February 12, 2025

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People in America worry about a dystopian future? Folks, Britain is living through one.

Is there hope for the United Kingdom? Imagine asking that question a century ago when the British Empire spanned 25% of the planet. Or even 50-odd years ago, when England fittingly won the World Cup. Back then, if you can imagine, the English Squad was made up entirely of actual English lads.

Cecil Rhodes once stated: “To be born an Englishman is to win first prize in God’s lottery.” Oh, how the mighty have fallen. This once green and pleasant land has become a hellscape for its natives. People in America worry about a dystopian future? Folks, Britain is living through one.

Sir Keir Starmer, Britain’s wretched new prime minister, made global headlines recently when he criticized the country’s rampant uncontrolled immigration.

“This happened by design, not accident. Policies were reformed deliberately to liberalize immigration. Brexit was used for that purpose, to turn Britain into a one-nation experiment in open borders.”

My God, to admit such treachery. He essentially said the Great Replacement is real and it’s on purpose. Until now, any Brit making this claim has been attacked, censored, deplatformed, even arrested.

And though Keir showed little contrition, he went on to say they would reform the process and crack down on abuses. People are suggesting it’s a significant moment, and maybe it is. I have my doubts. As a friend once said, never trust a filthy commie.

Let’s look at some history. Immigration into Britain is not new, and for the record, it has never been popular. Way back on June 2, 1948, the HMT Empire Windrush arrived at the Port of Tilbury carrying 492 Caribbean migrants. This is generally recognized as the start of it all.

<img alt captext="Stockcake” class=”post-image-right” src=”https://conservativenewsbriefing.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/tyranny-in-britain.jpg” width=”400″>Nowadays, the official story is that the newcomers were essential to help England rebuild after the war. They were saviours really. Furthermore, as subjects of the British Commonwealth, they were entitled to travel freely within the Empire, and that included Britain itself. It was a loophole, and it stayed open for a very long time.

How did the good people of Britain — i.e. Indigenous Brits — how did they feel about immigration? They’ve been against it since Day One. No one wanted it, no one asked for it. But the government paid them no mind, and on it went. The flavour of immigration morphed and changed through the years, as did legislation governing it. What has been consistent, however, is the government’s steadfast betrayal of the English people, as they watched their cities and towns undergo permanent demographic upheaval.

Two decades after Windrush, Enoch Powell made his famous “Rivers of Blood” speech, April 20, 1968. It was a masterpiece of Britishness — a forceful argument expressed politely, elegantly, convincingly. And his words were uncannily prescient. He was right about everything, but I doubt even he predicted it would get as bad as it has. With children butchered in broad daylight, young girls groomed and raped by the tens of thousands, innocent concertgoers blown to smithereens by suicide bombers.

Rivers of blood indeed.

After Mr. Powell’s address, many everyday Brits expressed relief: Finally, someone’s drawing attention to this. Finally, someone’s saying something. Powell became arguably the most popular politician in all of England.

What happened to him? Conservative Party leader Edward Heath dismissed Powell from the Shadow Cabinet, effectively ending his political ambitions. The press ran vicious editorials attacking Powell’s naked appeals to racial hatred. 

And the beat went on. Immigration continued unchecked through the 70s, 80s, and 90s. Cities and towns were permanently altered, as if Britain was being conquered by an enemy. Indeed, it was.

In the past 25 years, Labour and the Conservatives each held power for large blocks of time. No matter who was in charge, immigration continued unchecked. When the good people of Britain voted for Brexit, it was as if the Conservatives took revenge by ensuring record new migration. The scale of the betrayal is grotesque.

What a world they’ve created. Once lovely high-trust communities are now crime-ridden cesspools. Migrants are placed in hotels while downtrodden British are homeless, dying in the streets. Welfare and socialized medical systems crumble under the weight.

Meanwhile, today’s indigenous English, some tracing roots back to the Middle Ages, are treated with contempt. They’re insulted, defiled, humiliated. For an ugly example, look at the July 29, 2024 Southport stabbing, where three young English girls were brutally killed. It was too much to bear, and people erupted in protest.

Indeed, there was even rioting, and of course the media soon forgot about the slaughter to attack white rioters. So did the police. Many whites were arrested with an extra helping of violence. Starmer called protesters far-right thugs and unleashed the full force of the government. Sentencings were rapid and excessive.

Meanwhile, Muslims were essentially given free rein to assert dominance. To roam, to protest, to show spite (and in some cases extreme violence) toward English natives. The double standards were not subtle, nor was the message to Brits. You can’t fight us. We will come for you. We will destroy you.

Is there a feasible path for the UK? It is not an easy question, short of veering into the genre of fantasy. Mischievous dissidents on X suggest America send in troops to save the British from tyranny. Are they being facetious? Perhaps, but I put nothing past President Trump. He’s a mythical figure, not only for Americans but for the world. A singular force of nature who will be remembered for a very long time.

K.M. Breakey is the author of Shout the Battle Cry of Freedom, and six other novels. He can be reached at ‘km @ kmbreakey.com.’

Image: Stockcake

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