January 30, 2025
Protests erupted at the University of Wisconsin-Madison when groups clashed over transgender issues.

Protests erupted at the University of Wisconsin-Madison when groups clashed over transgender issues.

Documentarian Matt Walsh was on campus that day to attend a showing of his latest film, What is a Woman?, when counterprotesters crowded campus to voice their opposition to the film. The documentary includes interviews with a transgender person who has since de-transitioned, a “gender-affirming” therapist, a licensed gynecologist and surgeon, a university professor, and a Democratic lawmaker.

Before Walsh appeared for the university-approved event, the University of Wisconsin’s Memorial Union was vandalized Sunday. One retaining wall was spray painted to read, “Trans women are women — F*** Matt Walsh and YAF [Young America’s Foundation].” Its Alumni Park was also vandalized, with a statement equating Walsh to a Nazi, and a statue of its mascot also had the phrase “f*** off” emblazoned on it.


UW-Madison’s Dean of Students would also go on to share a statement to her Instagram story, shared by the university’s official account, assuring the campus transgender community that “we see you and we value you” ahead of Walsh’s arrival.

“We are aware that a speaker is coming to campus on Monday whose viewpoints we believe are harmful towards our trans community,” the statement read, referring to Walsh. “We will continue to do our part to make this campus more welcoming and inclusive regardless of what speakers may counter this value.”

A teacher’s aide in the Gender and Women’s Studies Department would also admit to tearing down flyers ahead of the event, to which YAF responded with a letter “demanding an investigation.” YAF referred to her admitted actions as “unlawful censorship” on the campus, saying that the university had an “obligation under the First Amendment to refrain from censorship — not to mention its obligation as an institution of higher learning to promote the free exchange of ideas, not merely refrain from censoring them.”

On the day of the film showing, protesters appeared complete with bullhorns, transgender flags, and signs. One student met these protesters with a microphone and attempted to read passages from the Bible, but was instead met with more protesters who drummed and yelled over his reading and held a rainbow umbrella in front of him.

Eventually, protesters took the book from the student. They began ripping up its pages and spreading them over the ground. One student was captured on video eating one of the pages.


Walsh went on to appear at the University of Alabama Thursday for another screening. Yet again, he was met with protests.

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