January 7, 2025

Photo Credit:

Jim Davis screen grab

Increasing evidence shows that it is either a mental disorder or, even worse, left-wing parents virtue-signaling through their children.

(Trigger Warning: The following essay addresses topics in a blunt and candid way that may make snowflakes cry.)

The Democrat party mantra is that transgenderism is real. “Trans women are women! Trans men are men!” Denying that “lived” experience is a form of genocide. Hogwash. Both expert anecdotes and large-scale research establish that so-called transgenderism is either a mental disorder or, even worse, left-wing parents virtue-signaling through their children.

The following meme, presumably an authentic screenshot of a post on X/Twitter, appeared on a small, private Facebook group, of which this writer is a member. It contains many conservatives and a few lunatics from the left-wing fringe.

<img alt captext="Jim Davis screen grab” src=”https://conservativenewsbriefing.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/so-called-transgenderism-is-a-leftist-malady.jpg” width=”500″>

(Screenshot by Jim Davis)

The lunatics of the left-wing fringe will claim that lefties are more likely to seek out psychiatric help and conservatives are more likely to “cowboy up” and keep their unhealthy feelings bottled inside. They will also point out that this is anecdotal evidence and, therefore, useless. (They have a way of rationalizing everything in a way that ends up being irrational.)

This writer begs to differ. Every participant in every study in any peer-reviewed medical or psychiatric journal is a walking anecdote. If a researcher piles up thousands of such anecdotes and dissects them correctly, applying proper statistical analysis, no one can argue with them. They become “the science.”

Here’s more anecdotal evidence: this writer’s sister is a psychiatric nurse practitioner. She is board-certified, with a DEA license and 35 years of experience. Not only can she counsel patients, but she may also prescribe anything she feels that they need, including narcotics. Her findings over those 35 years are pretty much identical to those of “Mad Johnny.”

In fact, she says the LGBTQ community is loaded with mental illnesses, including personality disorders (PDs) such as narcissistic, sociopathic, Machiavellian, and dissociative, as well as many other disorders, such as depression and anxiety. Alcohol and substance abuse is also rampant in the LGBTQ community.

But she says the most concentrated incidence of mental illnesses and substance abuse is in the transgender and queer subcommunities: the “TQ” in LGBTQ.

“Anecdotal evidence!” the leftists screech. Again, this writer begs to differ. Some anecdotes are more probative than others, particularly when they represent mental health professionals’ overviews of their own patients, acquired over 30-35 years of experience.

Besides, there’s not just one mountain, but a mountain range from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego of peer-reviewed journal articles and other published works by psychiatrists, psychologists, and MDs to support such views. (See, e.g., here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.)

Links between homosexuality, gender dysphoria (for which transgenderism is one of the most extreme manifestations), medical and mental illness, and substance abuse are perhaps the most frequently studied subjects in medical and mental health practice. That’s because, for those professionals, treating LGBTQs is a diamond mine. The articles could fill several sets of encyclopedias.

But perhaps the most illuminating anecdote comes not from a professional but from a comment (whose author shall remain nameless) underneath that “Mad Johnny” Facebook/Twitter meme embedded above:

<img alt captext="Jim Davis screen grab” src=”https://conservativenewsbriefing.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/so-called-transgenderism-is-a-leftist-malady-1.jpg” width=”500″>

(Screenshot by Jim Davis)

Transing [transitioning] kids is just a way for their left-wing parents to demonstrate to their friends that they’re sufficiently left-wing. A virtue signal of sorts. ‘Trophy brides’ and buying an expensive sports car when you hit middle age fall into the same category ….

I look forward to the day when this period is described by medical historians as the Josef Mengele Era of medical and psychiatric care. The entire LGBTQ agenda, 100% accommodated by both medicine and psychiatry, is a massive experiment in ‘give them exactly what they say they want, good AND hard.’

And children are now becoming their guinea pigs.

Yes, it is. It’s all a massive experiment because peer-reviewed longitudinal studies of long-term effects of transgender “treatments,” from puberty blockers to cross-sex hormones to surgery, are conspicuous by their absence. “And children are now becoming their guinea pigs.”

Quite possibly, the most concentrated incidence of LGBTQ identification among children might be the children of left-wing celebrities. Kevin Finn has observed that when exploring the “social contagion” theory of children’s LGBTQ incidence rates:

Celebrities like Charlize Theron and Cher have gay, trans, and non-binary children. Actress Marcia Gay Harden has three! … [W]ondering what the odds are that all three of anyone’s kids would be gay…

Just a couple of days later, the same Facebook commenter quoted above (probably without the benefit of reading Mr. Finn) said this:

Best example I can think of is Megan Fox. She has three boys. All three are now transing (pretending to be girls). Statistically, what are the odds against going 3-for-3 here? I have little doubt that their birthday present, for their 17th birthday, will be cutting their junk off.

This writer would add: what are the odds against Marcia Gay Harden and Megan Fox going 6-for-6? Anyone old enough to have been reading scientific journals in the 1970s can recall that “men who have sex with men” (MSM) were 1.5% of all men, and bisexual women and lesbians were 0.7% of all women. Transgenders were considered an even tinier subset.

Clearly, there’s a mindset in Hollywood that says that the more left-wing you are, the more likely you are to find good-paying work. Just look at what happened to Gina Carano, Kevin Sorbo, Roseanne Barr, and Patricia Heaton after they “came out” as conservatives.

What better way to signal one’s left-wing bona fides than to allow (or even encourage) your child, or all your children, to transition? It certainly guarantees plenty of press coverage.

We’ve known for years that there is no statistically significant difference between suicides and suicide attempts among pre-operative and post-operative transgenders. In other words, it’s not “lifesaving treatment.”

The U.K.’s Cass Report is only the latest bombshell, and it’s hitting LGBTQ ideology with an MIRV load of multiple 100-megaton warheads. But there’s also this from America’s NIH:

Peers, social media, and online communities were influential in the development of transgender identification and desire to transition… [C]ertain beliefs could be spread by peer contagion, including the belief that a wide range of symptoms should be interpreted as gender dysphoria (and proof of being transgender) and the belief that transition is the only solution to relieve distress. The current study supports the potential role of psychosocial factors in the development of gender dysphoria[.]

There’s also this, this, this, and this.

This writer’s application of statistical analysis finds that there’s a lot more left-wing ideology, statistical cherry-picking, and social contagion than true science supporting the transgender fad, just as the Cass Report suggests.

In the same way that one must turn to foreign “news” media to find out what’s actually going on in American politics, one must often turn to foreign peer-reviewed journals to find out what’s going on among American LGBTQs.

As Mr. Finn observed, there’s probably no great difference between Body Identity Dysphoria (BID) and gender dysphoria. However, as I’ve written before, LGBTQ emotional disorders are the one area where the inmates took over the asylum.

It’s time to stop handing out hormones, puberty blockers, and surgeries to support this fad, particularly to minors. This is an area where the Abrahamic God and Mother Nature appear to be 100% in agreement.

Jim Davis is an IT specialist and paralegal, with degrees in political science and statistical analysis: the underpinning of psychiatry and medicine. You can find him as RealProfessor219 on Rumble.

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