March 8, 2025
Visualizing The Global Population By Water Security Levels

Most of the world’s population today lives in countries facing critical water security issues.

Dealing with issues such as declining freshwater availability, demand from growing populations, insufficient infrastructure, or flawed water governance can impact how easily a country’s population can access water. A combination of multiple factors quickly makes problems with water security a lived reality.

As Visual Capitalist's Freny Fernandes illustrates below, a recent Global Water Security Report by the United Nations University assessed the water security of different countries across the world.


This study assesses water security in countries by examining 10 different underlying components, ranging from water quality and sanitation to availability, resource stability, and climate-related risks.

Each component is given a score out of 10, with a nation’s overall water security score calculated from the sum. Water security levels are assigned based on the overall scores:

  • 75 and above is classified as “water secure”

  • 65‒74 is classified as “moderately secure”

  • 41‒64 indicates a country is “water insecure”

  • 40 and below is considered “critically insecure”

Water Security Levels by Country

Water security remains a concern around the world, but is especially dire in regions like the Middle East and Africa, where 13 of the 23 nations in the critically insecure category are located.

In total, 113 countries are considered water insecure, including the world’s two most populated, India and China. An additional 24 countries are considered critically water insecure, with the largest by population including Pakistan and Ethiopia

Country Water Security Score Assessed Level
🇦🇫 Afghanistan 32 Critical
🇦🇱 Albania 60 Insecure
🇩🇿 Algeria 58 Insecure
🇦🇴 Angola 53 Insecure
🇦🇬 Antigua and Barbuda 56 Insecure
🇦🇷 Argentina 56 Insecure
🇦🇲 Armenia 60 Insecure
🇦🇺 Australia 78 Secure
🇦🇹 Austria 85 Secure
🇦🇿 Azerbaijan 60 Insecure
🇧🇸 Bahamas 48 Insecure
🇧🇭 Bahrain 67 Moderate
🇧🇩 Bangladesh 51 Insecure
🇧🇧 Barbados 44 Insecure
🇧🇾 Belarus 68 Moderate
🇧🇪 Belgium 71 Moderate
🇧🇿 Belize 54 Insecure
🇧🇯 Benin 47 Insecure
🇧🇹 Bhutan 56 Insecure
🇧🇴 Bolivia 55 Insecure
🇧🇦 Bosnia and Herzegovina 62 Insecure
🇧🇼 Botswana 55 Insecure
🇧🇷 Brazil 69 Moderate
🇧🇳 Brunei Darussalam 52 Insecure
🇧🇬 Bulgaria 67 Moderate
🇧🇫 Burkina Faso 49 Insecure
🇧🇮 Burundi 45 Insecure
🇨🇻 Cabo Verde 54 Insecure
🇰🇭 Cambodia 46 Insecure
🇨🇲 Cameroon 47 Insecure
🇨🇦 Canada 75 Secure
🇨🇫 Central African Republic 43 Insecure
🇹🇩 Chad 39 Critical
🇨🇱 Chile 67 Moderate
🇨🇳 China 64 Insecure
🇨🇴 Colombia 62 Insecure
🇰🇲 Comoros 40 Critical
🇨🇬 Congo, Rep. 58 Insecure
🇨🇷 Costa Rica 69 Moderate
🇨🇮 Côte d'Ivoire 51 Insecure
🇭🇷 Croatia 75 Secure
🇨🇺 Cuba 56 Insecure
🇨🇾 Cyprus 80 Secure
🇨🇿 Czech Republic 75 Secure
🇰🇵 Democratic Republic of Korea 59 Insecure
🇨🇩 Democratic Republic of Congo 50 Insecure
🇩🇰 Denmark 85 Secure
🇩🇯 Djibouti 32 Critical
🇩🇲 Dominica 41 Insecure
🇩🇴 Dominican Republic 46 Insecure
🇪🇨 Ecuador 61 Insecure
🇪🇬 Egypt 45 Insecure
🇸🇻 El Salvador 58 Insecure
🇬🇶 Equatorial Guinea 47 Insecure
🇪🇷 Eritrea 29 Critical
🇪🇪 Estonia 78 Secure
🇸🇿 Eswatini 41 Insecure
