Gage Skidmore
Just what was the Democrat (and Mitch McConnell) problem with Secretary Hegseth?To me, whenever all the Democrats line up united on an issue, as the Democratic Party senators did for the vote on the nomination of Pete Hegseth for Secretary of Defense, I always have a question. And that’s different from the question of why a guy like Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) would vote with the Democrats.
Just what was their problem with Secretary Hegseth? I mean, it’s not as if he’s going to blow up the Department of Defense and replace Boeing and Lockheed with a brilliant Elon Musk startup and compromise all the senators’ contributions from defense contractors. Seriously: how long do you think it would take Elon Musk to produce a world-beating fighter jet from a standing start? Okay, okay, I know. Elon wouldn’t do that. He would repurpose his Starlink satellites to confuse the radar of the enemy’s planes so that they would shoot each other down.
So what was the problem?
I got the sexual allegations against nominee Clarence Thomas back in 1991. Supreme Court justices get to move the needle, and I am sure that if our Democratic friends knew what Thomas would become in his more than 30 years on the court, they would have found a better accuser than Anita Hill. Sexual allegations are much simpler than an open discussion of the issues.
And I got the sexual allegations against nominee Brett Kavanaugh in 2018. Not another conservative on the Supreme Court! Inconceivable! Sexual allegations are much simpler than an open discussion of the issues.
So what was the problem with Hegseth?
Here are two ideas. First, the Democrats are the Inner Party. When you are the Inner Party, you get to flood the zone with sexual allegations and don’t you forget it. Second, it is much easier to blacken a candidate with sexual allegations than with a campaign based on the issues. However, experts agree, a Nazi salute beats a sexual allegation hands down.
But whatabout Sen. McConnell? What was his problem? Just tit-for-tat, or something bigger? Sens. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Susan Collins (R-ME) are easier to understand. Girl senators gotta go with the cool girls, and all the cool girls are Democrats.
<img alt captext="Gage Skidmore” class=”post-image-right” src=”https://conservativenewsbriefing.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/what-was-the-real-problem-with-pete-hegseth.jpg” width=”450″>So what was the problem with Pete Hegseth? Here’s one idea. Pete Hegseth has spent the last several years representing veterans groups. And according to Wikipedia, his work was a total failure when he wasn’t mismanaging the funds or spending money on parties.
Let us propose that government spending is all about servicing your supporters, per Nazi jurist Carl Schmitt. So government in general is there to provide jobs for Barnacles and Stiltstockings as described by Charles Dickens way back in 1857.
According to this notion the State Department is there to hand out jobs to educated foreign policy analysts. Environmental programs are there to provide jobs for educated environmentalists. Grants to NGOs are there to provide jobs for lefty activists. Grants to universities are there to provide jobs for lefty academics.
So, the Department of Defense is there to hand out goodies to war fighters and veterans. What! You mean funding racist rednecks from Appalachia? You mean training young men in toxic masculinity?
So maybe that’s why our Democratic friends were so outraged by the nomination of Pete Hegseth to be Secretary of Defense. He’s not going to send money to Democratic supporters like the rest of the federal government.
Of course, it could be that the Democratic Party’s war on Pete Hegseth was a result of careful expert analysis of his 2020 book American Crusade: Our Fight to Stay Free. Here is a quote:
NATO is not an alliance; it’s a defense arrangement for Europe, paid for and underwritten by the United States [and it should be] scrapped and remade in order for freedom to be truly defended.
And this quote from the UK Guardian:
The defense of Europe is not our problem; been there, done that, twice.
Fact checkers here! The first time we went to Europe we backed one set of European states against the other. And then we signed off on punitive reparations on Germany that set up World War II.
Okay. Now I understand what all the fuss is about, and why Sen. McConnell voted against him. The only thing that shocks me is that we do not yet have a letter signed by 51 former intelligence officials casting doubt on Hegseth’s Christian faith.
All the Democrats and three RINO senators voted against Pete Hegseth because NATO. And it’s much easier to concoct sexual allegations than have an open debate about the relevance of NATO in the 21st century.
No president has had the cojones to say that since the fall of the Soviet Union we don’t need no stinkin’ NATO. Even Donald Trump has skated on the issue.
Until he appointed Pete Hegseth as Secretary of Defense.
Christopher Chantrill @chrischantrill blogs at The Commoner Manifesto and runs the go-to site on US government finances, usgovernmentspending.com. Also get his American Manifesto and his Road to the Middle Class.
Image: Gage Skidmore