock, State Street and Vangaurd) to explain how forcing the management of publicly traded companies to pursue ESG policies fulfills their legal fiduciary duty to maximize the return of their customers. I look forward to hearing that explanation. There will be much more of a focus on profits, free cash flow and dividends, which will help boost returns and reduce risk.
The Great Reset: If a major country such as the U.S. refuses to participate in Klaus Schwab’s tyrannical fantasies, it more or less pulls the rug out from the whole program, because the countries that do participate won’t be able to compete, and their citizens will be able to see that life is better in a freer and more decentralized country. Trumpism is a global movement, because people are sick and wary of people like Schwab, Bill Gates, George Soros and the rest of the .01% ruling elite.
Closet Trump Supporters: One reason Trump’s victory in 2016 was such a surprise to nearly all pollsters is because many voters were embarrassed or fearful to admit that they supported Trump. Not any more. Trump has never been more popular. MAGA hats now top Amazon’s best seller list. I’ve seen athletes in several sports celebrate by doing a Trump dance. Part of Trump’s genius (I’m sure his decades of experience in hospitality and entertainment helped with this) is that he made politics fun and funny. Americans want to laugh and be of good cheer after years of having to sit through mandatory DEI training and being told that they’re inherently and irreversibly racist because of the color of their skin. The Silent Majority have spoken, and instead of being identified by their race, gender, etc. now just want to get back to being Americans.