

July 10, 2022

Last week at American Thinker, in discussing the Dobbs case, I prophesied, “and if your media sources resemble those I’ve seen, the moral angle will be played to the hilt with stories of exceptional cases being treated as the rule.”

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How right I was, as the story of a 10-year-old who was raped and had to travel to Indiana from Ohio to get an abortion was highlighted in multiple media everywhere and used to discredit the Supreme Court justices who decided Dobbs and pro-life politicians. 

Megan Fox has done a fine bit of journalism  exposing this propaganda coup and the Blaze details her work. Ms. Fox broke the story in a numerous series of tweets. In order to make her work easier to follow I’m reframing it in a more conventional, easier to understand way, but you are invited to the source to see how this unraveled. Each of her factual assertions is accompanied by links to them.

The sole source of the story is an ardent abortionist. The story is unverifiable and peddled by those who share her views with no apparent independent efforts to confirm the tale. If nothing else, this shows you how easy the job of a news editor at the named publications is. You don’t have to do anything — just let your reporters rattle off the headline-framing tales of a figure who advances the desired narrative. Do not demand even the merest investigation of claims, particularly if they sound outrageous. (Like Trump hiring prostitutes to pee in a hotel bed in Moscow because Obama had slept there.)

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The Megan Fox account asserts that an unnamed “child abuse doctor” called Dr. Caitlyn Bernard, an Indiana abortionist, for help. And she called the media with the account which published it without any questions asked.

Dr. Bernard is the media’s sole source for this story, so it’s important to check her background to see if she is likely to be giving an accurate, nonpartisan account.

When you do, the answer is clear: It’s exceedingly unlikely that she is without a partisan interest in the issue. In June she was interviewed by PBS, predicting doom if Roe was overturned. That same month she repeated her claim of doom on worth. com as she organized a rally for abortion access on the Indiana University campus where she teaches. On June 30 WTHR quotes her saying:

“Healthcare providers are sick of politicians getting in the way of their decision making.”

Politico likes her, too, quoting her as saying, ”For a lot of people in Indiana, if I tell them to go out of state, I might as well tell them to go to the moon.. They have to pay for the care at the clinic, the time away from their children, the time away from their jobs. Gas prices are also increasing.”

Since Politico likes her as a source for advancing a narrative of which they approve, can the Republic be far behind?  Also advancing her pro-abortion stance was the Herald Bulletin on July 5. Beginning on January 16, 2017, when the NYT covered her remarks on a Trump abortion ban through July 5 of this year, she is quoted twenty times in various publications. Clearly, she’s on the woke publications’ go-to-persons-on-abortion rolodex.