🇪🇹 Ethiopia 31 Critical
🇫🇯 Fiji 57 Insecure
🇫🇮 Finland 83 Secure
🇫🇷 France 81 Secure
🇬🇦 Gabon 52 Insecure
🇬🇲 Gambia 50 Insecure
🇬🇪 Georgia 63 Insecure
🇩🇪 Germany 79 Secure
🇬🇭 Ghana 52 Insecure
🇬🇷 Greece 80 Secure
🇬🇩 Grenada 48 Insecure
🇬🇹 Guatemala 55 Insecure
🇬🇳 Guinea 46 Insecure
🇬🇼 Guinea-Bissau 44 Insecure
🇬🇾 Guyana 44 Insecure
🇭🇹 Haiti 34 Critical
🇭🇳 Honduras 52 Insecure
🇭🇺 Hungary 75 Secure
🇮🇸 Iceland 83 Secure
🇮🇳 India 41 Insecure
🇮🇩 Indonesia 51 Insecure
🇮🇷 Iran, Islamic Rep. 48 Insecure
🇮🇶 Iraq 51 Insecure
🇮🇪 Ireland 82 Secure
🇮🇱 Israel 75 Secure
🇮🇹 Italy 78 Secure
🇯🇲 Jamaica 59 Insecure
🇯🇵 Japan 77 Secure
🇯🇴 Jordan 65 Moderate
🇰🇿 Kazakhstan 58 Insecure
🇰🇪 Kenya 46 Insecure
🇰🇼 Kuwait 75 Secure
🇰🇬 Kyrgyzstan 54 Insecure
🇱🇦 Lao PDR 56 Insecure
🇱🇻 Latvia 78 Secure
🇱🇧 Lebanon 59 Insecure
🇱🇸 Lesotho 54 Insecure
🇱🇷 Liberia 36 Critical
🇱🇾 Libya 37 Critical
🇱🇹 Lithuania 81 Secure
🇱🇺 Luxembourg 85 Secure
🇲🇬 Madagascar 37 Critical
🇲🇼 Malawi 47 Insecure
🇲🇾 Malaysia 75 Secure
🇲🇻 Maldives 49 Insecure
🇲🇱 Mali 43 Insecure
🇲🇹 Malta 62 Insecure
🇲🇷 Mauritania 41 Insecure
🇲🇺 Mauritius 43 Insecure
🇲🇽 Mexico 61 Insecure
🇫🇲 Micronesia 38 Critical
🇲🇳 Mongolia 60 Insecure
🇲🇪 Montenegro 51 Insecure
🇲🇦 Morocco 57 Insecure
🇲🇿 Mozambique 46 Insecure
🇲🇲 Myanmar 50 Insecure
🇳🇦 Namibia 51 Insecure
🇳🇵 Nepal 48 Insecure
🇳🇱 Netherlands 72 Moderate
🇳🇿 New Zealand 81 Secure
🇳🇮 Nicaragua 54 Insecure
🇳🇪 Niger 38 Critical
🇳🇬 Nigeria 57 Insecure
🇲🇰 North Macedonia 51 Insecure
🇳🇴 Norway 84 Secure
🇴🇲 Oman 55 Insecure
🇵🇰 Pakistan 37 Critical
🇵🇦 Panama 61 Insecure
🇵🇬 Papua New Guinea 34 Critical
🇵🇾 Paraguay 63 Insecure
🇵🇪 Peru 55 Insecure
🇵🇭 Philippines 58 Insecure
🇵🇱 Poland 70 Moderate
🇵🇹 Portugal 75 Secure
🇵🇷 Puerto Rico 51 Insecure
🇶🇦 Qatar 73 Moderate
🇰🇷 Republic of Korea 70 Moderate
🇲🇩 Republic of Moldova 57 Insecure
🇷🇴 Romania 70 Moderate
🇷🇺 Russian Federation 73 Moderate
🇷🇼 Rwanda 46 Insecure
🇰🇳 Saint Kitts and Nevis 36 Critical
🇱🇨 Saint Lucia 46 Insecure
🇻🇨 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 42 Insecure
🇼🇸 Samoa 50 Insecure
🇸🇹 Sao Tome and Principe 50 Insecure
🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia 56 Insecure
🇸🇳 Senegal 49 Insecure
🇷🇸 Serbia 57 Insecure
🇸🇨 Seychelles 50 Insecure
🇸🇱 Sierra Leone 38 Critical
🇸🇬 Singapore 61 Insecure
🇸🇰 Slovakia 76 Secure
🇸🇮 Slovenia 76 Secure
🇸🇧 Solomon Islands 23 Critical
🇸🇴 Somalia 35 Critical
🇿🇦 South Africa 56 Insecure
🇸🇸 South Sudan 37 Critical
🇪🇸 Spain 77 Secure
🇱🇰 Sri Lanka 40 Critical
🇵🇸 Palestine 51 Insecure
🇸🇩 Sudan 30 Critical
🇸🇷 Suriname 57 Insecure
🇸🇪 Sweden 90 Secure
🇨🇭 Switzerland 84 Secure
🇸🇾 Syria Arab Republic 42 Insecure
🇹🇯 Tajikistan 44 Insecure
🇹🇭 Thailand 53 Insecure
🇹🇱 Timor-Leste 42 Insecure
🇹🇬 Togo 49 Insecure
🇹🇴 Tonga 43 Insecure
🇹🇹 Trinidad and Tobago 54 Insecure
🇹🇳 Tunisia 58 Insecure
🇹🇷 Türkiye 68 Moderate
🇹🇲 Turkmenistan 49 Insecure
🇺🇬 Uganda 49 Insecure
🇺🇦 Ukraine 62 Insecure
🇦🇪 United Arab Emirates 66 Moderate
🇬🇧 United Kingdom 79 Secure
🇹🇿 United Republic of Tanzania 46 Insecure
🇺🇸 United States of America 80 Secure
🇺🇾 Uruguay 60 Insecure
🇺🇿 Uzbekistan 46 Insecure
🇻🇺 Vanuatu 31 Critical
🇻🇪 Venezuela 56 Insecure
🇻🇳 Vietnam 48 Insecure
🇾🇪 Yemen 38 Critical
🇿🇲 Zambia 56 Insecure
🇿🇼 Zimbabwe 49 Insecure

