

July 14, 2022

1. Facing an electoral wipeout in November, will Democrats try to meddle in the elections?

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Chances of using a crisis like the 2020 pandemic to alter, bypass, or influence local elections in the name of fairness are less likely now that some states have tightened voter ID requirements.  In addition, nineteen states have either prohibited or regulated private funding of elections.  That leaves four possible options, all of which are much more overt.

One is for Congress to pass an amnesty bill turning all of the millions of illegal aliens residing in the country into U.S. citizens, allowing them to vote.  President Biden could try using an executive order to do the same thing.  However, it is doubtful that the Supreme Court would see that as constitutional.

A second possibility is that Congress passes something similar to the For the People Act, which passed by the House of Representatives in 2021 but stalled in the Senate.  This would give the federal government control of the election process in all 50 states.  In addition, it would likely result in the expanded use of mail-in ballots, drop boxes, and ballot-harvesting, which were cited as problems during the 2020 election.

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A third option, actually in progress, is using federal resources — money and employees — to register voters friendly to Democrats and spur turnout.  This is part of an executive order issued on March 7,2021, which encourages federal agencies to work with third-party organizations on voter outreach, registration, and participation activities.  The executive order also gives federal workers time off to vote.  Some or all of these activities may be violations of the Hatch Act.

The fourth option is that President Biden cancels the election over some real or imaginary threat in the name of national security or climate change.  It is difficult to imagine something like this, but anything is possible.  The real issue is, what happens if the election is canceled?

2. Are aspects of U.S. foreign policy being influenced by Hunter Biden?

This is a scary thought.  This goes back to Hunter’s appointment to the board of directors of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma.  When Burisma was being investigated by Ukrainian authorities, Vice President Joe Biden famously threatened to withhold one billion dollars of foreign aid to get the Ukrainian chief prosecutor fired.  This action protected Hunter’s position and his salary of $1 million per year.

Hunter later bragged that his father would talk about anything he wanted, including working Hunter’s suggestions into his political platform.  Considering Hunter’s previous ties to China, does this influence extend to disbanding an initiative to combat Chinese espionage?  What about removing restrictions on TikTok, a Chinese social media platform whose managers can access U.S. users’ personal data, or possibly eliminating tariffs on Chinese imports?

3. Does some entity or group within the Democrat party have a financial interest in promoting mass illegal immigration and drug-smuggling across our southern border?