February 22, 2025

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Public domain

Gaza belongs to the Jewish state, and it needs to reintegrate Gaza as a Jewish region that is an integral part of greater Israel.

According to 1945’s founding Charter of the United Nations, which preserved the Palestine Mandate of 1922 from the defunct League of Nations, the Gaza Strip, two dozen miles of beachfront property, belongs to the Jews, who are cited four times in a text that never mentioned any “Palestinians.”

Indeed, the Gaza Strip never existed in thousands of years of recorded history until modern Israel’s War of Independence (1948-49). Then, the Egyptian army invaded up the coast, heading for Tel-Aviv to steal it from the Jews, but was stopped by the heroics of the neonate Israelis at Kibbutz Mordechai.

During the fighting, many of the Arab migrant workers from all over Araby in Mandatory Palestine ran from the violence behind Arab lines. They were able to do so because, as migrant laborers with no immovable property to defend, they expected that, in a few days, the five Arab armies would murder all the Jews, and they could return to loot the wealth the Zionists had created—just as happened on October 7, 2023, when the 3,000 Hamas rapists and mutilators who invaded Israel’s Gaza envelope communities were followed by thousands of “innocent Palestinian civilians” to loot the wrecked and blood-splattered Jewish homes.

At war’s end, some 200,000 of these non-Palestinian foreign workers had run behind the Egyptian column, and when the Israeli-Egyptian ceasefire kicked in, they found themselves marooned. A line was drawn around the stalled army and the workers, and, Voila! the Gaza Strip was born.

<img alt captext="Public domain” src=”https://conservativenewsbriefing.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/president-trump-is-wrong-on-gaza.jpg”>

Image: The Bibas children—Gazan targets. Public domain.

That, however, did not invalidate the UN Charter’s recognition of this real estate as Jewish property, so the otherwise splendid friend of Israel, President Trump, does not have the right to own it and do whatever he wants with it. And no less, the prime minister of Israel and his government have no right to hand it over to him. Only the Knesset has the right to cede any of the Promised Land to non-Israelis.

The president, builder of gambling casinos and golf clubs, speaks of creating a new Riviera, but if that means gambling casinos, this Israeli Jew says, “No thanks.” There is psychiatric research on compulsive gamblers, showing an unusual percentage of them to be Jews. During the heyday of the bloody fake Oslo Peace Process, the PLO built a casino in Jericho and ran a free bus service from Tel-Aviv to it that never lacked compulsive Israeli gambler-passengers.

The president’s vision has also included a renewed presence of hundreds of thousands of Muslims whom he wants to temporarily re-settle elsewhere when it would be preferable to have a total ban on any returning. This is for the simple reason that Muslims have a dreadful record of murdering Jews. A reborn Jewish Gaza deserves to be as Arab-free as Yair Lapid’s North Tel Aviv. So long as there is a sizeable population of Muslims in Gaza, there will always be a percentage who will want to murder Israeli Jews.

Israel has the right, based on the authority of the United Nations Charter, to keep Gaza and, per historic custom, the right to the spoils of war, especially in a war of self-defense.

Israelis have been scratching their heads for months over the future of the Gaza Strip after Hamas is destroyed, including what kind of government will administer it. There is no reason why Israel claiming the entirety of the Gaza Strip as rightfully Israeli territory, with the right not to tolerate in it an enemy people whose religion glorifies murdering Jews, shouldn’t be one possibility.

As Daniel Greenfield has remarked, no one questions the rightness of the TSS (To-State Solution), a.k.a. creating a “Palestinian” state, which requires half a million Jews to abandon their homes and find someplace else to live. However, when the idea is to ask the two million Muslims in Gaza to go live someplace else, the woke get a case of the vapors, spitting out words like “Racism! Fascism! the Settler Colonialism of Zio-Nazis! Imperialists committing genocide!”

If there can be any benefit from the events of Oct. 7, 2023, it must be that the world was educated about the behavior of members of the Muslim Brotherhood and thousands of non-members. It was proof that these Arab Muslims in Gaza are enemies of humanity who must be stood up to and suppressed mercilessly.

The people in Gaza, in their herd-like majority, have supported Hamas. For that, they are all guilty of satanic cruelty to others. That nightmare of a day saw these Arab Muslims on fire with hatred and ecstatic joy in torturing and raping, burning people alive, raping mommies in front of their little daughters, raping little daughters in front of their mommies, beheading babies…

These are crimes against humanity, behaviors even their predecessors in insane Jew-hatred, the Nazis, did not practice. These Gazans deserve nothing from the world community, for their hatred of Jews has been a way of life and a livelihood.

UNRWA was funded primarily by the U.S. and the West Europeans—the same Europeans with their thousands of years of antisemitic persecution. Post-Holocaust, when public Jew-hatred went out of fashion, a substitute became the cause of the “Palestinians,” a narrative that claimed those allegedly innocent indigenes, who had nothing to do with the Holocaust, were made to pay for it when the UN licensed the Jews to steal Palestine from them in compensation for the Holocaust.

It’s worth noting that many Muslims, and not just the crackpot fringe, believe the Holocaust never happened. The President of Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas, received a PhD from the antisemitic Soviets for his dissertation for “proving” the Holocaust never happened. If Adolf Hitler was a madman for his delusions of Jewish malevolence, so is the president today of the phantom “Palestinians” no less a lunatic.

The righteous response to the events of October 7, 2023, is the common resolution to wars in history: “To the victor go the spoils.” For example, the denouement to the American Revolution, the Peace Treaty of 1783, saw the British ceding a vast expanse of land west of the Appalachian Mountain chain to the Mississippi River that, over time, blossomed into the eight states of the American Midwest: Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, and Minnesota, and eventually Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, and Mississippi.

In 1848, after two years of war, the United States kept a third of Mexico, more than a half-million square miles, land for the future states of New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, California (all Spanish names), and part of the future Utah—that is, territory extending westward from the Rio Grande to the Pacific Ocean. So, what would be so terrible if little Israel today gets to keep the little Gaza Strip?

It is only 25 miles long and 5-8 miles wide. What’s the big deal?

Sha’i ben-Tekoa’s PHANTOM NATION: Inventing the “Palestinians” as the Obstacle to Peace is available at Amazon.com in hard cover or a Kindle ebook. His podcasts can be heard on www.phantom-nation.com.

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