Countries facing water security issues account for 72% of the world’s population, with an additional 8% of the global population facing critical water insecurity.

That includes 4.3 billion people in the Asia-Pacific region alone, and an additional 1.3 billion people across Africa. Many of these countries are grappling with issues including fast-growing populations and drought conditions faster than they can develop the necessary infrastructure to deal with them.

Only 12% of the world’s population lives in water-secure countries, including almost all Western countries, with Norway at the very top of the rankings at an overall score of 90. An additional 8% of the world lives in moderately secure countries such as Brazil and Russia.

However, water availability in these more secure countries is not perfect either. For example, U.S. states reliant on the Colorado River for irrigation and drinking water are facing continued drought conditions and limiting consumption, with further crisis on the horizon.

Towards a Water Secure Future

As nations around the world face increasing water-related challenges, governments and international agencies have been collaborating to foster sustainable water management practices. In fact, clean water and sanitation for all is one of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Many regions have already begun to implement these practices. For example, cities in California have begun recycling wastewater and capturing stormwater to deal with water scarcity. Farming-dependent regions are also looking to smart agriculture to reduce the drain on the limited freshwater resources.

Such initiatives to improve water irrigation systems, enhance water infrastructure, and conserve the depleting freshwater reserves may help elevate countries out of water insecurity and help preserve this precious resource for generations to come.

