October 19, 2024

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AT via Magic Studio

The Harris campaign desperately wants to change the subject, so we have witnessed a series of unusual ploys.

These are desperate times for Kamala Harris, the proof of which is demonstrable in Harris’s actions. The Harris campaign desperately wants to change the subject, so we have witnessed a series of unusual ploys.

  • Harris released her health report.
  • Harris appeared on Fox News with Brett Baier where she crashed on the runway even before she could take off.
  • There are rumors that Harris may appear on Joe Rogan’s podcast.

Fox News and Joe Rogan may not be adversarial to Harris but they are also not MSNBC, CBS News, or the other Democrat propaganda outfits. They certainly will not edit her interview like CBS News did, to make Harris look favorable.

The risks were and are very high at this juncture of the race for the gaffe-prone Harris. The fact that the risks are being overlooked is proof that Harris is doing so poorly that she has nothing to lose. Her internal polling must show her struggling badly.

Some may claim the reason they don’t care how she appears is because the contest has already been rigged, but let’s abandon our cynicism for now.

In another move that is proof of desperation, Harris pledged to legalize recreational marijuana upon becoming President. 

Her recent post explicitly states that her proposal will break the “unjust barriers that hold black men and other Americans back and making sure black Americans have opportunities to succeed as the marketplace takes shape”

Some may regard it racist to link black Americans to marijuana consumption, but what else can you expect from Democrats?

Currently, recreational marijuana is legal in 24 states in the U.S. Total legalization may not be a bad idea. Making any drug illegal doesn’t prevent it from being circulated by criminal elements and black marketeers. The sale of illegal drugs often enables easy fundraising for criminal elements.

What about the concerns that people will commit grave follies due to inebriation?

Alcohol is legal in every state and inebriation can occur from overconsumption of alcohol as well which could lead to dire consequences.

What about the fear of the underaged consuming drugs?

Just like alcohol, it remains impossible to prevent those determined to consume. The only way to deter the young is to instill values and educate them about the delirious effects of drug consumption especially at a young age.

Back to Harris’s desperate struggle

We saw evidence of that in Obama’s recent condescending words for Black men where he accused them of not voting for Harris due to their misogyny. 

“Part of it makes me think that, well, you just aren’t feeling the idea of having a woman as president, and you’re coming up with other alternatives and other reasons for that.”

Obama used a similar tone at a similar phase during Hillary Clinton’s ill-fated campaign.

<img alt captext="AT via Magic Studio” class=”post-image-right” src=”https://conservativenewsbriefing.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/kamala-harris-dangles-weed-before-black-men.jpg” width=”450″>

Obama’s attitude isn’t dissimilar from that of his party. The Democrats are the party of slaveowners and segregationists, and this mindset still prevails. They do not respect African Americans, instead, they assume their ownership. Whenever African Americans begin to dissent, the venomous fangs come out and their bigoted inner thoughts are revealed.

In this particular case, Obama doesn’t believe African Americans can think for themselves and see the destruction caused by the Harris-Biden administration. He instead assumes they are anachronistic and hence sexists.

In addition to the legalization of marijuana Harris proposed the following for African Americans:

  • 1 million fully forgivable loans of up to $20,000 for black entrepreneurs and others to start businesses
  • A plan to come up with rules for cryptocurrency and other digital assets; more than 20% of black Americans own or have owned cryptocurrency assets
  • Invest more in black male teachers, promote registered apprenticeships and credentialing opportunities in black communities, and invest in leadership training and mentorship programs like My Brother’s Keeper
  • A National Health Equity Initiative focused on black men that addresses health challenges that disproportionately affect them.

There are many problems with the above proposals.

Firstly, they discriminate on a racial basis. If the government wants to assist citizens, it should be on an economic or perhaps disabilities but not racial basis. Much like reparations and loan waivers, it is the equivalent of bribing voters, i.e. buying votes.

Many pointed out the blatant hypocrisy in Harris’s pledge regarding the legalization of marijuana. As San Francisco’s district attorney Harris oversaw roughly 1,956 misdemeanor and felony convictions for “marijuana possession, cultivation, or sale, in between 2004 and 2011.

Many called out Harris for dual standards when she joked about smoking marijuana in college.

But hypocrisy isn’t the only issue.

As President Trump pointed out during his debate with Harris, Harris has been Vice President for over three and a half years so far. If she did have these ideas, why aren’t they implemented already?

The initiatives for black Americans are also an admission of the Harris-Biden administration’s failure to create what the liberals love to call an ‘inclusive economy.’

Let’s even assume that Harris had this epiphany about the hardships of African Americans only recently, and was overcome by empathy such that she asked her team to come up with ideas to reach out to the black community.

The question is, why wait till next year and allow more suffering?

Harris seems to forget that her government is in power. If she does care, she could get to work and compel Joe Biden to sign an executive order to make this idea policy.

Since an executive order can be overturned, Harris could urge the Democrats in Congress to pass bills that cover all her proposals.

But nothing of the kind will occur

The fact is that the Democrats do not want to resolve any issues or help African Americans. They merely want to dangle these ideas as bribes in exchange for votes.

If they succeed in this deception and win the election, there will be no action until the next election cycle and the same claims and ideas will be put forth again.

This is what the Democrats have done with most issues they claim matter to them. They will not move a finger to address the issue, they only use it as a scare tactic before any elections. They do this with abortion as well.

It’s impossible to fool all the people all the time. It is good to see African Americans gravitate toward President Trump. They, like most Americans, experienced prosperity due to the strong economy, low inflation, and affordable fuel prices under the Trump administration. They are not falling for the Democrat con again.

Harris needs to be defeated along with her ideas that divide people according to their race and promote victimhood rather than achievement.

Image: AT via Magic Studio

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