Celebrity chef and restaurateur Andrew Gruel blasted a scientist who claimed the best way to cook a steak is to first put it in the microwave.
Physicist George Vekinis said on the BBC podcast Instant Genius that it’s “always a good idea to heat the meat first in a microwave.”
The Physics in the Kitchen author added, “When you cook it directly from the fridge, essentially what you’re doing is not heating up the meat from the inside.”
Gruel, known for his mouth-watering food photography on social media, was outraged by this scientist’s conclusion.
“When you read this article, everything he states is ‘scientifically wrong’. This is why I have trust issues. For example he says not to salt a steak because it draws moisture out, but fails to say due to the same osmotic effect, it then goes back into the meat!!” Gruel argued on social media.
When you read this article everything he states is “scientifically wrong”. This is why I have trust issues. For example he says not to salt a steak because it draws moisture out, but fails to say due to the same osmotic effect, it then goes back into the meat!! https://t.co/KEEMVpIFYd
— Chef Andrew Gruel (@ChefGruel) November 21, 2023
Gruel continued with a series of social media posts railing against using the microwave for cooking a steak.
“The deeper topic within this story is the desire (by many) for food to be nothing more than sustenance with the push of a button – no flavor, no art, no culture, no love, no entrepreneurship – just protein and vitamins. It falls in line with the demand to produce all food in a lab, having the general populous sucking off the switch of an electrical grid controlled by one government, completely displaced from nature – indispensable screws in a large wheel answering our elite masters,” he said.
Gruel added, “So yeah, go ahead and microwave your steak. I will continue to cook mine with a Bic Lighter.”
After receiving numerous social media responses to his criticisms, he quipped, “I am a target of the microwave enthusiasts now. I can never win.”
Gruel doubled down with a social media video showing the difference between microwaving and pan searing a steak.
“Look at the moisture loss on this,” Gruel said as he showed the microwaved steak.
He continued, “This was four minutes in the microwave. There is absolutely nothing appetizing about this. This also ruins the meat entirely. It gives absolutely no dignity to the cow who lost its life.”
Fans of Gruel slammed the physicist for recommending microwaved steaks.
“Physicist George Vekinis is a heretic, way outside his lane. Not only puts steak in a microwave but also discourages salt,” one social media user said.