Tyler Durden Fri, 08/11/2023 - 23:20

Most of the world’s population today lives in countries facing critical water security issues.

Dealing with issues such as declining freshwater availability, demand from growing populations, insufficient infrastructure, or flawed water governance can impact how easily a country’s population can access water. A combination of multiple factors quickly makes problems with water security a lived reality.

As Visual Capitalist’s Freny Fernandes illustrates below, a recent Global Water Security Report by the United Nations University assessed the water security of different countries across the world.


This study assesses water security in countries by examining 10 different underlying components, ranging from water quality and sanitation to availability, resource stability, and climate-related risks.

Each component is given a score out of 10, with a nation’s overall water security score calculated from the sum. Water security levels are assigned based on the overall scores:

  • 75 and above is classified as “water secure”

  • 65‒74 is classified as “moderately secure”

  • 41‒64 indicates a country is “water insecure”

  • 40 and below is considered “critically insecure”

Water Security Levels by Country

Water security remains a concern around the world, but is especially dire in regions like the Middle East and Africa, where 13 of the 23 nations in the critically insecure category are located.

In total, 113 countries are considered water insecure, including the world’s two most populated, India and China. An additional 24 countries are considered critically water insecure, with the largest by population including Pakistan and Ethiopia

Country Water Security Score Assessed Level
🇦🇫 Afghanistan 32 Critical
🇦🇱 Albania 60 Insecure
🇩🇿 Algeria 58 Insecure
🇦🇴 Angola 53 Insecure
🇦🇬 Antigua and Barbuda 56 Insecure
🇦🇷 Argentina 56 Insecure
🇦🇲 Armenia 60 Insecure
🇦🇺 Australia 78 Secure
🇦🇹 Austria 85 Secure
🇦🇿 Azerbaijan 60 Insecure
🇧🇸 Bahamas 48 Insecure
🇧🇭 Bahrain 67 Moderate
🇧🇩 Bangladesh 51 Insecure
🇧🇧 Barbados 44 Insecure
🇧🇾 Belarus 68 Moderate
🇧🇪 Belgium 71 Moderate
🇧🇿 Belize 54 Insecure
🇧🇯 Benin 47 Insecure
🇧🇹 Bhutan 56 Insecure
🇧🇴 Bolivia 55 Insecure
🇧🇦 Bosnia and Herzegovina 62 Insecure
🇧🇼 Botswana 55 Insecure
🇧🇷 Brazil 69 Moderate
🇧🇳 Brunei Darussalam 52 Insecure
🇧🇬 Bulgaria 67 Moderate
🇧🇫 Burkina Faso 49 Insecure
🇧🇮 Burundi 45 Insecure
🇨🇻 Cabo Verde 54 Insecure
🇰🇭 Cambodia 46 Insecure
🇨🇲 Cameroon 47 Insecure
🇨🇦 Canada 75 Secure
🇨🇫 Central African Republic 43 Insecure
🇹🇩 Chad 39 Critical
🇨🇱 Chile 67 Moderate
🇨🇳 China 64 Insecure
🇨🇴 Colombia 62 Insecure
🇰🇲 Comoros 40 Critical
🇨🇬 Congo, Rep. 58 Insecure
🇨🇷 Costa Rica 69 Moderate
🇨🇮 Côte d’Ivoire 51 Insecure
🇭🇷 Croatia 75 Secure
🇨🇺 Cuba 56 Insecure
🇨🇾 Cyprus 80 Secure
🇨🇿 Czech Republic 75 Secure
🇰🇵 Democratic Republic of Korea 59 Insecure
🇨🇩 Democratic Republic of Congo 50 Insecure
🇩🇰 Denmark 85 Secure
🇩🇯 Djibouti 32 Critical
🇩🇲 Dominica 41 Insecure
🇩🇴 Dominican Republic 46 Insecure
🇪🇨 Ecuador 61 Insecure
🇪🇬 Egypt 45 Insecure
🇸🇻 El Salvador 58 Insecure
🇬🇶 Equatorial Guinea 47 Insecure
🇪🇷 Eritrea 29 Critical
🇪🇪 Estonia 78 Secure
🇸🇿 Eswatini 41 Insecure
🇪🇹 Ethiopia 31 Critical
