

June 13, 2022

The Founding Fathers, the most brilliant group of people to ever assemble, were adamant, clear, and direct when they established the Second Amendment: “a well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

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The Founding Fathers were unwavering in protecting this God-given right, based on their genius, their experience, and the fact that they had just gained their independence through war — using arms!  They used arms to defeat a tyrannical and oppressive government that was looking to infringe more on the colonists’ liberties, to include their own right to bear arms.  Only through the use of their arms were the colonists able to stop the cruelty and further oppression of the ruthless ruling class.

America’s creation and independence could have never happened if the colonists had been disarmed.  Is it any wonder why the most evil despots throughout history, such as Stalin, Pol Pot, Hitler, and Mao, took guns away from their citizens, and then, collectively, with a monopoly on violence, went on to kill tens of millions of defenseless citizens?  Is it any wonder why the most evil totalitarian globalists today — Biden, Trudeau, etc. — are desperate to take guns away from the people? 

Biden recently gave a despicable, disingenuous, and desperate speech designed to blame guns for the horrific school shooting in Uvalde, Texas.  He said, “Children are dying because the gun lobby is profiting.”  It’s as disgusting as it is untrue.  It’s deliberately deceitful.  The corrupt globalist corporate media outlets, such as The New York Times, in collusion with this administration, said the same thing within hours of the shooting.

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For those unaware, the NRA declared bankruptcy last year.  However, in 2021, for example, Big Tech spent more than $70 million lobbying Congress.  Big Pharma spent $92 million lobbying Congress in the first quarter of 2021 alone.  The NRA spent just $2.2 million total lobbying in all of 2020, a presidential election year.

Why did the Biden administration react so rapidly to redirect the American people about the facts surrounding this shooting?  How can it be blamed on an inanimate object like a gun when it is clear that this individual had severe behavioral problems, most likely amplified by his dysfunctional family life and extensive drug use?

We know that both parents and the grandmother of the Uvalde shooter had criminal records.  The shooter was a high school dropout, a loner, and a violent videogame–player.  His father was not present in his life.  Almost certainly, he had no religion.  His nickname was “school shooter.”  Four years ago, he was arrested for threatening to shoot up a school.  He cut up his face with knives for fun.  He held up bags of dead cats with a grin on his face that was captured on video.  “He liked hurting animals,” according to a relative of his grandmother.  One classmate said he had a tendency to be “violent towards women” and was described by an ex-girlfriend as “scary.”  He was a pot-smoker, just as his mother and father were. His grandfather actually served time in prison for drug-trafficking.  His mother was about to be evicted due to her drug use.

The shooter had major issues, and it is clear he was immersed in a very unhealthy environment saturated with dysfunction and drugs. 

Laura Ingraham did an amazing job in addressing the vitally important drug issue with the following report:

Now several studies have explored the connection between regular pot use and an increased risk for serious mental illness and even violent psychotic episodes, in some cases. In March 2019, the prestigious journal, The Lancet, conducted a case control study from eleven sites across Europe and Brazil. It found that with daily cannabis use, there were increased odds of a psychotic disorder, compared to those who never use it. And when it comes to high potency weed, the psychotic disorder went up five-fold.