March 5, 2025

Photo Credit:Trump official photo

the white house via picryl pub domain

The roar you hear is the sound of the pumps that President Trump is using to drain the Swamp. 

The roar you hear is the sound of the pumps that President Trump is using to drain the Swamp. The horrific disturbance echoing through Washington is the wailing of Democrats coming to the aid of the administrative state. Politicians in both parties, the uniparty, participated or stood by passively while vast sums of money were spent to develop and maintain the inefficient, bloated, regulation regurgitating, red-tape dispensing monolith we know as the bureaucracy.

During the election campaign, President Trump committed to reining in wasteful federal spending, cut costly and burdensome regulation, restore law and order, stop woke and weaponized government, and take a common sense approach to government. The only way he can fulfill his commitment is to reform the administrative state. Democrats will fight tooth and nail to save the bureaucracy. They have used the agencies and bureaus of the executive branch to pursue their agenda, dispense propaganda, and harass their opponents.

The FBI and other federal bureaus and agencies colluded with the Democrat Party to take down Trump. Hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent by the administrative state and Democrats to defeat, impeach, and imprison President Trump. Government agencies also undermine the security and interests of the American people.

Progressives of the early 20th century gave birth to government bureaucracy as we know it today. They passed the 16th amendment, imposing an income tax on the American people in 1913. Government spending rose from $715 million in 1913 to $5.1 billion in 1921. Expansive government has been pushed on Americans with catchy branding like the New Deal, Great Society, and Green New Deal. In 1900 there were six government agencies. Today there are fifteen.

In 2024 the federal government spent $6.75 trillion with a deficit of $1.83 trillion. The cost to finance the country’s debt, which exceeds $36 trillion, is the third largest outlay of the budget behind Social Security and health care. The American people can no longer afford the size and scope of their government.

Regulations cost Americans between $2 and $3 trillion dollars annually. This is a hidden tax levied by government bureaucracy. Regulations permeate every sector of the economy and every aspect of society. Modest regulation and some government services are helpful, but monolithic bureaucracy removes the people’s liberty while it drains their treasury. President Reagan famously said, “Government is not the solution to the problem: government is the problem.” The people elected President Trump to solve the problems inspired by government.

Since the inauguration, Trump has fired numerous federal employees in moves that Politico calls an “extraordinary purge of officials Donald Trump has deemed adversarial to his interests. In recent days, the administration initiated a major reshuffling at the FBI, and last week, Trump fired numerous inspectors general across the federal government.” President Trump has identified federal employees who would undermine his agenda and dismissed them. This is neither extraordinary nor a purge. He is draining the Swamp.

<img alt="Trump official photo" captext="the white house via picryl pub domain” class=”post-image-right” src=”” width=”450″>The administrative state is part of the executive branch. President Trump has issued dozens of Executive Orders that will reduce the cost and diminish the authority of the bureaucracy. The president is responsible and accountable for the management of the Executive Branch and the employees that work there. Cost reduction efforts and efficient management may reduce the number of government workers needed. Some may be laid off. If government workers undermine the policies of the president, they should be fired.

On January 27th President Trump placed a general freeze on government spending. Numerous state attorney generals filed motions to counter this cost-reduction effort. Judges in two federal courts paused the freeze, which Trump has since rescinded. The Congress has constitutional authority for funding the government. The president has no authority to reduce or remove funding if it is directed by the Congress to specific programs. Some legislation provides funding to executive agencies which have latitude to spend the money to meet legislative requirements. It is perfectly reasonable for the president to direct executive agencies how to spend this money.

An example of this is the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) which funds non-government organizations (NGOs) to settle unaccompanied migrant minors. Illegal immigration has been a bonanza for NGOs. The presidents of three of these NGOs — Southwest Key Programs, Endeavors Inc., and Global Refuge — have annual salaries that range between $200,000 and $1,000,000. Their services include therapies involving pets, music, and horticulture. The Biden Administration has awarded tens of billions of dollars to these organizations. The Free Press quoted Charles Marino, a former adviser to the Obama Administration: “The amount of taxpayer money they are getting is obscene. We’re going to find that the waste, fraud, and abuse of taxpayer money will rival what we saw with the Covid federal money.” Hundreds of thousands of these children aren’t accounted for and have unknown fates which may include child labor or sex trafficking. It would be irresponsible for President Trump to continue this wasteful spending.

The Biden Administration made diversity the primary consideration in government hiring decisions. Biden forced the bureaucracy to establish “a government-wide initiative to advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) in all parts of the Federal workforce.” This included, “directing all Federal agencies to expand the availability of DEIA training for their workforce, so that Federal employees are supported in building skillsets to promote respectful and inclusive workplaces and have increased understanding of implicit and unconscious bias.” Our tax dollars were used to convince federal workers, and implicitly the American people, that they harbored a variety of unconscious biases that manifested in a fusion of racism, misogyny, and phobias aimed at the Democrat victim-of-the-month. Only Sigmund Freud or Joseph Goebbels could understand the psychological impact of this propaganda. Both are unavailable for comment.

The federal bureaucracy is a giant octopus submerged in the murky waters of the Swamp. Its tentacles are the federal agencies that extend to communities all over the country delivering money and authority to a plethora of organizations which serve as extensions of the swamp. Democrats are telling us that Trump is an authoritarian, a Nazi, dictating destruction of the administrative state, removing the warm embrace of government. These politicians are suction cups on the tentacles of the octopus, clinging to the people, dragging them into the Swamp. President Biden created executive orders that cost Americans more than $2 trillion. Trump is working to undo these frivolous actions by reducing the scope, size, and cost of a government the people can no longer afford. If a president has authority to execute frivolous executive orders, another president certainly has authority to reverse them and return a commonsense approach to government.

Image: White House

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