🇫🇯 Fiji 57 Insecure
🇫🇮 Finland 83 Secure
🇫🇷 France 81 Secure
🇬🇦 Gabon 52 Insecure
🇬🇲 Gambia 50 Insecure
🇬🇪 Georgia 63 Insecure
🇩🇪 Germany 79 Secure
🇬🇭 Ghana 52 Insecure
🇬🇷 Greece 80 Secure
🇬🇩 Grenada 48 Insecure
🇬🇹 Guatemala 55 Insecure
🇬🇳 Guinea 46 Insecure
🇬🇼 Guinea-Bissau 44 Insecure
🇬🇾 Guyana 44 Insecure
🇭🇹 Haiti 34 Critical
🇭🇳 Honduras 52 Insecure
🇭🇺 Hungary 75 Secure
🇮🇸 Iceland 83 Secure
🇮🇳 India 41 Insecure
🇮🇩 Indonesia 51 Insecure
🇮🇷 Iran, Islamic Rep. 48 Insecure
🇮🇶 Iraq 51 Insecure
🇮🇪 Ireland 82 Secure
🇮🇱 Israel 75 Secure
🇮🇹 Italy 78 Secure
🇯🇲 Jamaica 59 Insecure
🇯🇵 Japan 77 Secure
🇯🇴 Jordan 65 Moderate
🇰🇿 Kazakhstan 58 Insecure
🇰🇪 Kenya 46 Insecure
🇰🇼 Kuwait 75 Secure
🇰🇬 Kyrgyzstan 54 Insecure
🇱🇦 Lao PDR 56 Insecure
🇱🇻 Latvia 78 Secure
🇱🇧 Lebanon 59 Insecure
🇱🇸 Lesotho 54 Insecure
🇱🇷 Liberia 36 Critical
🇱🇾 Libya 37 Critical
🇱🇹 Lithuania 81 Secure
🇱🇺 Luxembourg 85 Secure
🇲🇬 Madagascar 37 Critical
🇲🇼 Malawi 47 Insecure
🇲🇾 Malaysia 75 Secure
🇲🇻 Maldives 49 Insecure
🇲🇱 Mali 43 Insecure
🇲🇹 Malta 62 Insecure
🇲🇷 Mauritania 41 Insecure
🇲🇺 Mauritius 43 Insecure
🇲🇽 Mexico 61 Insecure
🇫🇲 Micronesia 38 Critical
🇲🇳 Mongolia 60 Insecure
🇲🇪 Montenegro 51 Insecure
🇲🇦 Morocco 57 Insecure
🇲🇿 Mozambique 46 Insecure
🇲🇲 Myanmar 50 Insecure
🇳🇦 Namibia 51 Insecure
🇳🇵 Nepal 48 Insecure
🇳🇱 Netherlands 72 Moderate
🇳🇿 New Zealand 81 Secure
🇳🇮 Nicaragua 54 Insecure
🇳🇪 Niger 38 Critical
🇳🇬 Nigeria 57 Insecure
🇲🇰 North Macedonia 51 Insecure
🇳🇴 Norway 84 Secure
🇴🇲 Oman 55 Insecure
🇵🇰 Pakistan 37 Critical
🇵🇦 Panama 61 Insecure
🇵🇬 Papua New Guinea 34 Critical
🇵🇾 Paraguay 63 Insecure
🇵🇪 Peru 55 Insecure
🇵🇭 Philippines 58 Insecure
🇵🇱 Poland 70 Moderate
🇵🇹 Portugal 75 Secure
🇵🇷 Puerto Rico 51 Insecure
🇶🇦 Qatar 73 Moderate
🇰🇷 Republic of Korea 70 Moderate
🇲🇩 Republic of Moldova 57 Insecure
🇷🇴 Romania 70 Moderate
🇷🇺 Russian Federation 73 Moderate
🇷🇼 Rwanda 46 Insecure
🇰🇳 Saint Kitts and Nevis 36 Critical
🇱🇨 Saint Lucia 46 Insecure
🇻🇨 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 42 Insecure
🇼🇸 Samoa 50 Insecure
🇸🇹 Sao Tome and Principe 50 Insecure
🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia 56 Insecure
🇸🇳 Senegal 49 Insecure
🇷🇸 Serbia 57 Insecure
🇸🇨 Seychelles 50 Insecure
🇸🇱 Sierra Leone 38 Critical
🇸🇬 Singapore 61 Insecure
🇸🇰 Slovakia 76 Secure
🇸🇮 Slovenia 76 Secure
🇸🇧 Solomon Islands 23 Critical
🇸🇴 Somalia 35 Critical
🇿🇦 South Africa 56 Insecure
🇸🇸 South Sudan 37 Critical
🇪🇸 Spain 77 Secure
🇱🇰 Sri Lanka 40 Critical
🇵🇸 Palestine 51 Insecure
🇸🇩 Sudan 30 Critical
🇸🇷 Suriname 57 Insecure
🇸🇪 Sweden 90 Secure
🇨🇭 Switzerland 84 Secure
🇸🇾 Syria Arab Republic 42 Insecure
🇹🇯 Tajikistan 44 Insecure
🇹🇭 Thailand 53 Insecure
🇹🇱 Timor-Leste 42 Insecure
🇹🇬 Togo 49 Insecure
🇹🇴 Tonga 43 Insecure
🇹🇹 Trinidad and Tobago 54 Insecure
🇹🇳 Tunisia 58 Insecure
🇹🇷 Türkiye 68 Moderate
🇹🇲 Turkmenistan 49 Insecure
🇺🇬 Uganda 49 Insecure
🇺🇦 Ukraine 62 Insecure
🇦🇪 United Arab Emirates 66 Moderate
🇬🇧 United Kingdom 79 Secure
🇹🇿 United Republic of Tanzania 46 Insecure
🇺🇸 United States of America 80 Secure
🇺🇾 Uruguay 60 Insecure
🇺🇿 Uzbekistan 46 Insecure
🇻🇺 Vanuatu 31 Critical
🇻🇪 Venezuela 56 Insecure
🇻🇳 Vietnam 48 Insecure
🇾🇪 Yemen 38 Critical
🇿🇲 Zambia 56 Insecure
🇿🇼 Zimbabwe 49 Insecure

