March 12, 2025

Photo Credit:

Michael Foran

While Democrats keep their eyes firmly focused on imaginary “white supremacy,” a real, dangerous, and very active enemy is lurking.

In his inaugural speech as president, Joe Biden said, “The dream of justice for all will be deferred no longer,” adding that it faced “a rise in political extremism, white supremacy, [and] domestic terrorism…” That might have been the first symptom of his dementia.

“White supremacy?” Biden and I are about the same age, and here he seems to have forgotten the 1960s, with its race riots, Freedom Rides, Selma, and new civil rights legislation that truly succeeded in dramatically changing the nation.

Both he and I were born when there was not one black in Major League Baseball and there were none in the National Basketball Association until 1950.

Today, it is perfectly normal when watching professional football to see a great catch in the end zone followed by both white and black players joyously jumping all over each other.

<img alt captext="Michael Foran” src=””>

Image by Michael Foran. CC BY 2.0.

What was Joe Biden thinking when he singled out “white supremacy” as a major threat to America? Who was preaching this belief? What organizations were calling for the reinstitution of skin-color segregation, and never mind that in no one’s memory had there been a terror massacre perpetrated by racists?

But there have been numerous horrors proudly claimed by Believers in the One True Faith. His words came after the bombing of Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland; after the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, after the Boston Marathon, Ft. Hood, Chattanooga, and two decades after 9-11.

Thankfully, Tulsi Gabbard, Trump’s new Director of National Intelligence, has fingered the most urgent national security threat to be not “white supremacy” but “Radical Islamist Terrorism.” However, even this description is three times in error.

1) “Radical” comes from the Latin radix meaning “root.” In common speech, it has unfortunately come to connote something out there on the fringes, when its original meaning suggests the opposite; a person closest to the root of his community. In the case of America’s enemy overseas and at home, e.g., New Orleans this new year, the community is Islam. The “radicals” are the most authentic representation of the Islamic persuasion. Yes, most Muslims are not terrorists, but most applaud them.

2) “Islamist” and “Islamism” are words that have corrupted thought. They were invented by non-Muslim, Western academics for reasons presumably personal and/or political, possibly to protect the academics’ bread-and-butter profession, the study of Islam, whose potentates hand out generous research grants for favorable coverage of the faith. Seemingly, these neologisms arose to insulate Islam from any connection to the horrors of its devotees who savage the world with their endless atrocities.

“Islamism” wants to suggest there is a mainstream Islam, and then there are those unrepresentative, violent “Islamists.” Didn’t President Bush, 43, say after 9-11, that “Islam is a religion of peace”? In effect, these non-Muslim academics “invented” functionally a new sect, when Muslims themselves never use these terms.

3) “Terrorism,” when analyzed, is also less than satisfactory. “Terror” is an emotion, and so-called Muslim terrorists are primarily motivated not by wanting to cause great fear. Their primary drive is to murder infidels who, of course, when dead, experience no fear. And in fact, no so-called terror organization preaches “terrorism” as its ideology. The Muslims’ ideology is their religion.

And not only do Muslims never use the term Islamism, over fourteen centuries of conquering Islam, none of its victims did either. They just called their invaders Muslims.

9-11 is seen as the quintessential act of Muslim mass murder, though 10-7 (October 7, 2023) included horrors even 9-11 did not e.g. mass rape, kidnapping, starvation, torture, mutilation, and infanticide. And there are now UNICEF reports out of Sudan and its latest iteration of tribal war where infants are being raped.

No, the perpetrators of both 9-11 and 10-7 were Muslims on fire with the beliefs of their faith, which they do not call “Radical Islamist Terrorism.” And in both of the above atrocities, at the heart of the perpetrators’ passion was a satanic hatred of Jews. That’s unsurprising because Islam is nothing but Judaism plagiarized, purloined, and perverted. The Koran is an antisemitic tract.

Indeed, although 10-7 is called the worst antisemitic attack since the Holocaust, 9-11 might also deserve that distinction. After his monstrous crime, Osama bin Laden published an explanation for what he did. The essay, which appeared in an Arabic newspaper, was entitled, “Letter to America,” and began with hostility to the United States for its support of Israel.

Bin Laden wrote to Americans,

Why are we fighting and opposing you? The answer is very simple:

(1) Because you attacked us and continue to attack us.

a) You attacked us in Palestine:


(i)… The creation and continuation of Israel is one of the greatest crimes, and you are the leaders of its criminals…


(ii) It brings us both laughter and tears to see that you have not yet tired of repeating your fabricated lies that the Jews have a historical right to Palestine, as it was promised to them in the Torah. Anyone who disputes with them on this alleged fact is accused of antisemitism. This is one of the most fallacious, widely-circulated fabrications in history…” (Emphasis added.)

This is basic Islamic doctrine: Muslims claim that the Jews’ Torah is a corrupt, plagiarized version of the Koran, and the Jewish claim to thousands of years of national life in Palestine a fiction.

Most famously, the Torah records that Abraham bound his second son Isaac for a sacrifice on the future Temple Mount in Jerusalem, when the Muslim Hadith says the son chosen was Isma’il, and it happened in Mecca.

The Koran also contains dozens of other Biblical Israelites whose stories are re-told and altered. When a Muslim is asked to explain the discrepancies between the narratives, he says the Jews stole theirs from Islam. And never mind the Biblical canon was closed about a thousand years before Muhammad was born; Muslims have a fairy tale explanation for that too.

Muslims in Israel have recently favored the terror M.O. of driving a car into a clutch of Jews waiting at a bus stop, then jumping out with a knife to stab those still alive, shouting “Allahu Akbar!” And there is no record of any of these homicidal-suicidal assassins ever shouting, “Long Live Palestine!”

As bin Laden explained, the endless bloodshed and ghoulish violence is a war against America and Israel, albeit not a normal one. It is the jihad, a religious war. 9-11 was simultaneously against both countries and had nothing to do with statehood for any “Palestinians,” whose “existence” is an antisemitic myth, a verbal hologram which is something that appears to be there but really isn’t.

Since October 2023, after sixteen months of monstrous Islamic cruelty; after their rape, starvation, and strangulation of Jewish babies, world anti-Israelites remain obsessed with how to help the “Palestinian refugees,” and never mind there is nothing Palestinian about these people and none of them was ever a refugee.

Hamas is the Muslim Brotherhood, founded in 1928 and having nothing to do with alleged “Palestinian” national aspirations.

Enough. The enemy is not “Radical Islamist Terrorism.” It is Islam, plain and simple, that targets Americans for their support of the Jews. The Muslims own 56 officially Muslim states. It is time for these states to take care of their fellow Believers in the One True Faith, now in need of resettlement after they made the Israelis destroy their homes in Gaza.

Sha’i ben-Tekoa’s PHANTOM NATION: Inventing the “Palestinians” as the Obstacle to Peace is available at in hard cover or a Kindle ebook. His podcasts can be heard on

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