March 4, 2025

Photo Credit:

Gage Skidmore

Crenshaw must understand that eliminating individuals will not stop the MAGA movement or the draining of the swamp.

Last week Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) was interviewed by British journalist Steven Edginton of Britain’s GB News. After the conversation, Edginton mentioned Tucker Carlson, which caused Crenshaw to say the following that was captured on a ‘hot mic.’

“We’ve talked a lot on Twitter,” referring to the exchanges he and Carlson have traded online, “If I ever meet him, I’ll f*cking kill him.”

GB News on X posted the exchange, but the post was eventually deleted. Another X user, perhaps anticipating the deletion of the clip, reposted the video.

Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene asked Crenshaw whether he had threatened Carlson, Crenshaw attempted to ridicule the premise with “Lol, no.” Clearly this is an attempt to disguise a murderous threat as humor via overstatement. 

But the GB News interviewer revealed that when he laughed at Crenshaw’s remarks assuming it was humor, Crenshaw responded that “….it wasn’t a joke.” Crenshaw may be many things, but he certainly isn’t blatantly hypocritical. 

During the interview, he viciously criticized Carlson’s stand against providing unlimited and unaccounted aid to Ukraine.

“Tucker doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” he said. “Tucker likes to visit Moscow and talk about how great the grocery stores are, so I don’t take his advice very seriously.”

Carlson himself responded to Crenshaw’s remarks by inviting him for an interview.

“Why don’t you come sit for an interview and we’ll see how you do? I’ll send you my address,” Carlson wrote on X.

So does Crenshaw want to kill Tucker Carlson?

If so, why?

Let’s focus on the leaked clip first. It is unethical to post or even reveal off-the-record comments of any interviewee. The only valid reason for such revelations is the individual’s utterances are malicious, dangerous, or hypocritical. If the interviewee is an elected official, the voters must be made aware of remarks that reveal his mindset so that they have all the right information before they enter the polling booth.

In this particular case, the nature of the comments was such that they deserved to be revealed. 

Crenshaw’s threats are in poor taste considering the assassination attempts on President Trump that occurred just last year.

Jokes or extemporaneous or informal remarks, when one is off guard, are visceral and reflect the individual’s mindset. Crenshaw must have such inconsolable rage and hatred towards Tucker Carlson that he couldn’t restrain himself. The congressman and the pundit have frequently sparred on social media, with Carlson mocking Crenshaw as one of “the dumbest” Republicans and Crenshaw deriding Carlson as a “cowardly, know-nothing elitist.”

Carlson once referred to Crenshaw as the “single-most left-wing” member of Congress he’s ever met and Crenshaw had “no interest in the United States whatsoever.” Carlson also called Crenshaw “eye patch McCain,” a reference to the late Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who like Crenshaw was fond of involving the U.S. in gratuitous conflicts in faraway lands.

<img alt captext="Gage Skidmore” class=”post-image-right” src=”” width=”450″>Crenshaw also didn’t hold back, he called Carlson a “cowardly, know-nothing elitist who is full of s#$%.”

“Tucker’s MO is simple: defend America’s enemies and attack America’s allies,” Crenshaw wrote. “There isn’t an objective bone left in that washed-up news host’s body.”

Crenshaw will most likely claim he was joking or that it was ‘locker-room’ bragging, he may even accuse those disgusted by his remarks as ‘oversensitive’ or even ‘woke’. He could even claim it was righteous indignation due to the suffering of the Ukrainian people.

So let’s look at the matters that didn’t incur Crenshaw’s wrath.

Crenshaw didn’t threaten to kill Biden officials for abusing government agencies to target President Trump.

Crenshaw didn’t suffer murderous rage when Biden officials left the border open, which led to the influx of dangerous criminals, illicit drugs, and human trafficking.

Crenshaw had no murderous intentions towards those who medically intervene and coerce young children into ‘transitioning’ to another gender.

Crenshaw remained composed when crippling Bidenflation caused regular people to struggle financially. 

Crenshaw wasn’t even irked when the 2020 elections were rigged on multiple fronts. Crenshaw also appeared on MSNBC to call Biden a legitimate president, defend the results of the 2020 presidential elections, and reject claims of electoral fraud. His rage is only directed at the MAGA movement at its proponents.

Crenshaw attacked Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene as a Russian agent for expressing skepticism about dispatching millions to Ukraine when the U.S. was struggling due to Biden’s misgovernance.

Crenshaw attacked MAGA Republicans, calling them terrorists, for opposing then-House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Crenshaw also branded members of the House Freedom Caucus as “performance artists” and “grifters.”

Crenshaw also displayed rage at the idea of a ban on members of Congress participating in the stock market. He also raged against Fox News Host Jesse Watters for reporting that Crenshaw “beat the market by 13 points” while trading in stocks, implying that Crenshaw had used information only privy to members of Congress.

Democrat propagandists masquerading as journalists always lavished blandishments at Crenshaw for attacking his own. They are also celebrating ‘MAGA Rages’ Crenshaw’s threats.

It’s not just Crenshaw. Many in D.C., irrespective of party affiliations, display seemingly irrational rage when anyone questions wasteful spending such as unaccounted billions being dispatched to Ukraine.

To decode this rage we revisit President Eisenhower in his final address to the nation in 1961 when he issued a dire warning about the perils of the military-industrial complex. This is an unholy alliance of the branches of its government, arms dealers, mercenaries, and media propagandists. It is not just them, all those who receive contracts to supply relief materials such as warm clothes or food supplies to war-affected zones also profiteer from wars. This nefarious coalition bribed U.S. government officials to enter optional wars and then to protract the conflicts in perpetuity to enrich themselves from U.S. taxpayer funds.

These wars are just one among myriad ways to legalize corruption i.e. enable easy enrichment for members of the establishment.

DOGE has recently revealed how the government coffers containing taxpayer funds were being used as personal piggy banks by members of the D.C. establishment.

The rage isn’t against Carlson but rather what he stands for and represents.

Tucker has admitted that Trump’s iconoclastic thinking relating to international affairs opened his eyes and made him realize the gratuitousness of various intergovernmental organizations and the pointlessness of foreign wars.

Tucker is an important influencer to President Trump during his second term which is focused on draining the swamp bringing a stop to how D.C. officials are using taxpayers’ funds to enrich themselves. 

The grouse isn’t just against Tucker, but also against Elon Musk, and above all President Trump.

The likes of Crenshaw must understand that eliminating individuals will not stop the MAGA movement or the draining of the swamp.

As celebrated French author Victor Hugo noted, “No power on earth can stop an idea whose time has come.” 

The time has also come for voters to reject Crenshaw.

Image: Gage Skidmore

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