

December 13, 2022

What’s comforting about the Twitter Files is the satisfaction of knowing the exact connections between the wokey useful idiots at Twitter and their Deep State masters.

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It’s easy to think of the social-media big boys as cunning and malevolent monsters, but if they are anything like the world of SBF and FTX, it seems to me that they are shallow fools — naifs, silly wokey putty in the hands of the regime security police. I just can’t take a woman like Vijaya Gadde seriously. Or a man like Yoel Roth.

Maybe that’s the point of today’s woke education system. To train up weak, conformable non-binary Kates that literally know nothing but doing the bidding of their regime handlers — without question.

The message that I get from all this is that our educated ruling class is in worse shape than we thought.

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For instance: our culture is utterly dominated by our lefty friends in the educated class. Education is completely Democratic from K to college president. The media that ordinary people watch is completely Democrat. The media that educated people read is completely Democrat. The government administrative bureaucracy — federal, state, and local — is completely Democrat. Ordinary educated-class people that I meet in North Seattle are all completely satisfied by the liberal narrative.

And yet, a complete newcomer could be elected president in 2016, despite the dirty tricks of the Feds. After six years of Deep State shenanigans, the U.S. is still a 50-50 nation with neither party dominating the presidency or the Congress. And that despite the leftist control of the culture and the puppet-masters pulling the strings of their social-media puppets.

How could the United States be a 50-50 nation when the culture is completely dominated by the Left? How could a complete newcomer win the presidency? Oh yeah, I forgot: Russia, Russia, Russia.

I was reading a piece by Matt Johnson on Francis Fukuyama and his End of History and the Last Man over at Quillette. To Matt, Fukuyama is a champion of “liberal democracy,” which is the only political idea with any weight since the fall of the Soviet Union. In a 5,700-word piece, he gets to mention “liberal democracy” 22 times.

About which, I assert, there are two problems. First, the governance of our present educated ruling class is not “liberal.” And second, it is not “democratic.”

Presently, our educated ruling class imposes its educated-class worldview and narrative on everyone with a heavy hand, and any other opinion or narrative — thanks to the Twitterati — is marginalized and crushed. That ain’t liberal.