They are no longer merely putting masculine and feminine into a gender blender; they're at war with the biological reality of the binary sexes.Transsexual activists managed to interject their propaganda into the second season of Netflix’s Squid Game. A new, major, sympathetic character, Hyun Ju (aka Player 120), is trans-ing. We’re supposed to learn sympathy for the idea that a man who wants to be a woman can do so. After all, they tell us, with the regularity of a clock chime, “Gender is a social construct.” That is meant to confuse and disorient people — like the way the police throw in a “flash bang” grenade into a gang hide-out they are about to raid. Stunned people, who assumed that gender and sex were synonyms, sometimes think, “Oh, then sex is assigned at birth,” and then they are led away as captives to a twisted ideology. This works particularly effectively on the young, who like to think they’ve discovered something new their benighted forebears didn’t know. Don’t be stunned. Realize the trick they’re trying to play on us. They’re trying to get us to accept transsexuality.
Sex is being male or female. Gender is being masculine or feminine. Gender is about dresses or suits and ties, make-up or not, long or short hair. Sex is about chromosomes and private parts. So, gender is to sex like using a fork or chopsticks is to eating. It’s how the culture teaches us to eat or be male or female. Eating is biology. How we eat, with utensils and, if so, what kind, is a product of culture, a “social construct.” In America, we were taught from toddlerhood to use forks. In Korea, they are taught from just as young an age to use chopsticks. One can fluidly go back and forth between the different social constructs. Transgender advocates say this works with gender too. We can go back and forth between “genders,” as we like.
Notice what the transgender zealots are doing, like street-side shell game con artists. They’re hiding the ball. They start by saying that “gender is a social construct,” it’s about wearing lipstick or long hair or a dress and so we can choose to be masculine or feminine or not. Most of us shrug our shoulders and think, “To each his own.” But then they switch to sex, to male and female, having hormones and surgeries to make a male look female, or vice versa, to calling a male a “she.” They started with gender, transvestitism, but then they segue, seamlessly, to having men run in the women’s 100-meter dash, and claiming, as they are now dominating the women, that it’s just a coincidence that these new record-setting “women” were men just last year.
What are they doing? They’re not really talking about gender. They’re talking about sex. They are, in effect, saying that sex is a social construct; that male or female is “assigned at birth”; that we can go back and forth between sexes like we can go back and forth between eating with forks or chopsticks. They’re championing transsexuality. They know that sounds absurd so they try to hide it under “gender” talk.
But if we’re talking about a “social construct,” why are we turning to medicine? No one seeking to “trans” from fork-eating to chop-stick-eating goes to the physician asking for hormones or surgery. “Doctor, make me a chop-stick eater!” If “gender is a social construct” and all the transgenderists only want the freedom to trans, then why does Hyun Ja need to risk his life at the Squid Game in order to get the money to complete his transition? Trans-ing to different “social constructs” doesn’t require a pharmacy or a scalpel. If you really want to “transition” to another gender, go to a traditional “finishing school,” or go to a dude ranch, and learn how to be a lady or a macho man. But that’s not what it’s really about. It’s about transsexuality, really.
Despite the superficially sophisticated rhetoric of gender being distinct from sex, “gender” is used to hide sex, as if biological sex doesn’t exist at all. Now, they’re suggesting, sex is a social construct. They don’t say that so overtly because it’s so brazenly absurd. After all, sexual identity is woven into every cell of our body. One can drug and mutilate a body to make it appear like the opposite sex but one cannot, really, trans from one to another. So, like any good propagandists, they sneak in their essential principle unexamined, unquestioned, just asserted as if it were an obvious reality, like the way Marxists assume that history is purely materialistic and defined by class struggle, rather than overtly defend it; or like Muslims assume that Mohammed was a prophet, and not a libidinous, demented Arabian merchant ignorant of basic Biblical facts. Transgender propagandists assume — rather than prove — that sexual identity is like uniforms athletes put on. It can be changed.
Thus, dependent on an absurdity, it must not be exposed. Hence, “transgenderism” depends on oppression. Facebook suspended me for a month for having the temerity to post, in response to a question as to what 1 Peter 3:7 means by calling women “the weaker sex,” simply, “Women are weaker than men.” Elon Musk’s reformation of X has now allowed more freedom online, and Mr. Trump’s regaining the presidency may mean a restoration of sanity, but let’s not forget what we’re up against. They are no longer merely putting masculine and feminine into a gender blender. They’re at war with the biological reality of the binary sexes. They’ll push it at every occasion they can get, even hijacking the sequel of a popular series. We’re up against people who have embraced the absurdity of transsexuality.
John B. Carpenter (@CovenantReform2), Ph.D., is pastor of Covenant Reformed Baptist Church and the author of Seven Pillars of a Biblical Church (Wipf & Stock, 2022) and the Covenant Caswell substack. This article continues the argument of “The Transgender Bait and Switch” (Theopolis, 3-22-22).
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