Countries facing water security issues account for 72% of the world’s population, with an additional 8% of the global population facing critical water insecurity.

That includes 4.3 billion people in the Asia-Pacific region alone, and an additional 1.3 billion people across Africa. Many of these countries are grappling with issues including fast-growing populations and drought conditions faster than they can develop the necessary infrastructure to deal with them.

Only 12% of the world’s population lives in water-secure countries, including almost all Western countries, with Norway at the very top of the rankings at an overall score of 90. An additional 8% of the world lives in moderately secure countries such as Brazil and Russia.

However, water availability in these more secure countries is not perfect either. For example, U.S. states reliant on the Colorado River for irrigation and drinking water are facing continued drought conditions and limiting consumption, with further crisis on the horizon.

Towards a Water Secure Future

As nations around the world face increasing water-related challenges, governments and international agencies have been collaborating to foster sustainable water management practices. In fact, clean water and sanitation for all is one of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Many regions have already begun to implement these practices. For example, cities in California have begun recycling wastewater and capturing stormwater to deal with water scarcity. Farming-dependent regions are also looking to smart agriculture to reduce the drain on the limited freshwater resources.

Such initiatives to improve water irrigation systems, enhance water infrastructure, and conserve the depleting freshwater reserves may help elevate countries out of water insecurity and help preserve this precious resource for generations to come.
