Regardless of life’s circumstances, those who read the Bible find they have “far more hope,” according to a recent survey.
The American Bible Society’s 2023 State of the Bible survey found that those who read the Bible scored an average of 3.8 out of 5 on its “Persevering Hope” scale that ranked levels of hope with the degree to which people engage with Scripture.
The survey also found that the number of Americans reading the Bible has dropped more than 10% since the height of the coronavirus pandemic to 39%.
It also noted that 44% of people believe the country would be “worse off” without the Bible as part of society. While 41% said there would be “little change” in America without the Bible, nearly 14% said, “A Bible-less America would be better.”
However, respondents did not find that the drop in engagement with the Bible was to blame for a moral decline in America.
A lack of positive parental involvement was the leading reason given (26%) for moral decay, while 23% said they felt entertainment had a negative influence on society, and 16% blamed an unhealthy reliance on social media.
The survey was conducted between Jan. 5-30, polling 2,761 adults from all 50 states with a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of plus or minus 2.59 percentage points.